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[UPDATE] How to Mod Your Gamerscore [Working July 2013]
[UPDATE] How to Mod Your Gamerscore [Working July 2013]Posted:
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This tutorial was made by me, Zinx
The following things you will need will be below.
Before we begin when modding your gamerscore DO NOT mod all your games at once. Use the "Game Adder" tool. Details are below. There is still a risk of being banned like with any mod, do it at your own risk.
Modio 4 BETA: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Le fluffie 2013: Downloads/id=832/ (Credit to "Sean" for submitting the download)
Le fluffie 2013: Downloads/id=832/ (Credit to "Sean" for submitting the download)
If you could keep this topic alive I would really appreciate it because this took me a long time, thanks.
Game Adder
When using the game adder you will need a codes to unlock achievements for each game. Codes are below.
- All 100% Arcade & 360 Games : - 481 Games : 414B07D1 415407D1 415407D3 415607D1 415607D2 415607D3 415607D4 415607D9 415607DA 415607DB 415607DC 415607DD 415607DE 415607DF 415607E0 415607E1 415607E2 415607E4 415607E5 415607E6 415607E7 415607E8 415607EB 415607F0 415607F1 415607F2 415607F5 415607F7 415607FA 415607FF 41560817 415707D1 415707D2 415707D4 415807D5 415907D5 415907D8 424107D6 424107DC 424507D1 424907D1 425307D1 425307D2 425307D5 425307DB 425407D1 425407D4 425607D1 425607D3 425607D4 425607D9 425607DB 425607DE 425607E0 425607E6 425607E8 425607E9 434107D3 434307D2 434307D3 434307D4 434307DD 434307DE 434307DF 434307E1 434307E6 434D07D2 434D07D5 434D07D8 434D07DB 434D07DE 434D07E0 434D07E9 434D07FF 434D0801 434D0802 434D0806 434D0808 434D0809 434D080D 434D0811 434D0819 434D0822 434D082B 435607D1 444507D3 445007D2 445007D3 445007D4 445007EA 445007EB 445407D1 445407D3 445407D6 454107D2 454107D6 454107D7 454107D8 454107D9 454107DB 454107DC 454107DE 454107DF 454107E6 454107E8 454107E9 454107EB 454107EC 454107ED 454107EE 454107EF 454107F1 454107F2 454107F3 454107F4 454107F6 454107F7 454107F8 454107F9 454107FA 454108A4 454108AD 454108B1 454108B4 454108BC 454108C0 454108C5 454108C6 454108CE 454108CF 454108D4 454108D8 454108D9 454D07D2 455607D3 455607D5 464F07D1 465307D1 465307D3 465307D7 465307D9 465307DA 474507D1 474507D2 475007D2 475007D3 475007D4 475007D5 475207D1 475707D1 485507D2 485507D3 485507D4 494607D1 494607D3 494607D5 494607D6 494707D1 494707D4 494707DB 494707E1 494707E2 494707E4 494707EE 494707F2 494707F4 4B4D07D1 4B4D07D8 4B4E07D1 4B4E07D3 4B4E07D4 4B4E07DA 4B4E07DC 4B4E07E0 4B4E07E5 4B4E07E6 4B4E07E7 4B4E07E8 4B4E07E9 4B4F07D5 4B4F07D6 4B4F07D7 4B4F07D8 4B4F07D9 4B4F07DF 4B4F07E0 4B4F07E1 4B4F07E3 4B4F07E4 4B4F07E7 4C4107D1 4C4107D2 4C4107D4 4C4107D6 4C4107D7 4C4107DF 4C4107E2 4C5307D1 4C5307D3 4C5307D4 4D4A07D5 4D5307D1 4D5307D2 4D5307D3 4D5307D4 4D5307D5 4D5307D6 4D5307DB 4D5307DC 4D5307DE 4D5307DF 4D5307E6 4D5307E8 4D5307EA 4D5307ED 4D5307F1 4D5307F2 4D5307F9 4D5307FA 4D530808 4D530819 4D53082D 4D530832 4D530842 4D53084D 4D53085F 4D530860 4D530877 4D538801 4D538802 4D538803 4D5707D2 4D5707D4 4D5707D6 4D5707D7 4D5707D9 4D5707DA 4D5707DB 4D5707DF 4D5707E5 4D5707E8 4D5707E9 4E4D07D1 4E4D07D3 4E4D07D5 4E4D07D6 4E4D07D8 4E4D07DC 4E4D07DE 4E4D07DF 4E4D07E0 4E4D07E2 4E4D07E4 4E4D07E5 4E4D07E9 4E4D07EA 4E4D07ED 4E4D07FB 4E4D07FC 4E4D0800 4E4D0803 4E4D080B 4E4D080C 4E4D87E6 4F5807D1 504307D4 505407D2 524C07D1 524C07D2 534307D3 534307D4 534307E0 534307E2 534307E4 534307E5 534307E9 534307EA 534307EC 534307EF 534307F6 534407F4 534407F5 534407F6 534407F7 534407FA 534507D1 534507D2 534507D4 534507D5 534507D6 534507DD 534507DF 534507E0 534507E1 534507E3 534507E5 534507E6 534507E7 534507ED 534507EE 534507EF 534507F0 534507F1 534507F2 534507F4 534507F5 534E07D2 535007D1 535007D4 535007DF 535007E5 535107D4 535107DA 535107DB 535107DD 535507D1 535507D2 535507D4 544307D1 544307D2 544307D5 544707D1 544907D1 544F07D1 545107D1 545107D2 545107D4 545107D5 545107D7 545107D8 545107DA 545107DE 545107E0 545107E1 545107E6 545107EA 545107EF 545107F1 545107F3 545107F4 545107F6 545107FC 545107FE 545407D2 545407D3 545407D4 545407D5 545407D8 545407DC 545407DF 545407E0 545407E2 545407E3 545407E4 545407E5 545407E7 545407EB 545407EE 545407EF 545407F1 545407F2 545407F8 545407FA 545407FD 545407FF 