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Wow this is fail right here.
Wow this is fail right here.Posted:
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Joined: Feb 09, 201014Year Member
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sv_cheats 1
say "Ult Config! By hippie and XanderChaos
sb_all_bot_team 1
melee_force_scalar 5000
alias Defaults "ABUT;BBUT;XBUT;YBUT;UPD;RPD;LPD;DPD;attacking;whacking"
alias ABUT "bind A_BUTTON +jump"
alias BBUT "bind B_BUTTON say Little kids don't have souls!"
alias XBUT "bind X_BUTTON +use"
alias YBUT "bind Y_BUTTON lastinv"
alias UPD "bind UP +UPD2"
alias +UPD2 "+EpicCommands;impulse 100"
alias -UPD2 "-EpicCommands"
alias LPD "bind LEFT +LPD2"
alias +LPD2 "slot3;+ExtraBuilding"
alias -LPD2 "-ExtraBuilding"
alias RPD "bind RIGHT +RPD2"
alias +RPD2 "slot4;+ExtraJunk"
alias -RPD2 "-ExtraJunk"
alias DPD "bind DOWN say Go to the!"
alias attacking "bind R_TRIGGER +attack"
alias whacking "bind L_TRIGGER +attack2"
alias leftStick "bind STICK1 +duck"
alias rightStick "bind STICK2 +zoom"
//RB Commands - Zombies
alias +ZombieCommands "bind A_BUTTON spawnCommon;bind B_BUTTON spawnSpitter;bind X_BUTTON spawnCharger;bind Y_BUTTON spawnJockey;bind UP spawnTank;bind DOWN spawnBoomer;bind LEFT spawnSmoker;bind RIGHT spawnHunter;bind STICK1 spawnWitch;bind STICK2 nb_move_to_cursor;bind R_TRIGGER +blindZombies;bind L_TRIGGER +swarmSurvivors"
alias -ZombieCommands Defaults
alias spawnJockey "z_spawn jockey"
alias spawnSpitter "z_spawn spitter"
alias spawnCharger "z_spawn charger"
alias spawnSmoker "z_spawn smoker"
alias spawnHunter "z_spawn hunter"
alias spawnBoomer "z_spawn boomer"
alias spawnTank "z_spawn tank"
alias spawnWitch "z_spawn witch"
alias spawnCommon "z_spawn hippie;z_spawn silver;z_spawn enadugar;z_spawn bufu;z_spawn xander;z_spawn cakes;z_spawn willowtree;z_spawn haitharmrzombie"
alias +swarmSurvivors "director_panic_forever 1;director_force_panic_event;nb_rush"
alias -swarmSurvivors "director_panic_forever 0"
alias +blindZombies "nb_blind 1;z_vision_range 0"
alias -blindZombies "nb_blind 0;z_vision_range 500"
//LB Commands - General
alias +GeneralCommands "bind A_BUTTON noclip;bind B_BUTTON upgradeWeapon;bind X_BUTTON warp_all_survivors_here;bind Y_BUTTON +speedBoost;bind UP increaseGravity;bind DOWN decreaseGravity;bind LEFT allWeapons;bind RIGHT allItems;bind STICK1 fire;bind STICK2 thirdpersonshoulder;bind R_TRIGGER +godMode;bind L_TRIGGER +infiniteAmmo"
alias -GeneralCommands Defaults
alias upgradeWeapon "upgrade_add LASER_SIGHT;upgrade_add explosive_ammo;upgrade_add INCENDIARY_AMMO"
alias +speedBoost "survivor_speed 500"
alias -speedBoost "survivor_speed 210"
alias increaseGravity "incrementvar sv_gravity 0 5000 100"
alias decreaseGravity"incrementvar sv_gravity 0 5000 -100"
alias allWeapons "give autoshotgun;give chainsaw;give electric_guitar;give machete;give frying_pan;give katana;give grenade_launcher;give hunting_rifle;give pistol;give pistol_magnum;give pumpshotgun;give rifle;give rifle_ak47;give rifle_desert;give rifle_sg552;give shotgun_chrome;give shotgun_spas;give smg;give smg_mp5;give smg_silenced;give sniper_awp;give sniper_military;give sniper_scout"
alias allItems "give adrenaline;give defibrillator;give fireworkcrate;give first_aid_kit;give molotov;give pain_pills;give pipe_bomb;give vomitjar;give cola_bottels"
alias +godMode "god 1"
alias -godMode "god 0"
alias +infiniteAmmo "sv_infinite_ammo 1"
alias -infiniteAmmo "sv_infinite_ammo 0"
//Back Commands - Build
