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(MW2) Patch Editor + Patch Codes
(MW2) Patch Editor + Patch CodesPosted:
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Joined: Feb 27, 201113Year Member
Posts: 173
Reputation Power: 6
Status: Offline
Joined: Feb 27, 201113Year Member
Posts: 173
Reputation Power: 6
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Download Links:
Patch Editor:
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winrar: (Only if not got)
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Patch Codes:
self ThermalVisionFOFOverlayOn();
self ThermalVisionFOFOverlayOff();
10th Spinning Emblem
self SetcardIcon( "cardicon_prestige10_02" );self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "cardIcon", "cardicon_prestige10_02" );
self setPlayerData( "iconUnlocked", "cardicon_prestige10_02", 1);
Model Swap
self setModel( "model" );
Manipulate Models
Model Manipulation
mpgametypes_teams::getTeamCrateModel( "allies" )mapsmpgametypes_teams::getTeamCrateModel( "axis" )
THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST! I just went to a couple of .gscs and found them. If you want a complete list, then look for them yourself!
Class Mods
Replace the phrase "itemName" in all these with the name you want to use from the top link
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "name", "Text" ); //Class name self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "weapon", "itemName" ); //Primary Gun self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "attachment", 0, "itemName" ); //Primary Gun Attachment 1 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "attachment", 1, "itemName" ); //Primary Gun Attachment 2 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "camo", "itemName" ); //Primary Camo self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "weapon", "itemName" ); //Secondary Gun self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "attachment", 0, "itemName" ); //Secondary Gun Attachment 1 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "attachment", 1, "itemName" ); //Secondary Gun Attachment 2 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "camo", "itemName" ); //Secondary Camo self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 0, "itemName" ); //Equipment self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 1, "itemName" ); //Perk 1 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 2, "itemName" ); //Perk 2 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 3, "itemName" ); //Perk 3 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 4, "itemName" ); //Deathstreak self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "specialGrenade", "itemName" ); //Special Grenade}
Set clan name
self setClientDvar( "clanname", ClanTagHere );
Complete All Challenges w/ Challenge Progression
completeAllChallenges(){ self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "dpad_down", "+actionslot 2" ); chalProgress = 0; self waittill( "dpad_down" ); useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 ); useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 ); foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo ) { finalTarget = 0; finalTier = 0; for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ ) { finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId]; finalTier = tierId + 1; } if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) ) { self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget ); self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier ); } chalProgress++; chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) ); useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" ); useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 ); wait ( 0.04 ); } useBar destroyElem(); useBarText destroyElem();}
God Mode
doGod(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); self.maxhealth = 90000; = self.maxhealth; while ( 1 ) { wait .4; if ( < self.maxhealth ) = self.maxhealth; }}
Infinite Ammo
doAmmo(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); while ( 1 ) { currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon(); if ( currentWeapon != "none" ) { self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 ); self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon ); } currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand(); if ( currentoffhand != "none" ) { self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 ); self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand ); } wait 0.05; }}
Give AC-130
self mapsmpkillstreaks_killstreaks::giveKillstreak( "ac130", false );
Write Text on Screen
Text at bottem left
self iPrintln("Text");
Text at top
self iPrintlnBold("Text");
Typewriter Text
self thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::hintMessage("Text");
Text with Icon, color, sound, and 3 lines
