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What's the quickest way to make $198?

What's the quickest way to make $198?Posted:

  • TTG Undisputed
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So next thursday there are shoes coming out that I want and they retail for $198 so I basically have a week to make the money. WITHOUT WORKING, what is the quickest way to make $198?
#2. Posted:
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Without working i don't think there is a way to make money. If you have any money now you can gamble with it to try to get more, other then that you'll need to work.
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  • Blind Gifter
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If you make $198 by next week then your gonna have to tell me how you have done it!

Exept for selling my ass.
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Sell your life.

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#5. Posted:
  • Wise One
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Go on the corner and sell your body for money
#6. Posted:
  • TTG Undisputed
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Alright guys lets be serious and stop saying the same thing as everyone else.
#7. Posted:
  • TTG Undisputed
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Sxwrex wrote
You need to work for money to get money. That's life man, You work to get money. Money isn't free and it doesn't grow on trees. Sorry man if I sound like a douche but it's the truth.
I do work but not enough hours to get $198. I get $11 an hour and work 1 hour and a half so like $17 a day which wouldn't be enough.
#8. Posted:
  • TTG Undisputed
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Sxwrex wrote
TheStorySoFar wrote
Sxwrex wrote
You need to work for money to get money. That's life man, You work to get money. Money isn't free and it doesn't grow on trees. Sorry man if I sound like a douche but it's the truth.
I do work but not enough hours to get $198. I get $11 an hour and work 1 hour and a half so like $17 a day which wouldn't be enough.

Can I ask how old are you be earn $11 one hour? You must be a young one to get $11 an hour. You got plenty of hours to gain money to gain that amount of money. There'a no rush.

17 lol and it's to get the shoes by Thursday
#9. Posted:
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TheStorySoFar wrote
Sxwrex wrote
You need to work for money to get money. That's life man, You work to get money. Money isn't free and it doesn't grow on trees. Sorry man if I sound like a douche but it's the truth.
I do work but not enough hours to get $198. I get $11 an hour and work 1 hour and a half so like $17 a day which wouldn't be enough.

So why not work more hours lol. Or go around asking people if they need there grass cut or leaves blown. Or sell your old stuff that you don't use no more. What are the shoes?
#10. Posted:
  • TTG Undisputed
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U5O wrote
TheStorySoFar wrote
Sxwrex wrote
You need to work for money to get money. That's life man, You work to get money. Money isn't free and it doesn't grow on trees. Sorry man if I sound like a douche but it's the truth.
I do work but not enough hours to get $198. I get $11 an hour and work 1 hour and a half so like $17 a day which wouldn't be enough.

So why not work more hours lol. Or go around asking people if they need there grass cut or leaves blown. Or sell your old stuff that you don't use no more.

By the time I get outta school it's 2 and work ends at 4. It also takes half an hour to get there lol
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