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Why haven't we been to the moon since 1970's?

Why haven't we been to the moon since 1970's?Posted:

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I just watched Apollo 18 and loved it but it mad me think, Why hasnt anyone been to the moon for 40 years? Or is it 42 years?

Whats The Reason? What Events Took Place Inbetween The Dates Of 11th December 1972 and December 1974? Is There Something There The Government Dont Want Us To Know About?

If you have seen the film you will have seen the website [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] advertised, Ive been on it the the stuff on there is very interesting.

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bellow is everything off of the website.


The possibility of a 60s era space alliance between the United States and the USSRs died with President Kennedys assassination and Premier Krushchevs banishment. In the decade that followed, NASAs amazing successes were rivaled only by the Soviets failures.

Although a CCCP cosmonaut was the first human to the orbit the earth, it was Americas astronauts who ultimately achieved mankinds manifest destiny. The world rejoiced as Apollo 11 touched down upon the Moons surface, but the communist party seethed suffering a series of humiliating catastrophes.

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The Kremlin applied pressure to its scientists and engineers to restore national pride and prevent the rival capitalists from establishing lunar military bases. Unfortunately, those desperate efforts resulted in series of catastrophic disasters which could no longer be disguised by smoke and mirror propaganda nor the obligatory waving of hammer and sickle flags of the past.

As NASAs Apollo manned space missions became ever more frequent, industrious and covert, a paranoid Premier Brezhnev demanded an immediate Soviet presence on the moon. All available resources were poured into the top-secret N-1 heavy rocket program a massive and highly unstable machine that would seal the fate of the Soviet cold war cosmos platform forever. Its four known test launches all ended in complete calamity. The July 3, 1969 explosion which occurred 23 second after launch remains the worst space disaster in human history.

Finally, in 1974, the Soviets abandoned their manned lunar agenda and surrendered their separatist ideals by finally joining the American space effort. Prior to this the only public example of co-operation between the two programs occurred to prevent the collision of NASAs Apollo 11 craft and the unmanned Luna 15 satellite.

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Kennedys vision of a joint space program finally materialized in the mid-seventies when the two nations teamed for a historic space mission. Clearly the Soviets needed the aid of NASAs precision equipment. But what did the US need from the Soviets? Why would President Ford violate Nixons doctrine and welcome such an alliance in the midst of nuclear arms proliferation, and the violent expansion of communism throughout Asia and the Americas? What was more foreboding, more threatening to the United States than the dreaded red menace? The answers to those questions laid in deep space. And on July 15, 1975, a team of cosmonauts and astronauts set out to find them. Their mission

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Lunar Black Ops (Part 2)-
After the efforts of President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev to form a joint space program were sabotaged and ultimately failed, the two rival cold war governments accelerated their competing and covert manned moon rocket agendas.

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By the late 1960s, investigating the lunar surface for alien life suddenly had become an urgent matter. The United States dedicated no less than five government agencies Majestic 12, Project Sign, Project Grudge, Project Blue Book and the CIA to identify, analyze and conceal evidence of alien encounters. Between 1965 and 1966 at least six NASA astronauts had reported orbital run-ins with space bogeys and gave detailed descriptions of UFO sightings specifically Gemini 4, Gemini 7 and Gemini 11. Unexplained classified images from U.S. unmanned lunar landers urged NASA scientists to install top-secret fiber optic cameras hidden within the frame work of their Apollo vessels and create a private radio channel through which mission control and astronauts could communicate covertly. NASA committed to such deceptions after the government committee authored Brookings Report warned the agency that public UFO disclosure would probably disentegrate stable earth societies (otherwise sure of their place in the universe) or at least cause the public to suffer extreme changes in values, attitudes and behavior. The report also predicated artifacts left by intelligent life forms likely to be discovered within next twenty years through space activities on the moon and mars. After Apollo 11s accidental admission of an UFO encounter enroute to the moon and Surveyor 3s classified photos of the moons Mare Cognitum, NASA executed its first lunar black-ops mission. The crew of Apollo 12 conducted a dark 19-minute S-EVA at the location Statio Cognitium, THE KNOWN BASE.