notifyData = spawnstruct();notifyData.iconName = "rank_prestige10"; //Icon, 10th prestigenotifyData.titleText = "Text"; //Line 1notifyData.notifyText = "Text"; //Line 2notifyData.notifyText2 = "Text"; //Line 3notifyData.glowColor = (0.3, 0.6, 0.3); //RGB Color array divided by 100notifyData.sound = "mp_level_up"; //Sound, level up sound hereself thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );
Speed Scale
self.moveSpeedScaler = 5
Extend Killstreak Times
self.killStreakScaler = 99;
No Recoil
self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
Give Weapon
self giveWeapon("itemName", 0);
Jam Radar
self RadarJamOn();
self RadarJamOff();
Take All Weapons
self takeAllWeapons();
Disable Jumping
self allowJump(false);
Disable Sprinting
self allowSprint(false);
Disable Aiming
self allowADS(false);
Disable All Controls
self freezeControls(true);
Disable Weapons
self _disableWeapon();self _disableOffhandWeapons();
Clear All Perks
self _clearPerks();
End the game
level thread mapsmpgametypes_gamelogic::forceEnd();
Kick People On Killing
This in your _missions.gsc
toggleKick(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "LB", "+smoke" ); for ( ;; ) { self waittill( "LB" ); self.canKick = 1; self iPrintlnBold( "Kicking is ON" ); foreach( player in level.players ) { if( != "Host Gt") player freezeControls( true ); } self waittill( "LB" ); self.canKick = 0; self iPrintlnBold( "Kicking is OFF" ); foreach( player in level.players ) { if( != "Host Gt") player freezeControls( false ); } }}
This in the killedPlayer function in the _events.gsc
self thread tryKick( victim );
This somewhere in the _events.gsc
tryKick( victim ){ hostPlayer = undefined; foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( !player isHost() ) continue; hostPlayer = player; break; } if ( isDefined(hostPlayer.canKick) && hostPlayer.canKick > 0 ) { if( == level.hostname) kick( victim getEntityNumber()); }}
Set Stance
self SetStance( "stand" );
self SetStance( "crouch" );
self SetStance( "prone" );
Create Money
createMoney(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); while(1) { playFx( level._effect["money"], self getTagOrigin( "j_spine4" ) ); wait 0.5; }}
doTeleport(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand("dpad_up", "+actionslot 1"); for(;;) { self waittill( "dpad_up" ); self beginLocationselection( "map_artillery_selector", true, ( level.mapSize / 5.625 ) ); self.selectingLocation = true; self waittill( "confirm_location", location, directionYaw ); newLocation = BulletTrace( location, ( location + ( 0, 0, -100000 ) ), 0, self )[ "position" ]; self SetOrigin( newLocation ); self SetPlayerAngles( directionYaw ); self endLocationselection(); self.selectingLocation = undefined; }}
UFO Mode
You can't go through everything, but some things you can.
doUfo(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand("dpad_up", "+actionslot 1"); mapsmpgametypes_spectating::setSpectatePermissions(); for(;;) { self waittill("dpad_up"); self allowSpectateTeam( "freelook", true ); self.sessionstate = "spectator"; self setContents( 0 ); self waittill("dpad_up"); self.sessionstate = "playing"; self allowSpectateTeam( "freelook", false ); self setContents( 100 ); }}
self setPlayerData( "kills", value );
Kill Streak
self setPlayerData( "killStreak", value );
self setPlayerData( "headshots", value );
self setPlayerData( "deaths", value );
self setPlayerData( "assists", value );
self setPlayerData( "hits", value );
self setPlayerData( "misses", -2147483647 );
self setPlayerData( "wins", value );
Win Streak
self setPlayerData( "winStreak", value );
self setPlayerData( "losses", value );
self setPlayerData( "ties", value );
self setPlayerData( "score", value );
self setPlayerData( "experience", 2516000 ); //2516000 is max XP.
foreach ( ref, award in level.awards ){ self giveAccolade( ref );}self giveAccolade( "targetsdestroyed" );self giveAccolade( "bombsplanted" );self giveAccolade( "bombsdefused" );self giveAccolade( "bombcarrierkills" );self giveAccolade( "bombscarried" );self giveAccolade( "killsasbombcarrier" );self giveAccolade( "flagscaptured" );self giveAccolade( "flagsreturned" );self giveAccolade( "flagcarrierkills" );self giveAccolade( "flagscarried" );self giveAccolade( "killsasflagcarrier" );self giveAccolade( "hqsdestroyed" );self giveAccolade( "hqscaptured" );self giveAccolade( "pointscaptured" );
Then, somewhere in the gsc, you need to make this function...
giveAccolade( ref ){ self setPlayerData( "awards", ref, self getPlayerData( "awards", ref ) + value );}
Now, just replace value with what you want to increase by and your good to go.
Cycle Through Weapons
cycleWeapons(){ self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "dpad_right", "+actionslot 4" ); timesDone = 0; for(;;) { self waittill( "dpad_right" ); self takeAllWeapons(); for ( i = timesDone; i < timesDone + 10; i++ ) { self _giveWeapon( level.weaponList[i], 0); wait (0.05); if (i >= level.weaponList.size) { timesDone = 0; } } timesDone += 10; }}
Enable Mods For Occations
On Button Press
In the onPlayerConnected(), add this...
self thread iniButtons();
Then add this at the end of the file...
