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#11. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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Swegy0 wrote
Distantly wrote
Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote if there was a way to do that don't you think people would have figured it out in the 8+ years Xbox has been out....

Honestly, no. Its like a lock. It seems complex from the outside, but inside its just stick that push other sticks to make it turn. Just like a lock, why look into it if it works?

I dont know, I may be over thinking it. But I feel theres gotta be a way that is easier said than done, but possible

The only thing you'd accomplish is changing that KV from one xbox's KV to another, thus making it not banned. There's no real way to make a KV or unban one.

Yes there is, its been proven by great PPC coders such as Eaton/Dwack. Learn PPC and you would know, you're the kid who flaunts about using offline files because people shouldn't make money of skids lmfao.

Without valid proof I won't believe you.

You can't unban a KV. It's common sense. Microsoft bans it. It's banned. Unless you can go into their ban list or whatever they use and unban it that way, you're screwed. You could be the best PPC coder in the world it wouldn't matter. You know nothing.

I don't flaunt anything. I'm telling people that it's idiotic to pay people for something that's free. It's called advice. My advice to you, get off TTG. Or come back with valid proof to redeem yourself.
#12. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote
Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote if there was a way to do that don't you think people would have figured it out in the 8+ years Xbox has been out....

Honestly, no. Its like a lock. It seems complex from the outside, but inside its just stick that push other sticks to make it turn. Just like a lock, why look into it if it works?

I dont know, I may be over thinking it. But I feel theres gotta be a way that is easier said than done, but possible

The only thing you'd accomplish is changing that KV from one xbox's KV to another, thus making it not banned. There's no real way to make a KV or unban one.

Not necessarily. If a KV works by telling Live a serial number, just changing that number would make it a whole different console.

But yes, I see where youre coming from. If there is two lists of serials on LIVEs server 'Banned' and 'Unbanned', youd need to change that number to one under the 'unbanned' list. But if it work buy having a list of only banned, you could get away with having a random numbered serial and technically get on just fine

It wouldn't be as easy as changing the serial number.
Even if it was, you couldn't use a random number. You'd need a REAL serial number that M$ has
#13. Posted:
  • V5 Launch
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Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote if there was a way to do that don't you think people would have figured it out in the 8+ years Xbox has been out....

Honestly, no. Its like a lock. It seems complex from the outside, but inside its just stick that push other sticks to make it turn. Just like a lock, why look into it if it works?

I dont know, I may be over thinking it. But I feel theres gotta be a way that is easier said than done, but possible
Well here is a Banned Decrypted KV.
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1p*DB><c:CertificateCollection xmlns="" xmlns:c="" c:Version="2.0"><c:Certificate><c:Data xmlns="" xmlns:c=""><c:PublicKey><KeyValue><RSAKeyValue><Modulus>1sxt9rY5w4PG8kbjfxcKEdEhqeJHkUOPeQqWCTNNiXuh9hZN62ftKg+I3x5gVktweft0xSQMaB3+8KZSA4Vfzsw5txDHpnqDFGEytOdT/SDGx7u56cQ/y7ioPnQrZULQZTb9h2/vN7bYQwI8Zy09wMujPpaBWKP0LfWGUaw3pH8=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue></KeyValue></c:PublicKey><c:KeyUsage><c:EncryptKey>1</c:EncryptKey></c:KeyUsage><c:SecurityLevel>2000</c:SecurityLevel><c:ManufacturerData><c:ManufacturerName>Microsoft Corporation</c:ManufacturerName><c:ManufacturerURL></c:ManufacturerURL><c:ModelName>Xbox 360</c:ModelName><c:ModelNumber>ffffffff98fa1910</c:ModelNumber></c:ManufacturerData><c:Features><c:WMDRMReceiver>1</c:WMDRMReceiver></c:Features></c:Data><Signature><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></CanonicalizationMethod><SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></SignatureMethod><Reference><Transforms><Transform Algorithm=""></Transform><Transform 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xmlns:c=""><c:PublicKey><KeyValue><RSAKeyValue><Modulus>sAMzO56CMzRDa9cif2VfezUAA6e5XkSoyzHabqkIcIYIYEP2h61ukH93js6NDIG0bcGye/TlnxOtdeuKGmO0AOYbgJ7piCe0ZVyNdMn/1DrEflvHoA8YnMfl96/PoLrEwKw7j9FZR1XvjDpUl4mClydY5jrWy8xkNkuRCYh3PJE=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue></KeyValue></c:PublicKey><c:KeyUsage><c:SignCertificate>1</c:SignCertificate></c:KeyUsage><c:SecurityLevel>3000</c:SecurityLevel><c:ManufacturerData><c:ManufacturerName>Microsoft Corporation</c:ManufacturerName><c:ManufacturerURL></c:ManufacturerURL></c:ManufacturerData></c:Data><Signature><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></CanonicalizationMethod><SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></SignatureMethod><Reference><Transforms><Transform Algorithm=""></Transform><Transform Algorithm=""></Transform></Transforms><DigestMethod 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I opened It up in Hex editor, and changed some of the serial numbers. Thats didn't work. My KV Checker just skipped it
#14. Posted:
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Its funny... I had the exact same thought. I have tried changing the serial number in it but that did not seem to do anything.
#15. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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XeXLTpF wrote Its funny... I had the exact same thought. I have tried changing the serial number in it but that did not seem to do anything.

Because if it was that easy, don't you think people would stop selling KVs...?
#16. Posted:
  • Resident Elite
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Distantly wrote
Swegy0 wrote
Distantly wrote
Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote if there was a way to do that don't you think people would have figured it out in the 8+ years Xbox has been out....

Honestly, no. Its like a lock. It seems complex from the outside, but inside its just stick that push other sticks to make it turn. Just like a lock, why look into it if it works?

