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FF file questions.
FF file questions.Posted:
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So I was digging through the FF files on Call of Duty Ghosts. And I found this small snippet(s)
Any ideas on what these values would effect and is there anyway to play offline so I can test changing the values?
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Enabled:1" aim_autoaim_enabled
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Debug:2" aim_autoaim_debug
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Lerp Rate:3" aim_autoaim_lerp
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Region Width:4" aim_autoaim_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Region Height:5" aim_autoaim_region_height
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Enabled:1" aim_automelee_enabled
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Debug:2" aim_automelee_debug
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Width:3" aim_automelee_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Height:4" aim_automelee_region_height
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Standing:1" aim_automelee_range_standing
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Crouched:2" aim_automelee_range_crouched
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Prone:3" aim_automelee_range_prone
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Enabled:1" aim_lockon_enabled
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Debug:2" aim_lockon_debug
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Deflection:3" aim_lockon_deflection
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Strength:4" aim_lockon_strength
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Region Width:5" aim_lockon_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Debug:2" aim_autoaim_debug
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Lerp Rate:3" aim_autoaim_lerp
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Region Width:4" aim_autoaim_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/ADS Auto Aim:5/Region Height:5" aim_autoaim_region_height
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Enabled:1" aim_automelee_enabled
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Debug:2" aim_automelee_debug
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Width:3" aim_automelee_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Height:4" aim_automelee_region_height
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Standing:1" aim_automelee_range_standing
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Crouched:2" aim_automelee_range_crouched
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Prone:3" aim_automelee_range_prone
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Enabled:1" aim_lockon_enabled
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Debug:2" aim_lockon_debug
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Deflection:3" aim_lockon_deflection
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Strength:4" aim_lockon_strength
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Lock On:7/Region Width:5" aim_lockon_region_width
Any ideas on what these values would effect and is there anyway to play offline so I can test changing the values?
#2. Posted:
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Honestly those look like the dvars that control the AI in game modes like Squads. I wouldn't know for sure without testing them.
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#3. Posted:
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the first ones look like they control the auto aim when aiming down the sights, and the last part appears to control the aim locking like when you snap to a target.
better just mess with them and see what they effect
better just mess with them and see what they effect
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#4. Posted:
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These variables I found were in the development_mp file (im assuming mp is for multiplayer) considering there is also a development file. So squads is a good theory but the debugging for that would be hard to tell to the human eye.
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#5. Posted:
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This is what I'm assuming as I said before these are for AI bots.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Enabled:1" aim_automelee_enabled
*This basically activates the script ones a condition is matched.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Debug:2" aim_automelee_debug
*Debugs and resets the script if something breaks so the game doesn't just freeze up.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Width:3" aim_automelee_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Height:4" aim_automelee_region_height
*These just represent the size of the hit/detection box when the AI should melee successfully.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Standing:1" aim_automelee_range_standing
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Crouched:2" aim_automelee_range_crouched
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Prone:3" aim_automelee_range_prone
*These determine the which action/how effective each action will be determined on stance.
The others basically do the same things just not exactly. Not sure what any of them do 100% but this is just my hunch.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Enabled:1" aim_automelee_enabled
*This basically activates the script ones a condition is matched.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Debug:2" aim_automelee_debug
*Debugs and resets the script if something breaks so the game doesn't just freeze up.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Width:3" aim_automelee_region_width
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Height:4" aim_automelee_region_height
*These just represent the size of the hit/detection box when the AI should melee successfully.
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Standing:1" aim_automelee_range_standing
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Crouched:2" aim_automelee_range_crouched
devgui_dvar "Aim Assist/Auto Melee:6/Range:5/Prone:3" aim_automelee_range_prone
*These determine the which action/how effective each action will be determined on stance.
The others basically do the same things just not exactly. Not sure what any of them do 100% but this is just my hunch.