alias +BuildCommands "bind A_BUTTON obj7;bind B_BUTTON obj10;bind X_BUTTON obj8;bind Y_BUTTON obj4;bind UP obj5;bind DOWN obj6;bind LEFT obj1;bind RIGHT obj3;bind STICK1 createHoldables;bind STICK2 failSign;bind R_TRIGGER ent_remove;bind L_TRIGGER rotateObj"
alias -BuildCommands Defaults
alias obj1 "prop_dynamic_create propsterrorammo_stack.mdl"
alias obj2 "prop_dynamic_create props_equipmentsnack_machine2.mdl"
alias obj3 "prop_dynamic_create props_furniturebathtub1.mdl"
alias obj4 "prop_dynamic_create props_interiorstable_kitchen.mdl"
alias obj5 "prop_dynamic_create props_doorscheckpoint_door_01.mdl"
alias obj6 "prop_dynamic_create props_streetstopsign01.mdl"
alias obj7 "prop_dynamic_create props_streetpolice_barricade2.mdl"
alias obj8 "prop_dynamic_create props_interiorsrefrigerator03.mdl"
alias createHoldables "give gascan;give oxygentank;give propanetank"
alias failSign "prop_dynamic_create error.mdl"
alias rotateObj "ent_rotate 30"
//Up Commands - Epic
alias +EpicCommands "bind A_BUTTON gibGnome;bind B_BUTTON iMakeYouGoBoom;bind X_BUTTON coach;bind Y_BUTTON youreMine;bind STICK2 seeItAll;bind STICK1 speed2;bind R_TRIGGER speed1;bind L_TRIGGER +carryObj"
alias -EpicCommands Defaults
alias gibGnome "give gnome;say Go Gnome Go!"
alias iMakeYouGoBoom "ent_fire !picker ignite"
alias imInYourHead "sb_takecontrol !picker"
alias youreMine "say Go to the!"
alias seeItAll "say Little kids don't have souls!"
alias superSpeed "incrementvar host_timescale 1 10 1;incrementvar cl_phys_timescale 1 10 1"
alias +carryObj "ent_setname picked; ent_fire !picker setparent !player"
alias -carryObj "ent_fire picked clearparent"
bind BACK +BuildCommands
bind R_SHOULDER +ZombieCommands
bind L_SHOULDER +GeneralCommands
//Left Commands - Extra Building
alias +ExtraBuilding "bind A_BUTTON obj9;bind B_BUTTON obj2;bind X_BUTTON obj11;bind Y_BUTTON obj12;bind R_TRIGGER obj13;bind L_TRIGGER obj14;bind STICK2 obj15"
alias -ExtraBuilding Defaults
alias obj9 "prop_dynamic_create props_cratessupply_crate02.mdl"
alias obj10 "prop_dynamic_create props_c17concrete_barrier001a.mdl"
alias obj11 "prop_dynamic_create props_fortificationsfortification_indoor_01.mdl"
alias obj12 "prop_dynamic_create props_exteriorswood_stairs_40.mdl"
alias obj13 "prop_dynamic_create props_fortificationssandbags_line2.mdl"
alias obj14 "prop_dynamic_create props_exteriorswood_railing004d.mdl"
alias obj15 "prop_dynamic_create de_infernotv_monitor01.mdl"
//Right Commands - Extra Junk
alias +ExtraJunk "bind A_BUTTON sb_add;bind B_BUTTON specMode;bind X_BUTTON survMode;bind Y_BUTTON infeMode; bindToggle R_TRIGGER sb_crouch;bindToggle L_TRIGGER sb_open_fire;bind STICK2 sb_move_to_cursor;bindToggle STICK1 sv_alltalk"
alias -ExtraJunk Defaults
alias specMode "ent_fire !picker color 255+105+180; ent_fire !self color 255+105+180"
alias survMode "ent_fire !picker color 173+255+47; ent_fire !self color 173+255+47"
alias infeMode "toggle sv_friction 0.1 1 5 9"
alias coach "sb_takecontrol coach; bind X_BUTTON ellis"
alias ellis "sb_takecontrol ellis;bind X_BUTTON nick"
alias nick "sb_takecontrol nick; bind X_BUTTON rochelle"
alias rochelle "sb_takecontrol rochelle; bind X_BUTTON coach"
//Timescale Speeds
alias speed1 "host_timescale 1"
alias speed2 "toggle host_timescale 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 "
say "Ult Config! By hippie and XanderChaos
sb_all_bot_team 1
melee_force_scalar 5000
alias Defaults "ABUT;BBUT;XBUT;YBUT;UPD;RPD;LPD;DPD;attacking;whacking"
alias ABUT "bind A_BUTTON +jump"
alias BBUT "bind B_BUTTON say Little kids don't have souls!"
