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All posts by: tylerlowey1993
Topic: [Ginger Host!] Hosting Hunger Games [2.0][Check It Out]
Replies: 113
Views: 5,019GT : Tyler Lowey
Age : 18- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: TheTechGame Hunger Games. v2.1 Released! Pistons added.
Replies: 737
Views: 57,409Name: Tyler Lowey
Age: 18
GT: Tyler Lowey
How long you been playing MC: Since it first came out on pc and now ive switched to Xbox
Best thing you built? Chinese village- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: Why do people lag so bad in my world? Help need solution
Replies: 3
Views: 233title says most of it I would like to make my connection better somehow because whenever I host a world people lag alot and sometimes get kicked out from lag.... Is anyone else experiencing this?
I ...- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: NEED BUILDING TEAM/looking to make top 5 creations youtube
Replies: 2
Views: 177GT: Tyler Lowey
AGE: 18
BUILDING 1/10: 9
MINING 1/10: 8
CRAFTING 1/10: 10
HOW OFTEN ARE YOU ON: 80% of the time aa)- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: TheTechGame Hide and Seek.{OWNER} {OPEN/CLOSED}
Replies: 39
Views: 2,207Name: Tyler
GT: Tyler Lowey
Mic(Yes/No): Yes
Age: 18
Country: Northern Ireland / Ireland
Timezone: GMT :mrgreen:- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: i need help with downloading +rep
Replies: 3
Views: 265i am trying to download a map and it says change ur profile id and console id how do i do that rep if some one helps
Watch that an ...- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: Hunger Games v2 Hosting -OPEN-
Replies: 19
Views: 1,124Need more players before i start inviting- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: Hunger Games v2 Hosting -OPEN-
Replies: 19
Views: 1,124Hunger Games v2
Well most of you have seen the film; The Hunger Games.
Now this game has come to xbox!
The map is made, the stage is set.
Will you win for your district, or will you become wo ... -
Topic: TheTechGame Hunger Games. v2.1 Released! Pistons added.
Replies: 737
Views: 57,409Looking for two UK/EU hosters.
You will get early access to version 3.
You will be put on this thread as an official hoster also.
I could host UK for you if you want ?
message me on xbox - ...- 0useful
- 0not useful
Topic: Hosting hunger games|fun|v 1.5 edited
Replies: 10
Views: 523invite me
Gamertag - Tyler Lowey- 0useful
- 0not useful
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