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The Soviets had also encountered lunar alien anomalies. Following the Lunokhod 2 moon rovers mysterious disappearance during a classified lunar transmission, the CCCP invested maximum effort into their N-1 manned rocket program. Officially, the N-1 never reached the moon, but several reports cite missing cosmonauts and suggest the USSR did indeed reach the lunar surface, but buried the mission as a covert failure since no cosmonaut returned to earth alive a huge embarrassment given the US had successfully returned a dozen moonwalkers to terra firma. (An example of this Soviet refusal to generate negative space propaganda was illustrated in 1961 when the nation announced cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first man to orbit the earth aboard Vostok 1. Two previous Soviet attempts which resulted in the horrific deaths of those cosmonauts were never publicized.)

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In 1972, NASA, the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency received orders from President Richard Nixon to schedule 100% covert manned lunar missions. To accomplish this remarkable feat, Tricky Dick publicly announced the cancellation of future planned Apollo Missions Eighteen, Ninenteen and Twenty unfortunate budgetary cuts was the excuse given, although the total amount saved totaled less than a mere $42 million. Since those missions didnt officially exist, on paper, a clandestine launch site was established off the West Coast near Lompoc, California at the U.S. Space Commands Vandenberg Air Force Base one of the few viable remote staging grounds that could accommodate a heavy rocket lift off.

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Two years later, Apollo 18s lunar module Liberty touched down on the surface of the moons dark side. Its DoD crew secretly carried out their top-secret EVAs as planned but, unfortunately, Apollo 18 never safely returned to earth. Whatever data Apollo 18 had collected and whatever alien discoveries were made remained a mystery.


GUNS & ROSES (Part 5)

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On November 12, 1963, President John F. Kennedy reached an agreement with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev on joint space missions and sharing classified UFO files. Both leaders instructed their respective UFO working groups to share information. Kennedy issued a National Security Action Memo to the Director of the CIA ordering the agency to share classified files with NASA and the USSR since the agency. The CIA had taken charge of all UFO files following the closure of Project Blue Book and had insisted it remain solely in charge.

In his final months as CIA Director, Allen Dulles made it clear that under no circumstances would any U.S. President or his national security staff be briefed or given access to classified UFO files. Days later, the President was assassinated. This was likely a direct result of Kennedys efforts to gain access to the CIAs top secret files.

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JFK & CIA Director Dulles

Unknown to Kennedy, a set of secret MJ-12 directives issued by Allen Dulles, proscribed any cooperation with Kennedy and his national security staff on the UFO issue. It was Dulles and another six unknown MJ-12 members who sanctioned the directives in a document including a political assassination directive against non-cooperative officials in the Kennedy administration which was subsequently burned.

While Dulles and his six associates pre-authorized the assassination of Kennedy, it was the CIA counterintelligence chief who gave the final orders that culminated in Kennedys assassination. In doing so, James Angleton arranged for a communist defector U.S. Marine Corp. sharpshooter Lee Harvery Oswald to be recruited by known CIA asset Clay Shaw. This was designed to implicate the Soviets, ensuring that any federal investigation or congressional hearing would be misled. It also allowed the CIA to successfully argue to the Warren Commission, through Allen Dulles who was a member, that a thorough investigation was too dangerous due to the risk of nuclear war.

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Warren Commission

CIA officials complicit in the Kennedy assassination were likely acting to preserve the CIAs institutional power and influence through its control of UFO information. Trigger man Oswalds testimony would have certainly confirmed the grim facts behind the assassination, so he too was conveniently executed during a prisoner transfer amid suspiciously lax security.

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Oswald Shot By Jack Ruby

The CIAs extreme efforts to prevent a Soviet-American UFO alliance would be short lived, however. A few short years later, astonishing discoveries by NASA and the USSR would cement the co-operation of the two cold war space programs and governments. But the CIAs culpability still remains shrouded in secrecy


The Cerebus Station 9 Remote Terminal just posted an internal document from the cold war space program of the Union Soviet Socialist Republics or the OBK-1.

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The memo is addressed to Vasily Mishin from his Soviet political arch-rival (and ultimate replacement) Valentin Glushko. Mishin was a Soviet rocket scientist and one of the first Soviet specialists to see Nazi Germanys V-2 facilities at the end of World War II.