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#6. Posted:
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yeah it could be one of the game modes with AI
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#7. Posted:
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You're most likely correct. luckily the file is huge im just quickly scimming through each one so I can sort/refactor them
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#8. Posted:
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Was digging even further and I found developer keybinds. weird thing was some of these keybinds had dev commands. I hardcoded this command into my keybinds and as soon as I tried it the keybind completely vanished from my configuration.
Dev Keybinds:
Stephen Miller
Theres more ofcourse but I would like to keep your attention
What I did was placed the "god" command as my keybind for bind 2.
Now my bind 2 is missing from my player file
bind SPACE "+gostand"
bind 1 "weapnext"
bind 3 "+actionslot 3"
I thought this was interesting and maybe im a step closer to causing an exploit?
Dev Keybinds:
// generated by Tsue Please do not modify
//bind dpad_down scr_giveairstrike 1
bind TAB "+melee"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind , "toggle r_normalMaps 0 1"
bind 0 "toggle cg_Draw2D 0 1"
bind 1 "toggle r_colorMap"
bind 2 "toggle r_normalmap"
bind 3 "toggle r_specularmap"
bind 4 "toggle r_drawWorld 1 0;r_clearColor .25 .25 .25 1;r_clearColor2 .25 .25 .25 1;toggle cg_draw2d 1 0;toggle cg_drawHUD 1 0;toggle cg_fov 10 65;toggle r_drawBModels;toggle r_drawSModels;toggle r_forceLod 0 4"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "god"
bind C "gocrouch"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind H "+holdbreath"
bind o "toggle r_fullbright"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind 5 toggle r_drawSmodels 0 1
bind W "+forward"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind ALT "+melee_breath"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+movedown"
bind END "toggleads"
bind F1 "devgui"
bind F7 "set tweak 1;map_restart;exec devgui_fog"
bind F10 "cg_drawfps 0;cg_drawviewpos 0;cg_drawviewpos 0;cg_drawversion 0;r_clearColor 0 0 0 0;r_clearColor2 0 0 0 0;com_statmon 0;con_minicon 0"
bind F11 "toggle fx_profile 0 1; toggle cg_drawHUD 0 1"
bind F12 "cg_drawMaterial 1;con_minicon 1;fs_debug 0; mapname;viewpos;wait 6;screenshotJPEG;cg_drawMaterial 0;con_minicon 0; fs_debug 2"
bind KP_UPARROW "raisestance"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "lowerstance"
bind - "replay_mark"
bind = "replay_goto"
bind UPARROW "replay_back 3"
bind DOWNARROW "replay_live"
bind RIGHTARROW "replay_forward 10"
bind LEFTARROW "replay_back 10"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+speed"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MOUSE4 "+talk"
bind MOUSE5 "+smoke"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
bind ins "exec createfx"
bind t "toggle timescale 1 100"
bind y "toggle timescale 1 .25"
bind b "god"
bind g "give ammo"
bind x "give health"
bind k "debug_nuke on"
bind n "ufo"
bind j "cg_ufo"
bind [ "toggle fx_enable 0 1"
bind ] "toggle r_showtris"
bind i "toggle g_entinfo 3 2 1 0"
bind m "map_restart"
bind \ "toggle cl_paused 0 2"
bind u "toggle cg_drawmaterial"
bind , "toggle r_normalMaps 0 1"
// set'em
//set cg_drawFPS 0; replay_time 0
seta friendlyfire_dev_disable 1
set g_entinfo 0
set ai_badPathSpam 0
set profile_show_loading 0
set logfile 1
set replay_autosave 5
set g_gametype war
set com_statmon 0
set r_showmissinglightgrid 0
//bind dpad_down scr_giveairstrike 1
