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*NEW*PiMPz lobbyz|bots|superjump|superspeed|And DVar List!
*NEW*PiMPz lobbyz|bots|superjump|superspeed|And DVar List!Posted:
Status: Offline
Joined: Jul 20, 201113Year Member
Posts: 336
Reputation Power: 38
Status: Offline
Joined: Jul 20, 201113Year Member
Posts: 336
Reputation Power: 38
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What u Get: Bots - SuperJump - Superspeed - Promods pc graphics
red box - 4000xp perkill clantag-Dick
How To Get In:
1. Post Ur GT
2. Thank Topic (Optional)
3. +rep
4. After U Get In Come Back And Post LeGiT!
Wuy Choose My Lobby:
These Infections that im going 2 give u r not evaliable by any1 else i got these infections from my friend yesterday and kept my xbox on most of these infections u cant get anymore by any1 else!
Special Lobbies:
Cost 1600msp or 1mth - 3mth. The Special Lobbies Inclube:
Unlock All - Gold Guns
Custom Colored Classes And ClanTag
System Link
Leaderboard Hack
Rent my Lobbys 4 30-1hour
Other Good Hackers:
DVar List:
Class Color - self setClientDvar( "customclass1", "^1Custom Class 1" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass2", "^2Custom Class 2" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass3", "^3Custom Class 3" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass4", "^4Custom Class 4" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass5", "^6Custom Class 5" );
AimBot- self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_range", "255" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_height", "480" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_width", "640" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_lerp" , 100 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_height" , 480 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoAimRangeScale" , 2 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_debug" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_height" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_strength" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_deflection" , 0.05 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_debug" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_enabled" , 1 );
Force Host - self setClientDvar( "party_iamhost", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "party_hostmigration", 0);
self setClientDvar( "party_connectToOthers", 0);
WallHack - self setClientDvar( "r_znear" , "35" );
Red GT - self setClientDvar( "cg_scoreboardMyColor", "0.8 0 0 1");
Xp - self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_deatht", 50000 );//Neg -
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_suicidepointloss", 1 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_suicide", 5000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_sd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_deatht", 2516000 );
Rank - doPrestige()
self endon ("death");
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "rank", 55 );
for(p=0; p<=11; p++)
self waittill( "grenade_pullback" );
self iPrintln( "Prestige "+p+" - Rank 55" );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "plevel", p );
self doPrestige();
Unlock All - doUnlocks()
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^2Completing ^1All ^2Challenges ^1Please ^2Wait");
self.challengeData = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= level.numChallengeTiers; i++ )
tableName = "mp/challengetable_tier"+i+".csv";
for( idx = 1; isdefined( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) ) && tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) != ""; idx++ )
refString = tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 7 );
level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 4 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 3 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 2 ) );
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] , 255);
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] , level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"]);
wait 0.01;
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1All ^3Challenges ^1Unlocked, ^3Unlocking ^2Cammos And Attachments");
attachment[0] = "grip";
attachment[1] = "gl";
attachment[2] = "acog";
attachment[3] = "silencer";
attachment[4] = "reflex";
for( n=0; n<8; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
if(n < 5)
attachey = attachment[n];
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::unlockAttachment( attachmentunlocker );
attachey = tablelookup( "mp/attachmentTable.csv", 0, n, 4 );
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::unlockCamo( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Everything Unlocked!");
Visions - doVisions()
self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
for (;;)
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
visionSetNaked( "cheat_invert", 4.2 );
self iPrintlnBold(" invert !");
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( " contrast!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_invert_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "invert contrast !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130_inverted", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "Ac130 Inverted !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "sepia", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "sepia !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "mpoutro", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Outro" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cargoship_blast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "^0BLAST !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "grayscale", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "black and white !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_chaplinnight", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "WOW" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "bog_a_sunrise", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "BOO !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "black_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "film !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "same !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "cool!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Ac130 !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "default", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "default" );
Cod4 AC130 -
self endon("death");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Ac-130 Active!");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press [{+frag}] To Change Cannons!");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "0" );
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "1");
wait 0.1;
self air(1500);
self thread ac130_death();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
self thread ac130weapons();
self thread ac130timer();
wait 60;
self suicide();
self setOrigin(self.origin+(0,0,jump));
self waittill("death");
self notify("DESTROY");
self notify("DELETE");
self notify("NULL");
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "800");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "1" );
self thread ac130boxleftvert();
self thread ac130boxrightvert();
self thread ac130boxtophorz();
self thread ac130boxbottomhorz();
self thread ac130topline();
self thread ac130bottomline();
self thread ac130leftline();
self thread ac130rightline();
self thread ac130topleftleft();
self thread ac130toplefttop();
self thread ac130toprightright();
self thread ac130toprighttop();
self thread ac130bottomleftleft();
self thread ac130bottomleftbottom();
self thread ac130bottomrightright();
self thread ac130bottomrightbottom();
ac130boxleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxleftvert.x = -30;
ac130boxleftvert.y = 0;
ac130boxleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxleftvert destroy();
ac130boxrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxrightvert.x = 30;
ac130boxrightvert.y = 0;
ac130boxrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxrightvert destroy();
