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People who think JTAGs/RGHs are for CoD lobbies.

People who think JTAGs/RGHs are for CoD lobbies.Posted:

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This rant is gonna be kinda short but more and more I hear people saying and putting on the forums "I'm buying a JTAG/RGH so I can host 10th lobbies." This is extremely aggravating because that's not what Jtags and RGHs are for. They were specifically designed/made to run unsigned code/homebrew not so you can get 10th prestige in call of duty. I'm sure many people have ranted about this before but all the little kids keeping saying it. I just don't understand why little kids waste their money (by that I mean their parents money) on a console that costs $100+ just so they can host a lobby in call of duty. Rant over. Does anyone else agree?
#2. Posted:
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I'm 50/50 On the topic I owned a JTAG About 2 Years ago primarily for COD Lobbies for my friends but after awhile I figured it was just a huge money sink and got rid of it but I think the fact they're used to mod one of the worlds successful games has boosted their popularity 10 fold so while I agree they have a alliterative use modding games is the main use.
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I got a 300 RGH and so far saved about $200 in games.
It does get annoying people wasting money just to be the coolest of their friends.
#4. Posted:
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I don't really care one way of another as it isn't MY money being spent.

I personally would like to learn all about JTAGs and RGHs as I am interested in what all the console that has been modified can do. So, I would use mine should I buy one for more than just hosting Call of Duty lobbies. That being said, I don't really care what others do with their product that they or their parents bought.
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