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Rant: Suicide..

Rant: Suicide..Posted:

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What are your thoughts on suicide

Suicide was once a taboo at one point but now suicide is very common
A few facts
In 2005 there where over 400,000 suicides every year in the world
Now roughly there are 800,000 to 1 Million suicides every year in the world
making it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide

these facts could be incorrect this was Google searched If correct suicide rates have doubled

but what has changed since now and then that has caused this increase write your ideas bellow or even research

Btw I'm not Religious and I have attempted suicide twice before due to depression

Thanks for reading this!

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The reason it's becoming more common is because more people are moving away from religion. It's taboo to religious people, so they just deal with everything for fear of not getting to Heaven or whatever their promise land may be. People not of religion don't see it as taboo. It's still sad and everything, but they just don't see any consequences in it other than dying. I really hate to bring religion into it, but that is the reason why (at least a big reason why.)
#3. Posted:
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For the most part i agree with Yin !..,But there is another reason too.
Drugs and how easy it is to obtain them in this day and age.
99% of all suicide attempts are people overdosing on pharmaceutical drugs that they have either bought at a chemist/pharmacist or have been subscribed by a doctor.
On the whole it's to easy for people who want out.
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It's horrible how people commit suicide, they all have a full life to live and generally a bright future. It needs to stop its a serious topic.

#5. Posted:
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I think the main two causes are drugs and bullying.

People get too hooked on drugs that they end up killing themselves.

Too much bullying is going on these days and some kids feel like they can't take it any more.
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I Think weak people do this because it's the easy way out

i Hate it
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Don't get me wrong here, but I think committing suicide is selfish and taking "the easy way out". It's terrible though, I lost a really close friend I grew up with as a child, last year. He was the happiest guy I knew and everyone loved him and loved being around him. But one day I heard he just ended it all, and jumped. I won't go into detail where and how and when, but it was terrible. I was left in shock. He was the last person is ever think about to commit suicide. Nobody knows why he did it either.

I live in a small town, and know a kid, who was 14 years old, a freshman in high school, that killed himself. Kids say he was bullied but I never heard of anything happen to him in the past.

Suicide is a terrible matter, but if someone feels the need to leave their loved ones in grief by killing themselves over something that could easily be resolved or talked out, that's just selfish.

But my thoughts and prayers go out to the people and families who lost someone to suicide. May they rest in peace and God bless.

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In all honesty suicide is pathetic. People may think suicide is the only way out and will end all problems. They must not think of the pain and suffering that their family and friends will have. Suicide is cowardly and selfish. If you can't handle being bullied, either stand up for yourself or when in doubt tell someone.
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Suicide is a sad thing. I think the increased rates are from A. more people on the plant so more suicide, B. The move away from religion as people are finally coming out to be realistic and stop with all that gibberish.
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XxKleShayxX wrote In all honesty suicide is pathetic. People may think suicide is the only way out and will end all problems. They must not think of the pain and suffering that their family and friends will have. Suicide is cowardly and selfish. If you can't handle being bullied, either stand up for yourself or when in doubt tell someone.

That's the thing. They don't know who they are hurting. They are in that situation because they feel no one cares and that them committing suicide is the best for everyone. It's not selfish since they truly believe they are helping everyone.
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