iniButtons(){ self.buttonAction = []; self.buttonAction[0]="+usereload"; self.buttonAction[1]="weapnext"; self.buttonAction[2]="+gostand"; self.buttonAction[3]="+melee"; self.buttonAction[4]="+actionslot 1"; self.buttonAction[5]="+actionslot 2"; self.buttonAction[6]="+actionslot 3"; self.buttonAction[7]="+actionslot 4"; self.buttonAction[8]="+frag"; self.buttonAction[9]="+smoke"; self.buttonAction[10]="+attack"; self.buttonAction[11]="+speed_throw"; self.buttonAction[12]="+stance"; self.buttonAction[13]="+breathe_sprint"; self.buttonPressed = []; for(i=0; i<14; i++) { self.buttonPressed[self.buttonAction[i]] = 0; self thread monitorButtons( self.buttonAction[i] ); }}monitorButtons( buttonIndex ){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "action_made", buttonIndex ); for ( ;; ) { self waittill( "action_made" ); self.buttonPressed[ buttonIndex ] = 1; wait .05; self.buttonPressed[ buttonIndex ] = 0; }}isButtonPressed( actionID ){ if ( self.buttonPressed[ actionID ] == 1) { self.buttonPressed[ actionID ] = 0; return true; } else return false;}
Example use:
if ( self isButtonPressed( "+actionslot 4" ) ) self unlockAllChallenges();
On Stand
if ( self GetStance() == "stand" ){ //code here}
On Crouch
if ( self GetStance() == "crouch" ){ //code here}
On Prone
if ( self GetStance() == "prone" ){ //code here}
On Certain GTs
if(( == "GT")|| ( == "GT2")|| ( == level.hostname)){}else{}
You can go on with that forever...
On Taking Damage
if ( self isAtBrinkOfDeath() ){ //Code here}
On Has Perk
if ( player _hasPerk( perkName ) ){ //Code here}
self hide();
Vision Mods
For the vision, go here for all the possible visions....
For transition_time, make it any number you want. 0 for instant. Higher for fade.
VisionSetNaked( vision, transition_time );
1 Person
self VisionSetNakedForPlayer( vision, transition_time );
Download Links:
Patch Editor:
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winrar: (Only if not got)
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Patch Codes:
self ThermalVisionFOFOverlayOn();
self ThermalVisionFOFOverlayOff();
10th Spinning Emblem
self SetcardIcon( "cardicon_prestige10_02" );self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "cardIcon", "cardicon_prestige10_02" );
self setPlayerData( "iconUnlocked", "cardicon_prestige10_02", 1);
Model Swap
self setModel( "model" );
Manipulate Models
Model Manipulation
mpgametypes_teams::getTeamCrateModel( "allies" )mapsmpgametypes_teams::getTeamCrateModel( "axis" )
THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST! I just went to a couple of .gscs and found them. If you want a complete list, then look for them yourself!
Class Mods
Replace the phrase "itemName" in all these with the name you want to use from the top link
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "name", "Text" ); //Class name self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "weapon", "itemName" ); //Primary Gun self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "attachment", 0, "itemName" ); //Primary Gun Attachment 1 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "attachment", 1, "itemName" ); //Primary Gun Attachment 2 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 0, "camo", "itemName" ); //Primary Camo self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "weapon", "itemName" ); //Secondary Gun self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "attachment", 0, "itemName" ); //Secondary Gun Attachment 1 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "attachment", 1, "itemName" ); //Secondary Gun Attachment 2 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "weaponSetups", 1, "camo", "itemName" ); //Secondary Camo self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 0, "itemName" ); //Equipment self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 1, "itemName" ); //Perk 1 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 2, "itemName" ); //Perk 2 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 3, "itemName" ); //Perk 3 self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "perks", 4, "itemName" ); //Deathstreak self setPlayerData( "customClasses", i, "specialGrenade", "itemName" ); //Special Grenade}
Set clan name
self setClientDvar( "clanname", ClanTagHere );
Complete All Challenges w/ Challenge Progression