554F07D3 555307D3 555307D4 555307D5 555307D6 555307D7 555307DB 555307DC 555307E0 555307E5 555307E6 555307E8 555307EA 555307EE 555307F0 555307F3 555307F8 575207DE 575287EA 584107D1 584107D2 584107D3 584107D5 584107D7 584107D8 584107DA 584107DB 584107DD 584107DE 584107DF 584107E0 584107E1 584107E2 584107E4 584107E5 584107E7 584107E9 584107EA 584107EC 584107ED 584107EE 584107EF 584107F0 584107F1 584107F2 584107F3 584107F4 584107F5 584107F6 584107F7 584107F8 584107FE 584108A1 584108A4 584108A5 584108A6 584108A7 584108A8 584108AA 584108AB 584108AC 584108AD 584108AE 584108B3 584108B7 584108B8 584108BB 584108BC 584108C2 584108C3 584108CE 584108CF 584108D0 584108D1 584108D3 584108DB 584108DC 584108DD 584108EF 584108F0 584108F3 584108F6 584108F9 58410900 594B07D1
First insert your usb into your Xbox
Then go on to your Xbox and select "System settings" that feature is on the dashboard.
Now click "Storage" then select your storage device that you use.
Click gamerprofiles then find your gamerprofile and select it.
Click move (This will now move the gamerprfile to your Usb device)
Now put your Usb into your PC
Open up Modio and select "Explore my device"
Keep clicking through until you reach your profile.
Now drag your profile to your desktop.
Next open up Le fluffie
Once it has loaded up click "Open" and find your profile which will be on your desktop.
Once its been selected your profile should of now loaded up on Le fluffie, all of your
profile stats should be visible.
Next to where your games are there should be a button named "Unlock all". Select it.
Next select the "security tab" and click the button which says "Fix"
Now once your achievements have been unlocked close the program and head over to Modio
Click open a save on modio then find your profile.
Once your profile has loaded up simply click save to device.
Place your USB back into your xbox, enjoy.
If you have any problems with this post below I will be more than happy to help. :nyancat:
Last edited by Lye ; edited 3 times in total
The following 2 users thanked Lye for this useful post:
xxnoobk1llerx (08-05-2013), Appze (07-27-2013)
#2. Posted:
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you should put in your post that there is a high chance to get banned from this and when i mean banned i mean perma banned
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#3. Posted:
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Purgatory wrote you should put in your post that there is a high chance to get banned from this and when i mean banned i mean perma banned
Okay will do just in case, but I have never seen anyone get perma banned from this.
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#4. Posted:
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Would i get banned if i only unlocked like 5 achievments a day
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#5. Posted:
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Rated_hash_homo wrote Would i get banned if i only unlocked like 5 achievments a day
No I highly doubt it that you would get banned by doing that.
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#6. Posted:
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60% Is way to much. & Why would we Mod it. Just play the game and have fun. Gamer-score isn't Important.
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#7. Posted:
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Yea but if you wanted to get recon on halo 3 or games where you can unlock stuff with achievement its just easyer to mod the achivments you but you dont want to do
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#8. Posted:
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Recon is already unlocked for everybody already right? I got Recon but I don't have all the vidmasters.
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#9. Posted:
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Thanks for tutorial very very helpful
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#10. Posted:
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There's a very high chance of a ban happening! They ban you for modding anything to do with your profile (Tenure, avatar or gamerscore). It's not worth it.
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