bind TAB "+melee"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind , "toggle r_normalMaps 0 1"
bind 0 "toggle cg_Draw2D 0 1"
bind 1 "toggle r_colorMap"
bind 2 "toggle r_normalmap"
bind 3 "toggle r_specularmap"
bind 4 "toggle r_drawWorld 1 0;r_clearColor .25 .25 .25 1;r_clearColor2 .25 .25 .25 1;toggle cg_draw2d 1 0;toggle cg_drawHUD 1 0;toggle cg_fov 10 65;toggle r_drawBModels;toggle r_drawSModels;toggle r_forceLod 0 4"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "god"
bind C "gocrouch"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind H "+holdbreath"
bind o "toggle r_fullbright"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind 5 toggle r_drawSmodels 0 1
bind W "+forward"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind ALT "+melee_breath"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+movedown"
bind END "toggleads"
bind F1 "devgui"
bind F7 "set tweak 1;map_restart;exec devgui_fog"
bind F10 "cg_drawfps 0;cg_drawviewpos 0;cg_drawviewpos 0;cg_drawversion 0;r_clearColor 0 0 0 0;r_clearColor2 0 0 0 0;com_statmon 0;con_minicon 0"
bind F11 "toggle fx_profile 0 1; toggle cg_drawHUD 0 1"
bind F12 "cg_drawMaterial 1;con_minicon 1;fs_debug 0; mapname;viewpos;wait 6;screenshotJPEG;cg_drawMaterial 0;con_minicon 0; fs_debug 2"
bind KP_UPARROW "raisestance"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "lowerstance"
bind - "replay_mark"
bind = "replay_goto"
bind UPARROW "replay_back 3"
bind DOWNARROW "replay_live"
bind RIGHTARROW "replay_forward 10"
bind LEFTARROW "replay_back 10"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+speed"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MOUSE4 "+talk"
bind MOUSE5 "+smoke"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
bind ins "exec createfx"
bind t "toggle timescale 1 100"
bind y "toggle timescale 1 .25"
bind b "god"
bind g "give ammo"
bind x "give health"
bind k "debug_nuke on"
bind n "ufo"
bind j "cg_ufo"
bind [ "toggle fx_enable 0 1"
bind ] "toggle r_showtris"
bind i "toggle g_entinfo 3 2 1 0"
bind m "map_restart"
bind \ "toggle cl_paused 0 2"
bind u "toggle cg_drawmaterial"
bind , "toggle r_normalMaps 0 1"
// set'em
//set cg_drawFPS 0; replay_time 0
seta friendlyfire_dev_disable 1
set g_entinfo 0
set ai_badPathSpam 0
set profile_show_loading 0
set logfile 1
set replay_autosave 5
set g_gametype war
set com_statmon 0
set r_showmissinglightgrid 0
Stephen Miller
// generated by Stephen Miller Please do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind , "toggle r_normalMaps 0 1"
bind - "replay_mark"
bind 0 "toggle cg_Draw2D 0 1"
bind 1 "weapnext"
bind 3 "+actionslot 4"
bind 4 "+actionslot 4"
bind 5 "+actionslot 2"
bind 7 "toggle r_drawWorld 1 0;r_clearColor .25 .25 .25 1;r_clearColor2 .25 .25 .25 1;toggle cg_draw2d 1 0;toggle cg_drawHUD 1 0;toggle cg_fov 10 65;toggle r_drawBModels;toggle r_drawSModels;toggle r_forceLod 0 4"
bind = "replay_goto"
bind [ "toggle fx_enable 0 1"
bind \ "toggle cl_paused 0 2"
bind ] "toggle r_showtris"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "god"
bind C "+talk"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind G "give ammo"
bind H "+holdbreath"
bind I "toggle g_entinfo 3 2 1 0"
bind J "cg_ufo"
bind K "debug_nuke on"
bind M "map_restart"
bind N "ufo"
bind O "toggle r_fullbright"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind S "+back"
bind T "chatmodepublic"
bind U "toggle cg_drawmaterial"
bind V "+actionslot 1"
bind W "+forward"
bind X "give health"
bind Y "chatmodeteam"
bind Z "+talk"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "replay_back 3"
bind DOWNARROW "replay_live"
