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Looking for people to play with [US East]
Looking for people to play with [US East]Posted:
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Joined: Sep 09, 20159Year Member
Posts: 32
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I'm currently LE, only reason I'm such a shit rank is because I don't play much MM, because the players are bad, but wanted to start again to get Global, so if you're down, hmu.
Looking for people around Supreme, but at least LE.
Looking for people around Supreme, but at least LE.
#2. Posted:
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Joined: Jul 10, 20168Year Member
Posts: 128
Reputation Power: 5
would love to play but my account got hacked
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#3. Posted:
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Joined: Apr 30, 201410Year Member
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I'm nowhere near your rank, but my friend is always looking for people to play with. He's LEM. His schedule is kind of messed up, he works nights and sleeps during the day, but he only usually works a few days a week, so you can find him on sometime.
Here's his link if you're interested; [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Tell him Taylor sent you.
Here's his link if you're interested; [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]
Tell him Taylor sent you.
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