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"The tolerant left"

"The tolerant left"Posted:

  • TTG Contender
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Is it just me or is the 'tolerant left' not very tolerant at all?

From what I can gather the lefties of today (majority) are more fascist than the people they claim to be fascist. Brexit and Trump prime examples.

They only like democracy when it suits them, everyone else is an idiot, racist, xenophobe, hitler loving bigot. Pisses me off so much.
#2. Posted:
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Wait a second, am i reading this right or am i missing something.

Trump is not the left, not by 1500 miles.

Both sides are immature, and this is coming from a republican. It just seems like the left, recently has been a little extreme with the immaturity, probably over the fact they lost the election.

A prime example of the left being extremely immature

When Republicans lost to Obama for the first time, people were upset yes and some even took race into account which is never acceptable. But we moved on and accepted him as our President.

But when the left loss, rioting, mass protests, violence took place, all were on a mass scale and still continue.

So yes, i think the left is being a bit immature and is taking it to far but i guess that's just me..

Now while this is our country and we have the right to worry about it. Nothing will change in your life unless you work for or in the Government.

You'll live your life the same as you would before Trump was elected. Maybe you'll have a small tax increase or decrease but nothing will change for you.

Now i live in Texas and any American knows Texas is pretty much it's own country.
So i never have to worry about anything whether it's a Democrat or Republican in office.

I'll still be the gun-owning, bacon eating,terrorist hunting infidel that they warn you about.

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If you don't support Trump or like him, suck it up. Deal with it for 4 years just like republicans did with Obama and then we can deal with all this bullshit all over again but with someone new.

#3. Posted:
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Glock- wrote Wait a second, am i reading this right or am i missing something.
Trump is not the left, not by 1500 miles.

I think he means that the leftist reactions to Brexit and Trump are prime examples of them being fascistic.

@OP: I'm on the left and I agree entirely for reasons that I have gone into detail about on this site before.
I feel a bit like a broken record posting why I dislike how the far left is acting right now but just to outline some points.

  • If you dislike the ideology of Islam you are a racist.
  • If you think that black lives matter is a counterproductive group you're a racist.
  • If you think that open borders immigration is a bad idea you're a nationalistic xenophobe.
  • If you think that the wage gap is a myth and women in the west are basically equal with men then you are a sexist.
  • If you think that banning all guns in the US is a bad idea or wouldn't work then you're a right winger.
  • If you think that Hillary was a horrible excuse for a candidate who cheated her way through the primaries and shouldn't have been elected on the merit that she was a female you're a sexist.

The ones that I am talking about won't take into consideration any caveats you might have to these positions - anything that would usually come after a 'BUT' in a statement- like:

The ideology of Islam can be interpreted to be oppressive to women and to encourage violence against non-believers and apostates but we should empower Muslim reformers to spread a peaceful interpretation of the Quran and the Hadith which most Muslims in the world today do already follow.


Women are almost entirely equal to men but women in less developed nations need feminism more than ever while they fight FGM, political oppression and practices like honor killing.

Most people would consider these positions acceptable - or at worst debatable - but people on the far left will see the first part and completely overreact throwing out buzzwords like Racist and Sexist.
If you don't do this but consider yourself a leftist, you probably aren't far left now. I used to be far left but these people have pushed me into the center.

However, I do make a distinction between the far left, who can be reasonable on occasion, and Anti-fa.
Anti-fa are anarchists and communists who use violent protest to get their way and I don't really associate them with the political scale at all.

In the same way that I wouldn't lump right wingers into the same group as actual Nazi's and Racists, I think it's wrong to lump the left in with Anti-fa.

With all of that being said, in my view the left is bad in terms of being split and unsure of what it actually wants.
The right is bad in terms of being completely sure of everything it believes in and being very slow to change.
Generally speaking, of course.


They only like democracy when it suits them.

I have to disagree with this though. While that might be true of far-leftists, it's blatantly true of Donald Trump.
The Democratic system in America is that you have the popular vote and the electoral college vote.
Trump didn't like that Obama won the electoral college vote in 2012 and called for a 'march on washington' and for the electoral college to be abolished.

He did this because he thought that Obama lost the popular vote and won the electoral college which he thought then was un-democratic.
But Obama did win the popular vote, it turned out.

Trump, however, lost the popular vote and won the electoral college vote.
He was fine with this. This is literally someone only liking the democratic system when it suits them.

So yes, far left wingers don't like that Trump was elected and might even deny it, but Trump was no better than them back in 2012.

I imagine that Glock might want to un-upvote this post after he reads this edit. Sorry Glock.