completeAllChallenges(){ self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "dpad_down", "+actionslot 2" ); chalProgress = 0; self waittill( "dpad_down" ); useBar = createPrimaryProgressBar( 25 ); useBarText = createPrimaryProgressBarText( 25 ); foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo ) { finalTarget = 0; finalTier = 0; for ( tierId = 1; isDefined( challengeData["targetval"][tierId] ); tierId++ ) { finalTarget = challengeData["targetval"][tierId]; finalTier = tierId + 1; } if ( self isItemUnlocked( challengeRef ) ) { self setPlayerData( "challengeProgress", challengeRef, finalTarget ); self setPlayerData( "challengeState", challengeRef, finalTier ); } chalProgress++; chalPercent = ceil( ((chalProgress/480)*100) ); useBarText setText( chalPercent + " percent done" ); useBar updateBar( chalPercent / 100 ); wait ( 0.04 ); } useBar destroyElem(); useBarText destroyElem();}
God Mode
doGod(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); self.maxhealth = 90000; = self.maxhealth; while ( 1 ) { wait .4; if ( < self.maxhealth ) = self.maxhealth; }}
Infinite Ammo
doAmmo(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); while ( 1 ) { currentWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon(); if ( currentWeapon != "none" ) { self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentWeapon, 9999 ); self GiveMaxAmmo( currentWeapon ); } currentoffhand = self GetCurrentOffhand(); if ( currentoffhand != "none" ) { self setWeaponAmmoClip( currentoffhand, 9999 ); self GiveMaxAmmo( currentoffhand ); } wait 0.05; }}
Give AC-130
self mapsmpkillstreaks_killstreaks::giveKillstreak( "ac130", false );
Write Text on Screen
Text at bottem left
self iPrintln("Text");
Text at top
self iPrintlnBold("Text");
Typewriter Text
self thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::hintMessage("Text");
Text with Icon, color, sound, and 3 lines
notifyData = spawnstruct();notifyData.iconName = "rank_prestige10"; //Icon, 10th prestigenotifyData.titleText = "Text"; //Line 1notifyData.notifyText = "Text"; //Line 2notifyData.notifyText2 = "Text"; //Line 3notifyData.glowColor = (0.3, 0.6, 0.3); //RGB Color array divided by 100notifyData.sound = "mp_level_up"; //Sound, level up sound hereself thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );
Speed Scale
self.moveSpeedScaler = 5
Extend Killstreak Times
self.killStreakScaler = 99;
No Recoil
self player_recoilScaleOn(0);
Give Weapon
self giveWeapon("itemName", 0);
Jam Radar
self RadarJamOn();
self RadarJamOff();
Take All Weapons
self takeAllWeapons();
Disable Jumping
self allowJump(false);
Disable Sprinting
self allowSprint(false);
Disable Aiming
self allowADS(false);
Disable All Controls
self freezeControls(true);
Disable Weapons
self _disableWeapon();self _disableOffhandWeapons();
Clear All Perks
self _clearPerks();
End the game
level thread mapsmpgametypes_gamelogic::forceEnd();
Kick People On Killing
This in your _missions.gsc
toggleKick(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "LB", "+smoke" ); for ( ;; ) { self waittill( "LB" ); self.canKick = 1; self iPrintlnBold( "Kicking is ON" ); foreach( player in level.players ) { if( != "Host Gt") player freezeControls( true ); } self waittill( "LB" ); self.canKick = 0; self iPrintlnBold( "Kicking is OFF" ); foreach( player in level.players ) { if( != "Host Gt") player freezeControls( false ); } }}
This in the killedPlayer function in the _events.gsc
self thread tryKick( victim );
This somewhere in the _events.gsc
tryKick( victim ){ hostPlayer = undefined; foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( !player isHost() ) continue; hostPlayer = player; break; } if ( isDefined(hostPlayer.canKick) && hostPlayer.canKick > 0 ) { if( == level.hostname) kick( victim getEntityNumber()); }}
Set Stance
self SetStance( "stand" );
self SetStance( "crouch" );
self SetStance( "prone" );
Create Money
createMoney(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); while(1) { playFx( level._effect["money"], self getTagOrigin( "j_spine4" ) ); wait 0.5; }}
doTeleport(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand("dpad_up", "+actionslot 1"); for(;;) { self waittill( "dpad_up" ); self beginLocationselection( "map_artillery_selector", true, ( level.mapSize / 5.625 ) ); self.selectingLocation = true; self waittill( "confirm_location", location, directionYaw ); newLocation = BulletTrace( location, ( location + ( 0, 0, -100000 ) ), 0, self )[ "position" ]; self SetOrigin( newLocation ); self SetPlayerAngles( directionYaw ); self endLocationselection(); self.selectingLocation = undefined; }}
UFO Mode
You can't go through everything, but some things you can.
