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It all depends on your lifestyle really

people smoke because it relieves stress, I've been a heavy smoker for a few years now, and have tried to stop on many occasions and even have gotten close, but then started again. when trying to quit just stay away from stressful situations, and it will help you a lot.
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L30 wrote Okay, so i have been smoking cigarettes for a few years now and seriously want to quit.

I have only smoked 2 cigarettes in the past 48 hours which is really good for considering I used to smoke 10 or more per day.

Has anyone got any tips on how I can shut this disgusting and harmful habit out of my life before it's too late? I am only 18 at the moment but I seriously want to stop smoking them, as it's super expensive, isn't attractive and seriously bad for your health!

So do we have any ex-smokers here who can help me out?!

Thanks a bunch

I am only young, and still smoke. I have tried to stop smoking in the past.. But to help yourself you need to reason yourself on why you want to stop..

Have you tried vaping?
#13. Posted:
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I quit smoking 2 years back. I've been smoking since I was 16, whenever I would go to Europe, but I didn't start smoking as bad as I did until I was 18 in America and free to do so whenever I pleased. Literally the day I turned 18 I went to a smoke shop and bought a few packs, the store clerk even said "I'm sorry you're starting already" after seeing that day I turned 18. From there I would smoke at least a pack, maybe 2 a day. My reason for stopping is because my fiance asked me to. She didn't say "you have to stop smoking or I'm leaving" nothing that was forcing me to stop; as I believe that would have made me continue out of retaliation that I really hate when people try to control what I do. Instead she just let me know that she's worried about my smoking habit and would prefer I not die sooner than I should. I made the choice to stop smoking sometimes in late January, early February of 2015, it took me about 3-ish weeks to stop feeling like I need to smoke and I haven't touched a cigarette since. I still do enjoy the taste of Menthol, so I buy Menthol gum off Amazon which also helps when I feel like shit with stuffy nose or a headache(hangovers really.) I didn't use anything to help stop smoking and even the gum I buy off Amazon isn't something that is to help smokers quit, I just love the smell and taste of actual Menthol instead of that chemical smell in cigarettes. My only reason for quitting and why I even actually did it because I didn't want to make my fiance keep worrying about me like that, so I made the choice to stop, it was also a lot easier knowing she accepted I smoked, but was simply concerned.

While I can't give you suggestions really to help you quit as for your reason to quit didn't relate to me. Money isn't and wasn't the issue for me. I really didn't care about my health and for the attractiveness of smoking..ehh that's something I really never looked at or cared about. My situation was to make my fiance's life easier and not have her worried about one day I'm having lung cancer or something. I guess if you have someone you care about or someone who cares about you, to use that as your motivation to quit so they don't feel like they're powerless to help you and so you don't worry them about what's going to happen to you if the choice to smoke remains.

Don't think we can talk about it, but see if it's legal in your state, would be a 100x better than smoking and would easily help you off of it.

Also please don't think I make "healthy" decisions in my life, I drink my ass to sleep just because I have nothing better to do right now lol Smoking only stopped because of my fiance, she hasn't said a thing about drinking, just not to drink and drive; which is kind of a no-brainer
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I have found using a E-Cig really helped me, I cut down allot now and don't me wrong if I'm out having a drink or something then I might have a cheeky *** but yeah it's helped allot and being around negativity and being in stressful situations really doesn't help because you use **** (I'm British I don't mean gay people.) To relieve stress but yeah that's all I can say of my experience and I've been a smoker for about 8 years and cut down from about 30 a day to like 1 every month I mean I still smoke but I feel like I'm easing slowly out of the dirty habit.

Hope this helps and good luck dude.
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Have the same problem, been smoking for around 10 years now... Getting a vape sounds like a good idea. Any cons to it though?
#16. Posted:
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Throw all yours away
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I'm 20 and I quit about 7 months ago now, haven't touched a single cigarette since. I vape and have been whilst I was smoking, with a low amount of nicotine in and that makes me not want to touch a cig again! The nicotine is the addictive part so using that helps me cut out all of the tobacco and all the tar, the real nasty stuff.

That or going cold turkey would be my recommendations.
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Shiv wrote Speak to, he recently quit!

I am now 2 months without a smoke and tbh not even needed one. The way i did it... 50W E-cig. Honestly saving me £100+ a week as i was smoking 20 a day. To me it all depends on the liquid you get. Some do suck lol.
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Jay wrote
Shiv wrote Speak to, he recently quit!

I am now 2 months without a smoke and tbh not even needed one. The way i did it... 50W E-cig. Honestly saving me £100+ a week as i was smoking 20 a day. To me it all depends on the liquid you get. Some do suck lol.

Some are awful, I've just picked a new one up and it tastes like turps
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I smoked a pack a day for 8 years. I smoked every hour on the hour. I was under the assumption I'd just smoke until I died until I put the stigma aside and bought a vape. You can't go wrong. It's a bit different to get used to at first but once you got it, you're good. If you want to go this route and have questions feel free to ask me. I've had several different devices, tanks, RDA's, etc. I can help you.
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