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#21. Posted:
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iSupport wrote
234 wrote
iSupport wrote I honestly don't agree with this, man. First off, the game seems like it's great so it would be reasonable to assume that It's a pretty kick **** game. Second, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, right? There's people that thing that it'll be one of the best games of the year, and others that don't want to comment on it just yet (you). I just think you should respect people's opinions and move on.

It's not that I'm not respecting others opinion, and with that logic, you are not respecting my opinion. As i said, battlefield 4 seemed great, but if you are a frequent battlefield player, you would know it's not good whatsoever. I am just complaining about people claiming about how it's going to be the best game ever, before its released, because it's ignorant and stupid to do.

Don't know how you might think that I'm not respecting your opinion? I never mentioned or even insinuated such thing. You're just thinking about your argument and nothing else.

May you quote me where i didn't respect ones opinion? i was using your skewed logic, and because i don't agree with others opinions, somehow i am not respecting them.
#22. Posted:
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No one ever gets hype for Battlefield, Titanfall is a fresh new game that brings something new to the table if anything your hating on the Game because how much people are tired of cod and want something new
#23. Posted:
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It's not so much just Titanfall from your points. That can be said about any game. Personally, I'm excited because the game was great from the Beta, but I'm going to wait until the game comes out before saying much else. It's just one of those things you've got to take with a grain of salt I suppose.
#24. Posted:
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Lets be honest, if you played the beta, it was great. A new game and concept different from games before. this is uncomparable to cod and BF in general as those are the same games
and concepts with a few things added either every year or every few years in BFs case. this is new. it cant be compared. was the first big cod hyped? yeah? was it good for a while? yeah. are we sick of that? yeah. which kinda gets ppl more excited about titanfall to begin with. and if your not one of the idiots that plays COD with his analog sticks in his eye sockets,
titan fall will be more familiar to you, which is great that one wont have to learn a new game (for the ppl with the analog sticks in your eyesockets sorry, noone has the kind of help to offer you that you so very much need).
Anyway, thats why the hype is Good with me (the beta
made great first impressions, i couldnt put it down) and why its completely different from hype on cod or BF, and why i couldnt fully disagree more with your statement.
Will be enjoying TF on release day!
#25. Posted:
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234 wrote I hate how people are already hyping the game up saying how it will be the best game ever before its even out! The bf4 beta was amazing, and guess what? The game is the worst battlefield yet and almost unplayable with the rubberbanding. Same goes for cod, always seems great before its released, then everyone always complains. It really doesn't look that amazing, but im not going to say it's the worst game ever either since it's not out yet! Once it's out, then talk about the game mechanics and balance, and then after a few months go back to cod
rant 0ver

Have you even played the game? No you haven't. Yet you're talking bad about people who had and who are excited for it? That alone makes this topic pointless and irrelevant.

One big reason I had to reply to your post though is your rant on BF4. I'm gonna start off by saying Battlefield is a PC game. That's my opinion. It should be for PC only. You haven't gotten the full experience of Battlefield until you have played it on the PC. Can't afford one? To bad. But don't go around saying EVERYONE hates it. Blah blah this, blah blah that. I know LOADS of real PC gamers who still play BF4 and love it. I have no problems with BF4 nor have experienced any. It was a little iffy during beta, but after that I was good and a lot of my friends and others were as well. If you own a PC and you're having problems with BF4 still or you think its not for PC, then sell your PC because you have no idea what you're doing with it.

Everyone has their own opinions, but I hate people like you who just rant with absolutely no thought into your rant. Just by reading your rant, you sound like a little child who gets mad at stupid stuff. I have more to say but I already exhausted a lot of my time that you don't really deserve.
#26. Posted:
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So you are basically saying you aren't aloud to be hyped for a game and wanting it to be the best game ever. I don't know about you but when I'm gonna get a game on day one I get hyped for it and want it to be the best game ever.
#27. Posted:
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Resort wrote
Resort wrote
I honestly completely disagree with this post. People will get hyped over every single game that ever comes out, From what we know so far that has been released the game looks pretty awesome. So of coarse people are getting hyped.

EDIT: I wouldn't call someone getting hyped over a game a "Fanboy"

Exactly, no one uses the word right and it is just ignorant now.
#28. Posted:
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Sturoids wrote The difference between CoD and BF vs Titanfall is that it is the first in the series.
With this flawed logic, I could've said the Brink (2011) would've been the future of gaming and been the best before the release because it was the first in a new IP. No game is going to be better than a franchise because that's what makes franchises better, they've had multiple titles that stand to the test of time, but they are better than a one and done title.
If Bioshock, Halo:Combat Evolved, or CoD1 had not been successful in the first place, they would've never became a franchise in the first place.

Don't call a new IP a series before we know if it sinks or swims!
#29. Posted:
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ODST wrote
Sturoids wrote The difference between CoD and BF vs Titanfall is that it is the first in the series.
With this flawed logic, I could've said the Brink (2011) would've been the future of gaming and been the best before the release because it was the first in a new IP. No game is going to be better than a franchise because that's what makes franchises better, they've had multiple titles that stand to the test of time, but they are better than a one and done title.
If Bioshock, Halo:Combat Evolved, or CoD1 had not been successful in the first place, they would've never became a franchise in the first place.

Don't call a new IP a series before we know if it sinks or swims!

Thank you.. exactly what i have been trying to say, it's not like i am saying don't be excited about a game. I'm saying that you shouldn't make the assumption that the game will be the best ever before it has even came out yet, as more guns and things will come out that can completely throw off the balance and make the game broken.
#30. Posted:
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The team behind it is the team that made cod 4. Imo there hasnt been a fun game to play since mw2/halo 3 and maybe other people share the same opinion and just want a fresh new game that isnt the same as others i suppose.
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