alias XBUT "bind X_BUTTON +use"
alias YBUT "bind Y_BUTTON lastinv"
alias UPD "bind UP +UPD2"
alias +UPD2 "+EpicCommands;impulse 100"
alias -UPD2 "-EpicCommands"
alias LPD "bind LEFT +LPD2"
alias +LPD2 "slot3;+ExtraBuilding"
alias -LPD2 "-ExtraBuilding"
alias RPD "bind RIGHT +RPD2"
alias +RPD2 "slot4;+ExtraJunk"
alias -RPD2 "-ExtraJunk"
alias DPD "bind DOWN say Go to the!"
alias attacking "bind R_TRIGGER +attack"
alias whacking "bind L_TRIGGER +attack2"
alias leftStick "bind STICK1 +duck"
alias rightStick "bind STICK2 +zoom"
//RB Commands - Zombies
alias +ZombieCommands "bind A_BUTTON spawnCommon;bind B_BUTTON spawnSpitter;bind X_BUTTON spawnCharger;bind Y_BUTTON spawnJockey;bind UP spawnTank;bind DOWN spawnBoomer;bind LEFT spawnSmoker;bind RIGHT spawnHunter;bind STICK1 spawnWitch;bind STICK2 nb_move_to_cursor;bind R_TRIGGER +blindZombies;bind L_TRIGGER +swarmSurvivors"
alias -ZombieCommands Defaults
alias spawnJockey "z_spawn jockey"
alias spawnSpitter "z_spawn spitter"
alias spawnCharger "z_spawn charger"
alias spawnSmoker "z_spawn smoker"
alias spawnHunter "z_spawn hunter"
alias spawnBoomer "z_spawn boomer"
alias spawnTank "z_spawn tank"
alias spawnWitch "z_spawn witch"
alias spawnCommon "z_spawn hippie;z_spawn silver;z_spawn enadugar;z_spawn bufu;z_spawn xander;z_spawn cakes;z_spawn willowtree;z_spawn haitharmrzombie"
alias +swarmSurvivors "director_panic_forever 1;director_force_panic_event;nb_rush"
alias -swarmSurvivors "director_panic_forever 0"
alias +blindZombies "nb_blind 1;z_vision_range 0"
alias -blindZombies "nb_blind 0;z_vision_range 500"
//LB Commands - General
alias +GeneralCommands "bind A_BUTTON noclip;bind B_BUTTON upgradeWeapon;bind X_BUTTON warp_all_survivors_here;bind Y_BUTTON +speedBoost;bind UP increaseGravity;bind DOWN decreaseGravity;bind LEFT allWeapons;bind RIGHT allItems;bind STICK1 fire;bind STICK2 thirdpersonshoulder;bind R_TRIGGER +godMode;bind L_TRIGGER +infiniteAmmo"
alias -GeneralCommands Defaults
alias upgradeWeapon "upgrade_add LASER_SIGHT;upgrade_add explosive_ammo;upgrade_add INCENDIARY_AMMO"
alias +speedBoost "survivor_speed 500"
alias -speedBoost "survivor_speed 210"
alias increaseGravity "incrementvar sv_gravity 0 5000 100"
alias decreaseGravity"incrementvar sv_gravity 0 5000 -100"
alias allWeapons "give autoshotgun;give chainsaw;give electric_guitar;give machete;give frying_pan;give katana;give grenade_launcher;give hunting_rifle;give pistol;give pistol_magnum;give pumpshotgun;give rifle;give rifle_ak47;give rifle_desert;give rifle_sg552;give shotgun_chrome;give shotgun_spas;give smg;give smg_mp5;give smg_silenced;give sniper_awp;give sniper_military;give sniper_scout"
alias allItems "give adrenaline;give defibrillator;give fireworkcrate;give first_aid_kit;give molotov;give pain_pills;give pipe_bomb;give vomitjar;give cola_bottels"
alias +godMode "god 1"
alias -godMode "god 0"
alias +infiniteAmmo "sv_infinite_ammo 1"
alias -infiniteAmmo "sv_infinite_ammo 0"
//Back Commands - Build
alias +BuildCommands "bind A_BUTTON obj7;bind B_BUTTON obj10;bind X_BUTTON obj8;bind Y_BUTTON obj4;bind UP obj5;bind DOWN obj6;bind LEFT obj1;bind RIGHT obj3;bind STICK1 createHoldables;bind STICK2 failSign;bind R_TRIGGER ent_remove;bind L_TRIGGER rotateObj"
alias -BuildCommands Defaults
alias obj1 "prop_dynamic_create propsterrorammo_stack.mdl"
alias obj2 "prop_dynamic_create props_equipmentsnack_machine2.mdl"
alias obj3 "prop_dynamic_create props_furniturebathtub1.mdl"
alias obj4 "prop_dynamic_create props_interiorstable_kitchen.mdl"
alias obj5 "prop_dynamic_create props_doorscheckpoint_door_01.mdl"
alias obj6 "prop_dynamic_create props_streetstopsign01.mdl"
alias obj7 "prop_dynamic_create props_streetpolice_barricade2.mdl"
alias obj8 "prop_dynamic_create props_interiorsrefrigerator03.mdl"
alias createHoldables "give gascan;give oxygentank;give propanetank"
alias failSign "prop_dynamic_create error.mdl"
alias rotateObj "ent_rotate 30"
//Up Commands - Epic
alias +EpicCommands "bind A_BUTTON gibGnome;bind B_BUTTON iMakeYouGoBoom;bind X_BUTTON coach;bind Y_BUTTON youreMine;bind STICK2 seeItAll;bind STICK1 speed2;bind R_TRIGGER speed1;bind L_TRIGGER +carryObj"
alias -EpicCommands Defaults
alias gibGnome "give gnome;say Go Gnome Go!"