ac130boxtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxtophorz.x = 0;
ac130boxtophorz.y = -25;
ac130boxtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxtophorz destroy();
ac130boxbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac130boxbottomhorz.y = 25;
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxbottomhorz destroy();
ac130topline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topline.x = 0;
ac130topline.y = -50;
ac130topline.alignX = "center";
ac130topline.alignY = "middle";
ac130topline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topline.foreground = true;
ac130topline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130topline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topline destroy();
ac130bottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomline.x = 0;
ac130bottomline.y = 50;
ac130bottomline.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomline.foreground = true;
ac130bottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130bottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomline destroy();
ac130leftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130leftline.x = -64.5;
ac130leftline.y = 0;
ac130leftline.alignX = "center";
ac130leftline.alignY = "middle";
ac130leftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130leftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130leftline.foreground = true;
ac130leftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130leftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130leftline destroy();
ac130rightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130rightline.x = 64;
ac130rightline.y = 0;
ac130rightline.alignX = "center";
ac130rightline.alignY = "middle";
ac130rightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130rightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130rightline.foreground = true;
ac130rightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130rightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130rightline destroy();
ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -125;
ac130topll.y = -87;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topll destroy();
ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -110;
ac130toplt.y = -100;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toplt destroy();
ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 125;
ac130toprr.y = -87;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprr destroy();
ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 110;
ac130toprt.y = -100;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprt destroy();
ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -125;
ac130bottomll.y = 87;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomll destroy();
ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -110;
ac130bottomlb.y = 100;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomlb destroy();
ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 125;
ac130bottomrr.y = 87;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrr destroy();
ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 110;
ac130bottomrb.y = 100;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrb destroy();
self thread Ac13040mmtopline();
self thread Ac13040mmbottomline();
self thread Ac13040mmleftline();
self thread Ac13040mmrightline();
self thread Ac13040mmtophorz();
self thread Ac13040mmbottomhorz();
self thread Ac13040mmleftvert();
self thread Ac13040mmrightvert();
self thread Ac13040mmmidtophorz();
self thread Ac13040mmmidbottomhorz();
self thread Ac13040mmmidleftvert();
self thread Ac13040mmmidrightvert();
ac13040mmtopline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmtopline.x = 0;
ac13040mmtopline.y = -70;
ac13040mmtopline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmtopline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmtopline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmtopline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmtopline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmtopline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 2, 125);
ac13040mmtopline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmtopline destroy();
ac13040mmbottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmbottomline.x = 0;
ac13040mmbottomline.y = 70;
ac13040mmbottomline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmbottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmbottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmbottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 2, 125);
ac13040mmbottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmbottomline destroy();
ac13040mmleftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmleftline.x = -85;
ac13040mmleftline.y = 0;
ac13040mmleftline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmleftline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmleftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmleftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmleftline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmleftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 115, 4);
ac13040mmleftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmleftline destroy();
ac13040mmrightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmrightline.x = 85;
ac13040mmrightline.y = 0;
ac13040mmrightline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmrightline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmrightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmrightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmrightline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmrightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 115, 4);
ac13040mmrightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmrightline destroy();
ac13040mmtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmtophorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmtophorz.y = -118;
ac13040mmtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmtophorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 30, 3);
ac13040mmtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmtophorz destroy();
ac13040mmbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmbottomhorz.y = 118;
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 30, 3);
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmbottomhorz destroy();
ac13040mmleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmleftvert.x = -142;
ac13040mmleftvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmleftvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 30);
ac13040mmleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmleftvert destroy();
ac13040mmrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmrightvert.x = 142;
ac13040mmrightvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmrightvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 30);
ac13040mmrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmrightvert destroy();
ac13040mmmidtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidtophorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmmidtophorz.y = -69;
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 20, 3);
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidtophorz destroy();
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.y = 69;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 20, 3);
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz destroy();
ac13040mmmidleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidleftvert.x = -81;
ac13040mmmidleftvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 20);
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidleftvert destroy();
ac13040mmmidrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidrightvert.x = 81;
ac13040mmmidrightvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 20);
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidrightvert destroy();
self thread ac13020mmbottomline();
self thread ac13020mmleftline();
self thread ac13020mmrightline();
self thread ac13020mmtopleftleft();
self thread ac13020mmtoplefttop();