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#4. Posted:
  • Gold Gifter
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Glock- wrote When Republicans lost to Obama for the first time, people were upset yes and some even took race into account which is never acceptable. But we moved on and accepted him as our President.

But when the left loss, rioting, mass protests, violence took place, all were on a mass scale and still continue.

Has the Tea Party slipped your mind? Right wingers literally protested for two years. We're not even a month into Don's tenure.
And what about the Birther movement? 41% of Republicans STILL, as recent as 2016, think that Obama wasn't born in the US, which would make him an illegitimate President, so it's simply a lie to say that the right wingers accepted him as President and moved on.
#5. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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Glock- wrote
Wait a second, am i reading this right or am i missing something.

Trump is not the left, not by 1500 miles.

Both sides are immature, and this is coming from a republican. It just seems like the left, recently has been a little extreme with the immaturity, probably over the fact they lost the election.

A prime example of the left being extremely immature

When Republicans lost to Obama for the first time, people were upset yes and some even took race into account which is never acceptable. But we moved on and accepted him as our President.

But when the left loss, rioting, mass protests, violence took place, all were on a mass scale and still continue.

So yes, i think the left is being a bit immature and is taking it to far but i guess that's just me..

Now while this is our country and we have the right to worry about it. Nothing will change in your life unless you work for or in the Government.

You'll live your life the same as you would before Trump was elected. Maybe you'll have a small tax increase or decrease but nothing will change for you.

Now i live in Texas and any American knows Texas is pretty much it's own country.
So i never have to worry about anything whether it's a Democrat or Republican in office.

I'll still be the gun-owning, bacon eating,terrorist hunting infidel that they warn you about.

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If you don't support Trump or like him, suck it up. Deal with it for 4 years just like republicans did with Obama and then we can deal with all this bullshit all over again but with someone new.

I meant the left going absolutely nuts over trump and brexit
#6. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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Cioran wrote
Glock- wrote Wait a second, am i reading this right or am i missing something.
Trump is not the left, not by 1500 miles.

I think he means that the leftist reactions to Brexit and Trump are prime examples of them being fascistic.

@OP: I'm on the left and I agree entirely for reasons that I have gone into detail about on this site before.
I feel a bit like a broken record posting why I dislike how the far left is acting right now but just to outline some points.

  • If you dislike the ideology of Islam you are a racist.
  • If you think that black lives matter is a counterproductive group you're a racist.
  • If you think that open borders immigration is a bad idea you're a nationalistic xenophobe.
  • If you think that the wage gap is a myth and women in the west are basically equal with men then you are a sexist.
  • If you think that banning all guns in the US is a bad idea or wouldn't work then you're a right winger.
  • If you think that Hillary was a horrible excuse for a candidate who cheated her way through the primaries and shouldn't have been elected on the merit that she was a female you're a sexist.

The ones that I am talking about won't take into consideration any caveats you might have to these positions - anything that would usually come after a 'BUT' in a statement- like:

The ideology of Islam can be interpreted to be oppressive to women and to encourage violence against non-believers and apostates but we should empower Muslim reformers to spread a peaceful interpretation of the Quran and the Hadith which most Muslims in the world today do already follow.


Women are almost entirely equal to men but women in less developed nations need feminism more than ever while they fight FGM, political oppression and practices like honor killing.

Most people would consider these positions acceptable - or at worst debatable - but people on the far left will see the first part and completely overreact throwing out buzzwords like Racist and Sexist.
If you don't do this but consider yourself a leftist, you probably aren't far left now. I used to be far left but these people have pushed me into the center.

However, I do make a distinction between the far left, who can be reasonable on occasion, and Anti-fa.
Anti-fa are anarchists and communists who use violent protest to get their way and I don't really associate them with the political scale at all.

In the same way that I wouldn't lump right wingers into the same group as actual Nazi's and Racists, I think it's wrong to lump the left in with Anti-fa.

With all of that being said, in my view the left is bad in terms of being split and unsure of what it actually wants.
The right is bad in terms of being completely sure of everything it believes in and being very slow to change.
Generally speaking, of course.


They only like democracy when it suits them.

I have to disagree with this though. While that might be true of far-leftists, it's blatantly true of Donald Trump.
The Democratic system in America is that you have the popular vote and the electoral college vote.
Trump didn't like that Obama won the electoral college vote in 2012 and called for a 'march on washington' and for the electoral college to be abolished.

He did this because he thought that Obama lost the popular vote and won the electoral college which he thought then was un-democratic.
But Obama did win the popular vote, it turned out.

Trump, however, lost the popular vote and won the electoral college vote.
He was fine with this. This is literally someone only liking the democratic system when it suits them.

