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SMITE: Battleground of the gods

SMITE: Battleground of the godsPosted:

  • TTG Contender
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Joined: Feb 21, 201014Year Member
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Joined: Feb 21, 201014Year Member
Posts: 3,076
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Hey guys, I've been playing a game called SMITE for around 2+ years now and wanted to help get the game a little more out there for those of you who haven't heard of it. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the game League of Legends. Smite is basically a close 3rd person version of the game, with the characters you play being gods from mythology instead of champions. Smite is free-to-play and is currently in open beta, but will always be free. If you want to download and play the game you can check it out at

Here's a few videos of smite so you guys can get an idea:

Smite tournament series:

Smite trailer:

If you want to add me on smite, my username is DoctorMaxis. Hope you guys enjoy and see you on the battleground!
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