bind LEFTARROW "replay_back 10"
bind RIGHTARROW "replay_forward 10"
bind ALT "+breath_sprint"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+stance"
bind INS "exec createfx"
bind END "toggleads"
bind F1 "devgui"
bind F2 "vote yes"
bind F3 "vote no"
bind F4 "+scores"
bind F7 "set tweak 1;map_restart;exec devgui_fog"
bind F11 "toggle fx_profile 0 1; toggle cg_drawHUD 0 1"
bind F12 "screenshotjpeg"
bind KP_UPARROW "raisestance"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "lowerstance"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+speed_throw"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MOUSE4 "+melee"
bind MOUSE5 "+smoke"
bind MWHEELDOWN "+actionslot 3"
bind MWHEELUP "+actionslot 3"
// set'em
//set cg_drawFPS 0; replay_time 0
seta in_mouse "1"
set g_entinfo 0
set ai_badPathSpam 0
set profile_show_loading 0
set logfile 2
set replay_autosave 5
set g_gametype war
set com_statmon 0
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind , "toggle r_normalMaps 0 1"
bind - "replay_mark"
bind 0 "toggle cg_Draw2D 0 1"
bind 1 "weapnext"
bind 3 "+actionslot 4"
bind 4 "+actionslot 4"
bind 5 "+actionslot 2"
bind 7 "toggle r_drawWorld 1 0;r_clearColor .25 .25 .25 1;r_clearColor2 .25 .25 .25 1;toggle cg_draw2d 1 0;toggle cg_drawHUD 1 0;toggle cg_fov 10 65;toggle r_drawBModels;toggle r_drawSModels;toggle r_forceLod 0 4"
bind = "replay_goto"
bind [ "toggle fx_enable 0 1"
bind \ "toggle cl_paused 0 2"
bind ] "toggle r_showtris"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind B "god"
bind C "+talk"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind G "give ammo"
bind H "+holdbreath"
bind I "toggle g_entinfo 3 2 1 0"
bind J "cg_ufo"
bind K "debug_nuke on"
bind M "map_restart"
bind N "ufo"
bind O "toggle r_fullbright"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind S "+back"
bind T "chatmodepublic"
bind U "toggle cg_drawmaterial"
bind V "+actionslot 1"
bind W "+forward"
bind X "give health"
bind Y "chatmodeteam"
bind Z "+talk"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "replay_back 3"
bind DOWNARROW "replay_live"
bind LEFTARROW "replay_back 10"
bind RIGHTARROW "replay_forward 10"
bind ALT "+breath_sprint"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+stance"
bind INS "exec createfx"
bind END "toggleads"
bind F1 "devgui"
bind F2 "vote yes"
bind F3 "vote no"
bind F4 "+scores"
bind F7 "set tweak 1;map_restart;exec devgui_fog"
bind F11 "toggle fx_profile 0 1; toggle cg_drawHUD 0 1"
bind F12 "screenshotjpeg"
bind KP_UPARROW "raisestance"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "lowerstance"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+speed_throw"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MOUSE4 "+melee"
bind MOUSE5 "+smoke"
bind MWHEELDOWN "+actionslot 3"
bind MWHEELUP "+actionslot 3"
// set'em
//set cg_drawFPS 0; replay_time 0
seta in_mouse "1"
set g_entinfo 0
set ai_badPathSpam 0
set profile_show_loading 0
set logfile 2
set replay_autosave 5
set g_gametype war
set com_statmon 0
Theres more ofcourse but I would like to keep your attention
What I did was placed the "god" command as my keybind for bind 2.
Now my bind 2 is missing from my player file
bind SPACE "+gostand"
bind 1 "weapnext"
bind 3 "+actionslot 3"
I thought this was interesting and maybe im a step closer to causing an exploit?
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#9. Posted:
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test those and see if they work and if so edit them and what not, see what there full potential is
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