So yes, far left wingers don't like that Trump was elected and might even deny it, but Trump was no better than them back in 2012.

I imagine that Glock might want to un-upvote this post after he reads this edit. Sorry Glock.

Agreed mate, I just find it ironic, by all means protest but jesus they are going overboard, im from the UK and im friends with a lot of lefties, but we debate, majority of them over here are constanstly "your racist if you voted to leave the EU" does my nut in! I know a few socialists that actually voted leave, but you know lol

Edit: I do think that they only like democoracy when it suits them though, imagine if hillary won and trump supportes start protesting, imagine if leave voters demanded another referundum they would of screamed democoracy in your face! Ironic, the liberal democrats party in the UK wanted another referundum, not very democratic are they, lets vote till we get the answer we want

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#7. Posted:
  • Halloween!
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Tywin wrote
Glock- wrote When Republicans lost to Obama for the first time, people were upset yes and some even took race into account which is never acceptable. But we moved on and accepted him as our President.

But when the left loss, rioting, mass protests, violence took place, all were on a mass scale and still continue.

Has the Tea Party slipped your mind? Right wingers literally protested for two years. We're not even a month into Don's tenure.
And what about the Birther movement? 41% of Republicans STILL, as recent as 2016, think that Obama wasn't born in the US, which would make him an illegitimate President, so it's simply a lie to say that the right wingers accepted him as President and moved on.

41% of Republicans STILL, as recent as 2016, think that Obama wasn't born in the US, which would make him an illegitimate President, so it's simply a lie to say that the right wingers accepted him as President and moved on

Can you provide me with a link to those numbers because after a little bit of research i couldn't find a single article referencing them.

No matter how big a paragraph you type or what you spill.

Liberals today are not once they were. Back then both sides were good and had good intentions but the left lost it's way. most of the democrats i know went republican because of how the left is acting so you can spin it whatever way you want but the truth is what is occurring right now..

I am referring to the election, not the Tea Party, not NAFTA or anything else.
Those are subjects for different topics with different views so lets try spinning it another way, yeah?

But i do actually have one question, Tywin.
Do you agree with the deal that President Obama made with Iran?
Just out of curiosity...
#8. Posted:
  • Spooky Poster
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Cioran wrote
Glock- wrote Wait a second, am i reading this right or am i missing something.
Trump is not the left, not by 1500 miles.

I think he means that the leftist reactions to Brexit and Trump are prime examples of them being fascistic.

@OP: I'm on the left and I agree entirely for reasons that I have gone into detail about on this site before.
I feel a bit like a broken record posting why I dislike how the far left is acting right now but just to outline some points.

  • If you dislike the ideology of Islam you are a racist.
  • If you think that black lives matter is a counterproductive group you're a racist.
  • If you think that open borders immigration is a bad idea you're a nationalistic xenophobe.
  • If you think that the wage gap is a myth and women in the west are basically equal with men then you are a sexist.
  • If you think that banning all guns in the US is a bad idea or wouldn't work then you're a right winger.
  • If you think that Hillary was a horrible excuse for a candidate who cheated her way through the primaries and shouldn't have been elected on the merit that she was a female you're a sexist.

The ones that I am talking about won't take into consideration any caveats you might have to these positions - anything that would usually come after a 'BUT' in a statement- like:

The ideology of Islam can be interpreted to be oppressive to women and to encourage violence against non-believers and apostates but we should empower Muslim reformers to spread a peaceful interpretation of the Quran and the Hadith which most Muslims in the world today do already follow.


Women are almost entirely equal to men but women in less developed nations need feminism more than ever while they fight FGM, political oppression and practices like honor killing.

Most people would consider these positions acceptable - or at worst debatable - but people on the far left will see the first part and completely overreact throwing out buzzwords like Racist and Sexist.
If you don't do this but consider yourself a leftist, you probably aren't far left now. I used to be far left but these people have pushed me into the center.

However, I do make a distinction between the far left, who can be reasonable on occasion, and Anti-fa.
Anti-fa are anarchists and communists who use violent protest to get their way and I don't really associate them with the political scale at all.

In the same way that I wouldn't lump right wingers into the same group as actual Nazi's and Racists, I think it's wrong to lump the left in with Anti-fa.

With all of that being said, in my view the left is bad in terms of being split and unsure of what it actually wants.
The right is bad in terms of being completely sure of everything it believes in and being very slow to change.
Generally speaking, of course.


They only like democracy when it suits them.