self thread ac13020mmtoprightright();
self thread ac13020mmtoprighttop();
self thread ac13020mmbottomleftleft();
self thread ac13020mmbottomleftbottom();
self thread ac13020mmbottomrightright();
self thread ac13020mmbottomrightbottom();
self thread ac13020mmarrow1vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow1horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow2vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow2horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow3vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow3horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow4vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow4horz();
ac13020mmbottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmbottomline.x = 0;
ac13020mmbottomline.y = 20;
ac13020mmbottomline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmbottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmbottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmbottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmbottomline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmbottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 50);
ac13020mmbottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmbottomline destroy();
ac13020mmleftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmleftline.x = -25;
ac13020mmleftline.y = 0;
ac13020mmleftline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmleftline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmleftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmleftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmleftline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmleftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 42, 3);
ac13020mmleftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmleftline destroy();
ac13020mmrightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmrightline.x = 25;
ac13020mmrightline.y = 0;
ac13020mmrightline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmrightline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmrightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmrightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmrightline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmrightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 42, 3);
ac13020mmrightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmrightline destroy();
ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -75;
ac130topll.y = -47;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130topll destroy();
ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -60;
ac130toplt.y = -60;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toplt destroy();
ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 75;
ac130toprr.y = -47;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toprr destroy();
ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 60;
ac130toprt.y = -60;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toprt destroy();
ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -75;
ac130bottomll.y = 47;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomll destroy();
ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -60;
ac130bottomlb.y = 60;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomlb destroy();
ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 75;
ac130bottomrr.y = 47;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomrr destroy();
ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 60;
ac130bottomrb.y = 60;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomrb destroy();
ac13020mmarrow1vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow1vert.x = 10;
ac13020mmarrow1vert.y = 12;
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow1vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow1vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow1horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow1horz.x = 15;
ac13020mmarrow1horz.y = 8;
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow1horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow1horz destroy();
ac13020mmarrow2vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow2vert.x = 15;
ac13020mmarrow2vert.y = 17;
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow2vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow2vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow2horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow2horz.x = 20;
ac13020mmarrow2horz.y = 13;
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow2horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow2horz destroy();
ac13020mmarrow3vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow3vert.x = 20;
ac13020mmarrow3vert.y = 22;
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow3vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow3vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow3horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow3horz.x = 25;
ac13020mmarrow3horz.y = 18;
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow3horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow3horz destroy();
ac13020mmarrow4vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow4vert.x = 25;
ac13020mmarrow4vert.y = 27;
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow4vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow4vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow4horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow4horz.x = 30;
ac13020mmarrow4horz.y = 23;
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow4horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow4horz destroy();
self endon("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
if(self.ac130weapon == 1)
self thread ac130105mm();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
self notify("NULL");
wait 1;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self.ac130weapon = "2";
if(self.ac130weapon == 2)
self thread ac13040mm();
self thread doAc13040mmHUD();
self notify("DESTROY");
wait 1;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self.ac130weapon = "3";
if(self.ac130weapon == 3)
self thread ac13020mm();
self thread doAc13020mmHUD();
self notify("DELETE");
wait 2;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
self iPrintln("^5105mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "1")
self iPrintln("^1Arming 105mm Cannon!");
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
wait 2;
self iPrintln("^2Gun Ready!");
self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "2";
self iPrintln("^340mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "2")
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
self playsound("mpl_sd_exp_suitcase_bomb_main");
wait 0.7;
self endon("death");
self.ac130weapon = "3";
self iPrintln("^220mm Gun Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "ak47_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "ak47_mp" );
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "3")
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
ac130timer( duration )
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] = newClientHudElem( self );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].x = -100;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].y = 20;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignX = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignY = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].horzAlign = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].vertAlign = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].font = "objective";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].fontScale = 2.5;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( 60.0 );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alpha = 1.0;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( duration );
self waittill( "death" );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] destroy();
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What u Get: Bots - SuperJump - Superspeed - Promods pc graphics
red box - 4000xp perkill clantag-Dick
How To Get In:
1. Post Ur GT
2. Thank Topic (Optional)
3. +rep
4. After U Get In Come Back And Post LeGiT!
Wuy Choose My Lobby:
These Infections that im going 2 give u r not evaliable by any1 else i got these infections from my friend yesterday and kept my xbox on most of these infections u cant get anymore by any1 else!
Special Lobbies:
Cost 1600msp or 1mth - 3mth. The Special Lobbies Inclube:
Unlock All - Gold Guns
Custom Colored Classes And ClanTag
System Link
Leaderboard Hack
Rent my Lobbys 4 30-1hour
Other Good Hackers:
DVar List:
Class Color - self setClientDvar( "customclass1", "^1Custom Class 1" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass2", "^2Custom Class 2" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass3", "^3Custom Class 3" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass4", "^4Custom Class 4" );
self setClientDvar( "customclass5", "^6Custom Class 5" );
AimBot- self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_range", "255" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_height", "480" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_automelee_region_width", "640" );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_lerp" , 100 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_height" , 480 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoaim_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_autoAimRangeScale" , 2 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_debug" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_enabled" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_height" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_region_width" , 640 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_strength" , 1 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_lockon_deflection" , 0.05 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_debug" , 0 );
self setClientDvar( "aim_input_graph_enabled" , 1 );
Force Host - self setClientDvar( "party_iamhost", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "party_hostmigration", 0);
self setClientDvar( "party_connectToOthers", 0);
WallHack - self setClientDvar( "r_znear" , "35" );
Red GT - self setClientDvar( "cg_scoreboardMyColor", "0.8 0 0 1");
Xp - self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_deatht", 50000 );//Neg -
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_suicidepointloss", 1 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_score_suicide", 5000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_tdm_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_deatht", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_koth_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dom_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_ctf_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_dd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_sd_score_kill", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_suicide", 2516000 );
self setClientDvar( "scr_war_score_deatht", 2516000 );
Rank - doPrestige()
self endon ("death");
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "rank", 55 );
for(p=0; p<=11; p++)
self waittill( "grenade_pullback" );
self iPrintln( "Prestige "+p+" - Rank 55" );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "plevel", p );
self doPrestige();
Unlock All - doUnlocks()
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^2Completing ^1All ^2Challenges ^1Please ^2Wait");
self.challengeData = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= level.numChallengeTiers; i++ )
tableName = "mp/challengetable_tier"+i+".csv";
for( idx = 1; isdefined( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) ) && tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) != ""; idx++ )
refString = tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 7 );
level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 4 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 3 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 2 ) );
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] , 255);
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] , level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"]);
wait 0.01;
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1All ^3Challenges ^1Unlocked, ^3Unlocking ^2Cammos And Attachments");
attachment[0] = "grip";
attachment[1] = "gl";
attachment[2] = "acog";
attachment[3] = "silencer";
attachment[4] = "reflex";
for( n=0; n<8; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
if(n < 5)
attachey = attachment[n];
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::unlockAttachment( attachmentunlocker );
attachey = tablelookup( "mp/attachmentTable.csv", 0, n, 4 );
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::unlockCamo( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Everything Unlocked!");
Visions - doVisions()
self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
for (;;)
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
visionSetNaked( "cheat_invert", 4.2 );
self iPrintlnBold(" invert !");
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( " contrast!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_invert_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "invert contrast !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130_inverted", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "Ac130 Inverted !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "sepia", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "sepia !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "mpoutro", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Outro" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cargoship_blast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "^0BLAST !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "grayscale", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "black and white !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_chaplinnight", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "WOW" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "bog_a_sunrise", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "BOO !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "black_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "film !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "same !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "cool!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Ac130 !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "default", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "default" );
Cod4 AC130 -
self endon("death");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Ac-130 Active!");
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^1Press [{+frag}] To Change Cannons!");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "0" );
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "1");
wait 0.1;
self air(1500);
self thread ac130_death();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
self thread ac130weapons();
self thread ac130timer();
wait 60;
self suicide();
self setOrigin(self.origin+(0,0,jump));
self waittill("death");
self notify("DESTROY");
self notify("DELETE");
self notify("NULL");
self setClientDvar("g_gravity", "800");
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawGun", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawCrosshair", "1" );
self thread ac130boxleftvert();
