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#21. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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This finally told me the codenames of the new weapons in Call of the Dead.

Thanks, man.
#22. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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Very nice.

Where did you extract these from, if you did..?
I assume they were in the DLC file?
#23. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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Hey guys,
found some things that were interesting in the .gsc dump (if thats what its called):

2926. maps\_zombiemode_utility::add_sound( "break_stone", "break_stone" );

Could this be the stone that everyone is talking about that they can break? Is this the sound that goes with it? That or I always hear George breaking a rock sound when hes moving.

8753. PreCacheModel( "p_zom_vril_device" );
PreCacheModel( "p_zom_vodka_bottle" );
PreCacheModel( "p_zom_fuse" );
PreCacheModel( "p_zom_ice_chunk_03" );
PreCacheModel( "p_zom_minisub" );
PreCacheShader( "zom_hud_icon_fuse" );
PreCacheShader( "zom_hud_icon_bottle" );
PreCacheShader( "zom_hud_icon_vril" );

Above is the easter egg, I know that much! The "vril" at the end is the VR-11, which is part of the EE. The rest i'm not so sure about. If I missed something about the shamans, then go ahead and tell me im not sure lol.

level.beginning = getstruct( "cheaters_never_prosper", "targetname" );
rough_note = StrTok( level.beginning.script_parameters, " " );
balance = StrTok( level.beginning.script_noteworthy, " " );
level.trials = StrTok( level.beginning.script_waittill, " " ); = StrTok( level.beginning.script_string, " " );
level.mermaid = [];
level.together_again = [];
for( i = 0; i < rough_note.size; i++ )
temp = Int( rough_note[i] );
level.mermaid = add_to_array( level.mermaid, temp,

Not so sure about the part above, like i said the shamans i dont know what it means. Also, the cheaters_never_prosper part, what does that mean, is it still part of the Easter egg? And last the mermaids! Is this still part of the EE, also?? Never ever heard of a post on here about mermaids?!?!

horse_struct = getstruct( "struct_thunder", "targetname" );
flag_wait( "shs" );
wait( 2.0 );
horse = Spawn( "script_model", horse_struct.origin );
horse.angles = horse_struct.angles;
horse SetModel( "p_zom_minisub" );
horse NotSolid();
horse PlaySound( "zmb_forward_march" );
horse MoveZ( 325, 5.0 );
horse waittill( "movedone" )

Im about sure that this is the lightning that controls the PaP machine, but the horse part is unsure lol? what does a horse have to do with the PaP


This above is talking about the Scavenger, notice how it says sniper explosive

1665. self thread maps\_zombiemode_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "kill", "ubersniper" );

Lol kill, ubersniper, whats is this ubersniper about>Referal to the scavenger?!? Or does it refer to the L96 upgraded?


Nesting dolls? Sounds like those things on ascension! Could they be on CoTD? MAybe we havnt looked hard enough?

level.nesting_dolls_launch_speed = 500;
level.nesting_dolls_launch_angle = 45;
level.nesting_dolls_too_close_dist = 100 * 100;
level.nesting_dolls_det_time = 0.25;
level.nesting_dolls_player_aim_dot = Cos( 45 / 2 );
level.nesting_dolls_damage_radius = 180;
gravity = getdvarfloat(#"bg_gravity");
level.nesting_dolls_launch_peak_time = (( level.nesting_dolls_launch_speed * Sin( level.nesting_dolls_launch_angle ) ) / Abs( gravity )) * 0.5;

Nope, i got it, it refers to the exploding doll grenade things (I dont know how to say their name? Marashryk dolls, i dont how to spell it.

deathArray[deathArray.size] = animArray("groin", "death");


if ( IsDefined( self.enemy.magic_bullet_shield ) && self.enemy.magic_bullet_shield )
if ( !( self is_banzai() ) )
debug_melee( "Not doing melee - Enemy has magic bullet shield." );

What could a zombie be doing with a magical bullet shield, i dont know, maybe you know something about this? Cause i dont...

self clearclientflag(level._CF_PLAYER_ZIPLINE_RUMBLE_QUAKE);
vehicle waittill("reached_end_node");

Rumble quake, is this like an earthquake while on the zipline? and what about Reached_end_node? is their another node sequence like the one in ascension?!?!


And the last thing i found before it stopped, i found this! I dont know if this has to do with anything, but look before each persons name.. zom_sarah_michelle_gellar? Does she turn into a zombie, because zom reminds me of zombie! Well, idk if that is anything just wanted you guys to know!

Hey and thanks for putting this pastebin together, props to u
Hopefully someone will look at this and hopefully find it interesting! Took me an hour to go through the while things and look for stuff like this! Just maybe none of this will help with anything or help you understand anything, just wanted to share! I mean why not

Aite, See ya guys
#24. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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Hey speed i posted interesting info about the .gsc dump come check it out, i gave credits to you for the pastie

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