I dont know, I may be over thinking it. But I feel theres gotta be a way that is easier said than done, but possible

The only thing you'd accomplish is changing that KV from one xbox's KV to another, thus making it not banned. There's no real way to make a KV or unban one.

Yes there is, its been proven by great PPC coders such as Eaton/Dwack. Learn PPC and you would know, you're the kid who flaunts about using offline files because people shouldn't make money of skids lmfao.

Without valid proof I won't believe you.

You can't unban a KV. It's common sense. Microsoft bans it. It's banned. Unless you can go into their ban list or whatever they use and unban it that way, you're screwed. You could be the best PPC coder in the world it wouldn't matter. You know nothing.

I don't flaunt anything. I'm telling people that it's idiotic to pay people for something that's free. It's called advice. My advice to you, get off TTG. Or come back with valid proof to redeem yourself.
Obviously you are missing something, buddy. He is saying, maybe there is something in a kv that you can change to "unban" it. He is 100% correct. Each KV has unique information inside it. If you were to find the algorithm used to generate that unique data, you could potentially code a KV Generator. I've seen you around the forums, with all do respect, you aren't as smart as you perceive yourself to be. I'm not even trying to argue, you are just very ignorant to this subject as anyone with knowledge in this field can see.
#17. Posted:
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XeXLTpF wrote Its funny... I had the exact same thought. I have tried changing the serial number in it but that did not seem to do anything.
Try changing more unique numbers, there's more than the serial number and console id.
#18. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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-Revengeance- wrote
Distantly wrote
Swegy0 wrote
Distantly wrote
Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote if there was a way to do that don't you think people would have figured it out in the 8+ years Xbox has been out....

Honestly, no. Its like a lock. It seems complex from the outside, but inside its just stick that push other sticks to make it turn. Just like a lock, why look into it if it works?

I dont know, I may be over thinking it. But I feel theres gotta be a way that is easier said than done, but possible

The only thing you'd accomplish is changing that KV from one xbox's KV to another, thus making it not banned. There's no real way to make a KV or unban one.

Yes there is, its been proven by great PPC coders such as Eaton/Dwack. Learn PPC and you would know, you're the kid who flaunts about using offline files because people shouldn't make money of skids lmfao.

Without valid proof I won't believe you.

You can't unban a KV. It's common sense. Microsoft bans it. It's banned. Unless you can go into their ban list or whatever they use and unban it that way, you're screwed. You could be the best PPC coder in the world it wouldn't matter. You know nothing.

I don't flaunt anything. I'm telling people that it's idiotic to pay people for something that's free. It's called advice. My advice to you, get off TTG. Or come back with valid proof to redeem yourself.
Obviously you are missing something, buddy. He is saying, maybe there is something in a kv that you can change to "unban" it. He is 100% correct. Each KV has unique information inside it. If you were to find the algorithm used to generate that unique data, you could potentially code a KV Generator. I've seen you around the forums, with all do respect, you aren't as smart as you perceive yourself to be. I'm not even trying to argue, you are just very ignorant to this subject as anyone with knowledge in this field can see.

Exactly. I'm trying to start a flame war here, guys. I was just a simple thought that I figured I'd ask. Who knows, Im gonna dig tomorrow and see if I can find anything.
#19. Posted:
  • Christmas!
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-Revengeance- wrote
Distantly wrote
Swegy0 wrote
Distantly wrote
Jeez wrote
Distantly wrote if there was a way to do that don't you think people would have figured it out in the 8+ years Xbox has been out....

Honestly, no. Its like a lock. It seems complex from the outside, but inside its just stick that push other sticks to make it turn. Just like a lock, why look into it if it works?

I dont know, I may be over thinking it. But I feel theres gotta be a way that is easier said than done, but possible

The only thing you'd accomplish is changing that KV from one xbox's KV to another, thus making it not banned. There's no real way to make a KV or unban one.

Yes there is, its been proven by great PPC coders such as Eaton/Dwack. Learn PPC and you would know, you're the kid who flaunts about using offline files because people shouldn't make money of skids lmfao.

Without valid proof I won't believe you.

You can't unban a KV. It's common sense. Microsoft bans it. It's banned. Unless you can go into their ban list or whatever they use and unban it that way, you're screwed. You could be the best PPC coder in the world it wouldn't matter. You know nothing.

I don't flaunt anything. I'm telling people that it's idiotic to pay people for something that's free. It's called advice. My advice to you, get off TTG. Or come back with valid proof to redeem yourself.
Obviously you are missing something, buddy. He is saying, maybe there is something in a kv that you can change to "unban" it. He is 100% correct. Each KV has unique information inside it. If you were to find the algorithm used to generate that unique data, you could potentially code a KV Generator. I've seen you around the forums, with all do respect, you aren't as smart as you perceive yourself to be. I'm not even trying to argue, you are just very ignorant to this subject as anyone with knowledge in this field can see.

All I see is logic. I don't believe I'm excessively intelligent whatsoever. I'm simply saying that logically, if a KV is banned, it will be banned forever.

Potentially there could be a keyvault generator made if someone found the algorithm, I believe that is true. I also believe that if a KV is banned it's not going to get unbanned.

I don't have much knowledge in the field, and I know this. I know the basics of exploited consoles pretty well. And a minuscule amount of C#, but that's it.

I stand corrected if/that I'm wrong, because learning is better than being stubborn and refusing to learn the right ways, so I apologize for seeming/being ignorant. I do believe I've been a bit rude in some of my posts... And thankfully you made me acknowledge that. I'll try to do a little bit better with that. Thank you. (Not sarcastically I'm being 100% serious)
#20. Posted:
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A KV is just ids and console info. unless you can pull random ids that go together out ya arse then no it doesnt seem possible
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