self thread ac130boxrightvert();
self thread ac130boxtophorz();
self thread ac130boxbottomhorz();
self thread ac130topline();
self thread ac130bottomline();
self thread ac130leftline();
self thread ac130rightline();
self thread ac130topleftleft();
self thread ac130toplefttop();
self thread ac130toprightright();
self thread ac130toprighttop();
self thread ac130bottomleftleft();
self thread ac130bottomleftbottom();
self thread ac130bottomrightright();
self thread ac130bottomrightbottom();
ac130boxleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxleftvert.x = -30;
ac130boxleftvert.y = 0;
ac130boxleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxleftvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxleftvert destroy();
ac130boxrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxrightvert.x = 30;
ac130boxrightvert.y = 0;
ac130boxrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxrightvert.foreground = true;
ac130boxrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 65);
ac130boxrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxrightvert destroy();
ac130boxtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxtophorz.x = 0;
ac130boxtophorz.y = -25;
ac130boxtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxtophorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxtophorz destroy();
ac130boxbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130boxbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac130boxbottomhorz.y = 25;
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac130boxbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130boxbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac130boxbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 65, 5);
ac130boxbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130boxbottomhorz destroy();
ac130topline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topline.x = 0;
ac130topline.y = -50;
ac130topline.alignX = "center";
ac130topline.alignY = "middle";
ac130topline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topline.foreground = true;
ac130topline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130topline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topline destroy();
ac130bottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomline.x = 0;
ac130bottomline.y = 50;
ac130bottomline.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomline.foreground = true;
ac130bottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 60);
ac130bottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomline destroy();
ac130leftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130leftline.x = -64.5;
ac130leftline.y = 0;
ac130leftline.alignX = "center";
ac130leftline.alignY = "middle";
ac130leftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130leftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130leftline.foreground = true;
ac130leftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130leftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130leftline destroy();
ac130rightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130rightline.x = 64;
ac130rightline.y = 0;
ac130rightline.alignX = "center";
ac130rightline.alignY = "middle";
ac130rightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac130rightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130rightline.foreground = true;
ac130rightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 60, 5);
ac130rightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130rightline destroy();
ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -125;
ac130topll.y = -87;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130topll destroy();
ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -110;
ac130toplt.y = -100;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toplt destroy();
ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 125;
ac130toprr.y = -87;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprr destroy();
ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 110;
ac130toprt.y = -100;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130toprt destroy();
ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -125;
ac130bottomll.y = 87;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomll destroy();
ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -110;
ac130bottomlb.y = 100;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomlb destroy();
ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 125;
ac130bottomrr.y = 87;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrr destroy();
ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 110;
ac130bottomrb.y = 100;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DESTROY");
ac130bottomrb destroy();
self thread Ac13040mmtopline();
self thread Ac13040mmbottomline();
self thread Ac13040mmleftline();
self thread Ac13040mmrightline();
self thread Ac13040mmtophorz();
self thread Ac13040mmbottomhorz();
self thread Ac13040mmleftvert();
self thread Ac13040mmrightvert();
self thread Ac13040mmmidtophorz();
self thread Ac13040mmmidbottomhorz();
self thread Ac13040mmmidleftvert();
self thread Ac13040mmmidrightvert();
ac13040mmtopline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmtopline.x = 0;
ac13040mmtopline.y = -70;
ac13040mmtopline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmtopline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmtopline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmtopline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmtopline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmtopline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 2, 125);
ac13040mmtopline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmtopline destroy();
ac13040mmbottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmbottomline.x = 0;
ac13040mmbottomline.y = 70;
ac13040mmbottomline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmbottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmbottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmbottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 2, 125);
ac13040mmbottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmbottomline destroy();
ac13040mmleftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmleftline.x = -85;
ac13040mmleftline.y = 0;
ac13040mmleftline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmleftline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmleftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmleftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmleftline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmleftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 115, 4);
ac13040mmleftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmleftline destroy();
ac13040mmrightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmrightline.x = 85;
ac13040mmrightline.y = 0;
ac13040mmrightline.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmrightline.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmrightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmrightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmrightline.foreground = true;
ac13040mmrightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 115, 4);
ac13040mmrightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmrightline destroy();
ac13040mmtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmtophorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmtophorz.y = -118;