alias iMakeYouGoBoom "ent_fire !picker ignite"
alias imInYourHead "sb_takecontrol !picker"
alias youreMine "say Go to the!"
alias seeItAll "say Little kids don't have souls!"
alias superSpeed "incrementvar host_timescale 1 10 1;incrementvar cl_phys_timescale 1 10 1"
alias +carryObj "ent_setname picked; ent_fire !picker setparent !player"
alias -carryObj "ent_fire picked clearparent"
bind BACK +BuildCommands
bind R_SHOULDER +ZombieCommands
bind L_SHOULDER +GeneralCommands
//Left Commands - Extra Building
alias +ExtraBuilding "bind A_BUTTON obj9;bind B_BUTTON obj2;bind X_BUTTON obj11;bind Y_BUTTON obj12;bind R_TRIGGER obj13;bind L_TRIGGER obj14;bind STICK2 obj15"
alias -ExtraBuilding Defaults
alias obj9 "prop_dynamic_create props_cratessupply_crate02.mdl"
alias obj10 "prop_dynamic_create props_c17concrete_barrier001a.mdl"
alias obj11 "prop_dynamic_create props_fortificationsfortification_indoor_01.mdl"
alias obj12 "prop_dynamic_create props_exteriorswood_stairs_40.mdl"
alias obj13 "prop_dynamic_create props_fortificationssandbags_line2.mdl"
alias obj14 "prop_dynamic_create props_exteriorswood_railing004d.mdl"
alias obj15 "prop_dynamic_create de_infernotv_monitor01.mdl"
//Right Commands - Extra Junk
alias +ExtraJunk "bind A_BUTTON sb_add;bind B_BUTTON specMode;bind X_BUTTON survMode;bind Y_BUTTON infeMode; bindToggle R_TRIGGER sb_crouch;bindToggle L_TRIGGER sb_open_fire;bind STICK2 sb_move_to_cursor;bindToggle STICK1 sv_alltalk"
alias -ExtraJunk Defaults
alias specMode "ent_fire !picker color 255+105+180; ent_fire !self color 255+105+180"
alias survMode "ent_fire !picker color 173+255+47; ent_fire !self color 173+255+47"
alias infeMode "toggle sv_friction 0.1 1 5 9"
alias coach "sb_takecontrol coach; bind X_BUTTON ellis"
alias ellis "sb_takecontrol ellis;bind X_BUTTON nick"
alias nick "sb_takecontrol nick; bind X_BUTTON rochelle"
alias rochelle "sb_takecontrol rochelle; bind X_BUTTON coach"
//Timescale Speeds
alias speed1 "host_timescale 1"
alias speed2 "toggle host_timescale 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 "
Someone wanted me to edit this so I figured I'd point out some things that need fixing on this damn thing. Let's begin. Remove all " at the ends they're not needed. Also and spaces after ; or before ; are not needed. Instead of !picker use ent_setname pk;ent_fire pk...then you dont hv to be host. also sb_takecontrol !picker was something i was researching that did not work....that is what you get when you copy and paste I guess...oh and even if it did work that whole mind control bit is lulz youcan't take over a human player sb stands for survivor bot aka survivorbot_takecontrol...your pickup command won't work on others games try ent_setname picked;ent_fire picked setparent !activator...then for dropping use ent_fire picked clearparent;wait 5;ent_teleport picked;wait 5;ent_setname dn. lol once again with picker... just use ent_setname clr;ent_fire clr color 255+105+180...oh and finally using a toggling method for sb_takecontrol is pointless just use the command sb_takecontrol and you can look at any bot you wanna take control of....I think that about does time do not call it the ultimate config if it doesn't even work right no?
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