doUfo(){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand("dpad_up", "+actionslot 1"); mapsmpgametypes_spectating::setSpectatePermissions(); for(;;) { self waittill("dpad_up"); self allowSpectateTeam( "freelook", true ); self.sessionstate = "spectator"; self setContents( 0 ); self waittill("dpad_up"); self.sessionstate = "playing"; self allowSpectateTeam( "freelook", false ); self setContents( 100 ); }}
self setPlayerData( "kills", value );
Kill Streak
self setPlayerData( "killStreak", value );
self setPlayerData( "headshots", value );
self setPlayerData( "deaths", value );
self setPlayerData( "assists", value );
self setPlayerData( "hits", value );
self setPlayerData( "misses", -2147483647 );
self setPlayerData( "wins", value );
Win Streak
self setPlayerData( "winStreak", value );
self setPlayerData( "losses", value );
self setPlayerData( "ties", value );
self setPlayerData( "score", value );
self setPlayerData( "experience", 2516000 ); //2516000 is max XP.
foreach ( ref, award in level.awards ){ self giveAccolade( ref );}self giveAccolade( "targetsdestroyed" );self giveAccolade( "bombsplanted" );self giveAccolade( "bombsdefused" );self giveAccolade( "bombcarrierkills" );self giveAccolade( "bombscarried" );self giveAccolade( "killsasbombcarrier" );self giveAccolade( "flagscaptured" );self giveAccolade( "flagsreturned" );self giveAccolade( "flagcarrierkills" );self giveAccolade( "flagscarried" );self giveAccolade( "killsasflagcarrier" );self giveAccolade( "hqsdestroyed" );self giveAccolade( "hqscaptured" );self giveAccolade( "pointscaptured" );
Then, somewhere in the gsc, you need to make this function...
giveAccolade( ref ){ self setPlayerData( "awards", ref, self getPlayerData( "awards", ref ) + value );}
Now, just replace value with what you want to increase by and your good to go.
Cycle Through Weapons
cycleWeapons(){ self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "dpad_right", "+actionslot 4" ); timesDone = 0; for(;;) { self waittill( "dpad_right" ); self takeAllWeapons(); for ( i = timesDone; i < timesDone + 10; i++ ) { self _giveWeapon( level.weaponList[i], 0); wait (0.05); if (i >= level.weaponList.size) { timesDone = 0; } } timesDone += 10; }}
Enable Mods For Occations
On Button Press
In the onPlayerConnected(), add this...
self thread iniButtons();
Then add this at the end of the file...
iniButtons(){ self.buttonAction = []; self.buttonAction[0]="+usereload"; self.buttonAction[1]="weapnext"; self.buttonAction[2]="+gostand"; self.buttonAction[3]="+melee"; self.buttonAction[4]="+actionslot 1"; self.buttonAction[5]="+actionslot 2"; self.buttonAction[6]="+actionslot 3"; self.buttonAction[7]="+actionslot 4"; self.buttonAction[8]="+frag"; self.buttonAction[9]="+smoke"; self.buttonAction[10]="+attack"; self.buttonAction[11]="+speed_throw"; self.buttonAction[12]="+stance"; self.buttonAction[13]="+breathe_sprint"; self.buttonPressed = []; for(i=0; i<14; i++) { self.buttonPressed[self.buttonAction[i]] = 0; self thread monitorButtons( self.buttonAction[i] ); }}monitorButtons( buttonIndex ){ self endon ( "disconnect" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "action_made", buttonIndex ); for ( ;; ) { self waittill( "action_made" ); self.buttonPressed[ buttonIndex ] = 1; wait .05; self.buttonPressed[ buttonIndex ] = 0; }}isButtonPressed( actionID ){ if ( self.buttonPressed[ actionID ] == 1) { self.buttonPressed[ actionID ] = 0; return true; } else return false;}
Example use:
if ( self isButtonPressed( "+actionslot 4" ) ) self unlockAllChallenges();
On Stand
if ( self GetStance() == "stand" ){ //code here}
On Crouch
if ( self GetStance() == "crouch" ){ //code here}
On Prone
if ( self GetStance() == "prone" ){ //code here}
On Certain GTs
if(( == "GT")|| ( == "GT2")|| ( == level.hostname)){}else{}
You can go on with that forever...
On Taking Damage
if ( self isAtBrinkOfDeath() ){ //Code here}
On Has Perk
if ( player _hasPerk( perkName ) ){ //Code here}
self hide();
Vision Mods
For the vision, go here for all the possible visions....
For transition_time, make it any number you want. 0 for instant. Higher for fade.
VisionSetNaked( vision, transition_time );
1 Person
self VisionSetNakedForPlayer( vision, transition_time );
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