ac13040mmtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmtophorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 30, 3);
ac13040mmtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmtophorz destroy();
ac13040mmbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmbottomhorz.y = 118;
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 30, 3);
ac13040mmbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmbottomhorz destroy();
ac13040mmleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmleftvert.x = -142;
ac13040mmleftvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmleftvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 30);
ac13040mmleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmleftvert destroy();
ac13040mmrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmrightvert.x = 142;
ac13040mmrightvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmrightvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 30);
ac13040mmrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmrightvert destroy();
ac13040mmmidtophorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidtophorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmmidtophorz.y = -69;
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidtophorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidtophorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 20, 3);
ac13040mmmidtophorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidtophorz destroy();
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.x = 0;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.y = 69;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 20, 3);
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidbottomhorz destroy();
ac13040mmmidleftvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidleftvert.x = -81;
ac13040mmmidleftvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidleftvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidleftvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 20);
ac13040mmmidleftvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidleftvert destroy();
ac13040mmmidrightvert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13040mmmidrightvert.x = 81;
ac13040mmmidrightvert.y = 0;
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alignX = "center";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alignY = "middle";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13040mmmidrightvert.foreground = true;
ac13040mmmidrightvert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 20);
ac13040mmmidrightvert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("DELETE");
ac13040mmmidrightvert destroy();
self thread ac13020mmbottomline();
self thread ac13020mmleftline();
self thread ac13020mmrightline();
self thread ac13020mmtopleftleft();
self thread ac13020mmtoplefttop();
self thread ac13020mmtoprightright();
self thread ac13020mmtoprighttop();
self thread ac13020mmbottomleftleft();
self thread ac13020mmbottomleftbottom();
self thread ac13020mmbottomrightright();
self thread ac13020mmbottomrightbottom();
self thread ac13020mmarrow1vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow1horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow2vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow2horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow3vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow3horz();
self thread ac13020mmarrow4vert();
self thread ac13020mmarrow4horz();
ac13020mmbottomline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmbottomline.x = 0;
ac13020mmbottomline.y = 20;
ac13020mmbottomline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmbottomline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmbottomline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmbottomline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmbottomline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmbottomline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 3, 50);
ac13020mmbottomline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmbottomline destroy();
ac13020mmleftline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmleftline.x = -25;
ac13020mmleftline.y = 0;
ac13020mmleftline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmleftline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmleftline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmleftline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmleftline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmleftline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 42, 3);
ac13020mmleftline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmleftline destroy();
ac13020mmrightline = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmrightline.x = 25;
ac13020mmrightline.y = 0;
ac13020mmrightline.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmrightline.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmrightline.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmrightline.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmrightline.foreground = true;
ac13020mmrightline setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 42, 3);
ac13020mmrightline.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmrightline destroy();
ac130topll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130topll.x = -75;
ac130topll.y = -47;
ac130topll.alignX = "center";
ac130topll.alignY = "middle";
ac130topll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130topll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130topll.foreground = true;
ac130topll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130topll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130topll destroy();
ac130toplt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toplt.x = -60;
ac130toplt.y = -60;
ac130toplt.alignX = "center";
ac130toplt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toplt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toplt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toplt.foreground = true;
ac130toplt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toplt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toplt destroy();
ac130toprr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprr.x = 75;
ac130toprr.y = -47;
ac130toprr.alignX = "center";
ac130toprr.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprr.foreground = true;
ac130toprr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130toprr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toprr destroy();
ac130toprt = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130toprt.x = 60;
ac130toprt.y = -60;
ac130toprt.alignX = "center";
ac130toprt.alignY = "middle";
ac130toprt.horzAlign = "center";
ac130toprt.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130toprt.foreground = true;
ac130toprt setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130toprt.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130toprt destroy();
ac130bottomll = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomll.x = -75;
ac130bottomll.y = 47;
ac130bottomll.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomll.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomll.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomll.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomll.foreground = true;