I have to disagree with this though. While that might be true of far-leftists, it's blatantly true of Donald Trump.
The Democratic system in America is that you have the popular vote and the electoral college vote.
Trump didn't like that Obama won the electoral college vote in 2012 and called for a 'march on washington' and for the electoral college to be abolished.

He did this because he thought that Obama lost the popular vote and won the electoral college which he thought then was un-democratic.
But Obama did win the popular vote, it turned out.

Trump, however, lost the popular vote and won the electoral college vote.
He was fine with this. This is literally someone only liking the democratic system when it suits them.

So yes, far left wingers don't like that Trump was elected and might even deny it, but Trump was no better than them back in 2012.

I imagine that Glock might want to un-upvote this post after he reads this edit. Sorry Glock.

No, i won't un-upvote it. I won't deny it as the facts outweigh opinion.
#9. Posted:
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Glock- wrote Can you provide me with a link to those numbers because after a little bit of research i couldn't find a single article referencing them.

No matter how big a paragraph you type or what you spill.

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And I was being modest considering it's 72% of Republicans who still doubt Obama's place of birth.

Glock- wrote because of how the left is acting so you can spin it whatever way you want but the truth is what is occurring right now..

That is literally what you just did. You said that right wingers moved on accepted Obama as President while leaving out the glaring fact that they protested for years and still doubt his legitimacy eight years later.

Glock- wrote But i do actually have one question, Tywin.
Do you agree with the deal that President Obama made with Iran?
Just out of curiosity...

Absolutely, and if you actually read the details of the bill, you would to.
They agreed to never seek a nuclear weapon and have allowed IAEA inspectors in whenever they want to ensure they're holding up to their end of the bargain.
Not only that, but Iran also gave up all their uranium that was enriched beyond the point of energy use, which is something we can't stop them from doing, considering using nuclear energy is protected under international law.

All we had to do was give them money that was already theirs that was frozen due to past sanctions and not sanction them again, which is something we already did.
We're the ones who violated the agreement, not Iran.
#10. Posted:
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Tywin wrote
Glock- wrote Can you provide me with a link to those numbers because after a little bit of research i couldn't find a single article referencing them.

No matter how big a paragraph you type or what you spill.

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And I was being modest considering it's 72% of Republicans who still doubt Obama's place of birth.

Glock- wrote because of how the left is acting so you can spin it whatever way you want but the truth is what is occurring right now..

That is literally what you just did. You said that right wingers moved on accepted Obama as President while leaving out the glaring fact that they protested for years and still doubt his legitimacy eight years later.

Glock- wrote But i do actually have one question, Tywin.
Do you agree with the deal that President Obama made with Iran?
Just out of curiosity...

Absolutely, and if you actually read the details of the bill, you would to.
They agreed to never seek a nuclear weapon and have allowed IAEA inspectors in whenever they want to ensure they're holding up to their end of the bargain.
Not only that, but Iran also gave up all their uranium that was enriched beyond the point of energy use, which is something we can't stop them from doing, considering using nuclear energy is protected under international law.

All we had to do was give them money that was already theirs that was frozen due to past sanctions and not sanction them again, which is something we already did.
We're the ones who violated the agreement, not Iran.
Okay, here on out your opinion means nothing to me.

You answered my question exactly how i expected you to do.

allowed IAEA inspectors in whenever they want to ensure they're holding up to their end of the bargain.
Yeah, they sure did. But the IAEA inspectors have to give a one month notification period before inspection.

You understand what that means.

For example, lets say someone stabbed someone to death and they still have the clothing on and the police want to question them and search my home but they say. "give me a month notice before you do"

What do you expect that person to do, hide the evidence right?

Get what i'm trying to hint at here?

There are two uranium enrichment facilities in Iran - Natanz and Fordo - where uranium hexafluoride gas is fed into centrifuges to separate out the most fissile isotope U-235. Low-enriched uranium, which has a 3%-4% concentration of U-235, can be used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants. But it can also be enriched to the 90% needed to produce nuclear weapon and stated by Kerry

"Iran's uranium stockpile will also be reduced by 98% to 300kg (660lbs) for 15 years. It must also keep its level of enrichment at 3.67%"

Now this was last year and leaks from Iran stating that Nuclear Weapons are being produced which happened the end of last year. Since then Navy/Airforce reconnaissance teams have been involved which two of those ships were instigated Iranian military boats on multiple occasions.

Also, Iran has threatened death to Israel many times on public TV stating they would use "atomic force" to wipe them from the region

They have also launched multiple ballistic missile tests in recent weeks/month which is against international law and the treaty signed with them.

The deal was like giving a 12 year old an Uzi and expecting him to be mature with it.
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