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Born with no senses

Born with no sensesPosted:

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Let us say that a baby is born into the world under the following conditions:
No senses: No vision, No feeling, No hearing, No taste, No smell.
The baby has never had these senses, even in the uterus.
The baby is given essentials to survive: oxygen, food, water, shelter, medical care...

So to get a more clear picture, it's kind of like the baby is suspended in space.
There is nothing but blackness.
No ability feel surrounding objects.
No ability to sense it's breathing, feel its insides, smell the world.
No knowing where they moved a particular body part.

The questions:
Could the baby think?
Would the baby have feelings, such as happiness or sadness?

Just a thought that came to mind, it's probably unanswerable.

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I don't think that anyone has ever been born this way, and if they have then death is obviously the best option, because it's sort of like an endless torture. Although it would be interesting to see how their minds developed, they would probably have their own world in their mind.
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These are the seven activities of all living things:

If it doesn't have any senses than is it really considered alive?
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SasukeUzamaki wrote These are the seven activities of all living things:

If it doesn't have any senses than is it really considered alive?

It's bodily functions work fine, it has a heartbeat, it can move, it can digest food and excrete.
It is alive in that sense, but do you only consider something truly alive when it can sense its existence?
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well, would it not just have died in birth because it would not be able to breath... if you can't feel the pain of not breathing, then what is making you breath.

i doubt it could survive in a state like that.
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If it can't sense anything, then it wouldn't learn anything, so in that case I don't know if it would think.

If someone was born with no senses, I can't help but say that they would be pointless, sadly enough.


If it were able to think then would it dream?
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XeXTwix wrote well, would it not just have died in birth because it would not be able to breath... if you can't feel the pain of not breathing, then what is making you breath.

i doubt it could survive in a state like that.

do you feel pain when you breathe sir? maybe you should go to a doctor...
of course the baby would be alive!!!
he or she would most likely grow up living a life in there mind. they would live there life active in there mind and they would create time in there head, they would know around about when they are going to recieve food. they would most likely have tubes to feed them though due to the lack of sense of touch they would choke. it would have feelings of course. they would dream there world and that dream would be there reality. just because it is disabled does not mean it is not a human being. every life/ organism deserves a chance in life. just because you see it impossible to live without your senses etc doesn't mean that another organism or person would feel the same. if you are not born with these kind of key features for a human being then your not going to miss them are you.
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Any parent who had any sense what so ever would know that keeping the child alive would be pointless because a life without senses would truly just be torture. It would be better for the child to (in lack of a better term) put down, so it would not have to live that life.
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drak wrote Any parent who had any sense what so ever would know that keeping the child alive would be pointless because a life without senses would truly just be torture. It would be better for the child to (in lack of a better term) put down, so it would not have to live that life.

then again you could actually let it grow and use its organs on some one who needs them.
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I'm surprised about this, because I was talking about this to my friend today, but I doubt it could know it was thinking, but for the best explanation I guess it would be like a plant, it's living but does all the natural things but doesn't know it's doing it.
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