ac130bottomll setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomll.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomll destroy();
ac130bottomlb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomlb.x = -60;
ac130bottomlb.y = 60;
ac130bottomlb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomlb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomlb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomlb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomlb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomlb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomlb destroy();
ac130bottomrr = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrr.x = 75;
ac130bottomrr.y = 47;
ac130bottomrr.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrr.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrr.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrr.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrr setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 5, 35);
ac130bottomrr.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomrr destroy();
ac130bottomrb = newClientHudElem( self );
ac130bottomrb.x = 60;
ac130bottomrb.y = 60;
ac130bottomrb.alignX = "center";
ac130bottomrb.alignY = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.horzAlign = "center";
ac130bottomrb.vertAlign = "middle";
ac130bottomrb.foreground = true;
ac130bottomrb setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 35, 5);
ac130bottomrb.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac130bottomrb destroy();
ac13020mmarrow1vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow1vert.x = 10;
ac13020mmarrow1vert.y = 12;
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow1vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow1vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow1vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow1horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow1horz.x = 15;
ac13020mmarrow1horz.y = 8;
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow1horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow1horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow1horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow1horz destroy();
ac13020mmarrow2vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow2vert.x = 15;
ac13020mmarrow2vert.y = 17;
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow2vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow2vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow2vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow2horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow2horz.x = 20;
ac13020mmarrow2horz.y = 13;
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow2horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow2horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow2horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow2horz destroy();
ac13020mmarrow3vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow3vert.x = 20;
ac13020mmarrow3vert.y = 22;
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow3vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow3vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow3vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow3horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow3horz.x = 25;
ac13020mmarrow3horz.y = 18;
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow3horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow3horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow3horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow3horz destroy();
ac13020mmarrow4vert = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow4vert.x = 25;
ac13020mmarrow4vert.y = 27;
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4vert.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow4vert setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 1, 11);
ac13020mmarrow4vert.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow4vert destroy();
ac13020mmarrow4horz = newClientHudElem( self );
ac13020mmarrow4horz.x = 30;
ac13020mmarrow4horz.y = 23;
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alignX = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alignY = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.horzAlign = "center";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.vertAlign = "middle";
ac13020mmarrow4horz.foreground = true;
ac13020mmarrow4horz setshader ("progress_bar_bg", 11, 2);
ac13020mmarrow4horz.alpha = 1;
self waittill ("NULL");
ac13020mmarrow4horz destroy();
self endon("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
if(self.ac130weapon == 1)
self thread ac130105mm();
self thread doAc130105mmHUD();
self notify("NULL");
wait 1;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self.ac130weapon = "2";
if(self.ac130weapon == 2)
self thread ac13040mm();
self thread doAc13040mmHUD();
self notify("DESTROY");
wait 1;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self.ac130weapon = "3";
if(self.ac130weapon == 3)
self thread ac13020mm();
self thread doAc13020mmHUD();
self notify("DELETE");
wait 2;
self waittill ("grenade_pullback");
self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "1";
self iPrintln("^5105mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "1")
self iPrintln("^1Arming 105mm Cannon!");
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
wait 2;
self iPrintln("^2Gun Ready!");
self endon ("death");
self.ac130weapon = "2";
self iPrintln("^340mm Cannon Ready For Action!");
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "2")
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
self playsound("mpl_sd_exp_suitcase_bomb_main");
wait 0.7;
self endon("death");
self.ac130weapon = "3";
self iPrintln("^220mm Gun Ready For Action!");
self takeallweapons();
self GiveWeapon( "ak47_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self switchToWeapon( "ak47_mp" );
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if(self.ac130weapon == "3")
trace=bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*100000,1,self)["position"];
ac130timer( duration )
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] = newClientHudElem( self );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].x = -100;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].y = 20;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignX = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alignY = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].horzAlign = "right";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].vertAlign = "bottom";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].font = "objective";
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].fontScale = 2.5;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( 60.0 );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ].alpha = 1.0;
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] setTimer( duration );
self waittill( "death" );
level.HUDItem[ "timer" ] destroy();
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invt my gt is d3m0nr4pp3r 8)
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legit legit legit
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POSTED LEGIT THANKED TOPIC +5rep plzzzzzzzzzzzz invite gt:I LOVE MOLLIE 1
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Invite Famess +5REP and this is legit!!
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