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#41. Posted:
  • New Member
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Joined: Jun 07, 201311Year Member
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Do you have a Mic? Yes
Can you change your GT? (Within two weeks) Yes
What Region/Country are you from? United States
Current GT? L Merk Limits L
Age? 17 my bday is July 4th
What time do you play? Whenever day and night
#42. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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Merk_Limits wrote Do you have a Mic? Yes
Can you change your GT? (Within two weeks) Yes
What Region/Country are you from? United States
Current GT? L Merk Limits L
Age? 17 my bday is July 4th
What time do you play? Whenever day and night
Ill message you after I get a cut and then everyone we are always recruiting till about September-November just fill out the form
#43. Posted:
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Do you have a Mic? Yes , I do
Can you change your GT? (Within two weeks) yes most definitely
What Region/Country are you from? USA
Current GT? Rivelino l 11 l
Age? 19
What time do you play? Mostly at night (4-10pm)
#44. Posted:
  • Winter 2018
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Tryouts will be this weekend fill out the form
#45. Posted:
  • 2 Million
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Do you have a Mic? Yes TB XOFOUR
Can you change your GT? (Within two weeks) Yes
What Region/Country are you from? US Eastern
Current GT? Breezy4G
Age? 18
What time do you play? No specific time, sometimes I work in the morning or at night
#46. Posted:
  • WIP 5.1
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Got moved from from cod clan to Xbox Clan because we are recruiting for all games we play mostly all Games on Xbox one not only cod we re waiting for next cod to come out tbh everyone so just Lmk and fill out the form
#47. Posted:
  • Rigged Luck
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Motto: Beware of western spies brothers
Motto: Beware of western spies brothers
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Motto: Beware of western spies brothers
Please Fill out this forum if youd like to join:
Yes, Triton, soon I will upgrade to Astro A50.
I would rather not change my gt but Im sure we can disscuss it.
I will pm my current GT if I am considered a good addition to the team/group
After work, somtimes in th mornings. Able to come on for matches if nessacery even if at a ridiculous time.
I currently have a small following within the xbox community and run several things which have small sponsors.

I get the majority of games a few days before actual release due to a partnership so getting new games wont be a problem. Im going to be able to record soon with my first paycheck im buying a elgato. I am pretty good with the whole social media side of having and being part of a clan aswell as interacting with fans.

I want a small/medium group to interact with and to push eachother to keep producing content wether it be for a clan channel or my own personal channel, I feel having a group of like minded people would give everyone involved a good push to make there content and input better with a clan.
#48. Posted:
  • New Member
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Joined: Apr 24, 20159Year Member
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Do you have a Mic? yes astro 50s
Can you change your GT? (Within two weeks) yes
What Region/Country are you from? North america/GA
Current GT? Shouseyisback
Age? 16 bout to be 17
What time do you play?all the time
#49. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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Joined: Jun 26, 20159Year Member
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Do you have a Mic? yes, not that garbage k- mic
Can you change your GT? (Within two weeks) yes, too eN Utzy
What Region/Country are you from? US , EST .. Maryland
Current GT? Call Me Utz
Age? 21
What time do you play? Any time really! :p When i don't work
#50. Posted:
  • V5 Launch
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Do you have a mic? Yes I do.

Can you change your gamertag? Yes, I can do it when you ask and if I am successful

What region/Country are you from? UK

Current GT: xiMxNsTeR was xiMoNsTeR- on PlayStation, my gb rank was 9k when it was GB rank on Cod Ladders!


What time you play: I play all evening in mid week, from 18:00 to 01:00 in the morning. Weekends all day.

Would be very exciting to hear back from you guys, I am looking for a team and I can't get enough of the name, it's just simply good haha, I can do try out as when you need to me do and hopefully we can have a good gaming career in the foreseeable future.
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