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Was i wrong for leaving my girlfriend?

Was i wrong for leaving my girlfriend?Posted:

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I know this isn't facebook, but i haven't been talking to people about what is going on. I have been with her for a year and a half, and she has honest treated me like shit the whole time. Always randomly messaging her ex, making some dumb ass excuse. She controlled my whole life, and yet did me bogus all the time. Then has made me feel bad for her every time i get mad and she has done this since about 4 months after we have started dating. I love her, and she has gotten better. Tomorrow is actually her birthday and i broke up with her today and i know thats bad...but i told her one more time she **** up im done, anyways im sitting at work...and i get this email from this girl, and it said "i have something that you need to know about your girlfriend..." so i replied asking what, and she told me that my girlfriend asked one of her ex's friends to see where he lived and literally went all 30 min away just to drive past his house. my girlfriend is literally crazy asf, and ive had so many problems with this ex its not even funny. The best part about all of this that makes me feel so much that the dude actually hit her a few times, and cheated on her a bunch and she just still is on some bs. Idk if im over reacting..but ive been through a lot with her and this ex bs..and i just feel like this is the right thing to do especially cause i am dead ass a good ass boyfriend..
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nope not at all. still talking to her ex? hell noooooo.
#3. Posted:
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Yeah bruv if she did you shit yo ofc,if she fking with her ex leave that hohoo
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nahhhh dude you're cool. don't worry bout it
#5. Posted:
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Lmao sounds like a bitch, good idea to leave her.
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Yea man fck that fake shit. Move on, find some one that appreciates you for you.
#7. Posted:
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Nope you did the right thing
#8. Posted:
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To be completely honest I would of left her if I was in that situation. I wouldn't have waited as long as you did. You did nothing wrong. Just move on and find someone who treats you the way you want to be treated.
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For the speaking to her ex aspect, I have a bit of a different experience. I will say, the woman you dealt with is insane by the sound of it. But for my story, my Fiance, who I've been with for a very long time, is still friends with her ex, they don't talk all the time, we actually haven't heard from him in a while which is how it usually goes, but every now and then, like every few months, they see how each other is doing, and I'm always part of the conversation as well. And for me, I'm only friends with one ex, the only one who didn't go insane, and my Fiance and I have a good friendship going on there too with her, we game together every Friday night actually as we have together for the past few years. My Fiance and I will be sitting in the game room, we'll invite my ex to the lobby, and we'll just game for a few hours until we get tired, and half the time I end up carrying her to bed because she falls asleep lol

It doesn't get weird, there's no real tension between us, and these were relationships that happened and ended a very long time ago, under good circumstances. I for one, don't blame you a single bit for leaving that she-beast though, sounds like you dodged a bullet in my opinion
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