Sergey Korolyov & Vasily Mishin

Mishin worked closely with his mentor Sergey Korolev as his deputy in the development of the first Soviet ICBM and in the Sputnik and Vostok programs. Korolevs permature death in 1966 officially reported by the CCCP as stomach cancer but was actually a botched operation to relieve hemorrhoids -catapulted Mishin to head of the Soviet manned space program and most specifically the development of the cursed and extremely dangerous N-1 lunar rocket which used 30 volatile main engines and over a dozen more. Four catastrophic test launch failures spurred the removal of Mishin and sped the US-Soviet space program alliance both publicly and privately. This memo gives fascinating insight into the OBK-1s desperate situation and the pressure applied by Moscow to match the successes of NASA.

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Valentin Glushko

According to my iGoogle translator, heres the body of text in english

AUGUST 15, 1972

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MAJESTIC 12 was the alleged code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

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PROJECT SIGN was an official U.S. government study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) undertaken by the United States Air Force and active for most of 1948.

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PROJECT GRUDGE was instituted by the U.S. Air Force to investigate unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The project formally ended in December 1949, but actually continued on until late 1951.

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PROJECT BLUE BOOK, created in 1952, was one of a series of systematic studies of Unidentified Flying Objects conducted by the United States Air Force. Its objectives were to a)determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and b) to scientifically analyze UFO-related data.

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After collecting 12,618 UFO reports, Project Blue Books termination order was given in the late 60s. All classified UFO files were now to be the secret property of the CIA and the DoD departments.

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However, President Kennedy had other ideas. Not only did JFK want to wrestle control of these UFO files away from the covert agencies of the United States government, he also intended to share them with its citizens and even aimed to ally with the Soviet Union, proposing total classified file disclosure and intelligence co-operation. Unfortunately, his decision met with with tragic consequences.

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According to Michael Salla, the founder of the Exopolitics Institute the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life a newly released video interview reveals that Robert Kennedy, while U.S. Attorney General, received a classified briefing on a crashed UFO that was extraterrestrial in origin, and whose technology was secretly being reverse engineered. According to Lt Colonel Philip Corso, who served as head of the U.S. Armys Foreign Technology Desk from 1961-1963, he personally briefed Kennedy about the Armys effort to seed extraterrestrial technologies into the private sector. Interviewed shortly before his death in 1998, Corso revealed for the first time that Bobby Kennedy contacted him for his knowledge on highly classified national security information. Corso from 1953-1957 had served in a number of National Security Council committees during the Eisenhower administration as the Army Liaison reporting directly to Lt General Arthur Trudeau who was head of U.S. Army Intelligence. Corsos revelation is further evidence that President Kennedy was aware of the extraterrestrial origins of UFOs. Kennedy sought to gain information on UFOs from various sources in order to re-establish direct Presidential control. It is very likely that this is the reason Bobby Kennedy sought Corso out. Corsos revelation adds to evidence that President Kennedys efforts to gain oversight over UFOs played a role in his 1963 assassination. Importantly, Corso provides an insight into how the UFO issue may have also been a factor in the death of Marilyn Monroe and the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy.

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In his interview, Corso saidI discussed this very thoroughly with Bobby Kennedy, the attorney general, the Presidents brother He knew about the flying saucers, I talked to him about it. I used to meet him when he was attorney general right in his office What went to Bobby went to the President also.

Corso was aware that Robert Kennedy was a direct conduit to the President who was constantly briefed by his brother. Corso further explained in the interview that the meeting(s) happened in 1962, soon after Corso had testified on a Senate Committee about classified national security issues. At the time Corso was in charge of the Foreign Technology Desk, and reported directly to General Trudeau who then headed the Armys Research and Development Division. Corso explained that he agreed to testify on the condition that his testimony was to be relayed directly to the Kennedy brothers. According to Corso, he was soon after contacted by Robert Kennedy who wanted to learn more about Corsos knowledge and activities. Robert Kennedys role in learning about UFOs made him a key figure in ensuring that classified information the Kennedy brothers had gained about extraterrestrial life and technology would not be leaked to the public.

Dr Robert Wood who is the foremost expert in analyzing MJ-12 documents using forensic methods, has concluded that the burned document is an assassination directive. There is evidence suggesting that the assassination directive was carried out by a secret unit under the control of Angletons CIA counterintelligence division against President Kennedy.

Corsos revelations about briefing Robert Kennedy on UFOs suggests that the Kennedy brothers were sufficiently informed about extraterrestrial life and technology, to pose a direct challenge to those managing extraterrestrial affairs. The ensuing struggle between the Kennedy brothers and the controllers of UFO/extraterrestrial information was a very high stakes affair. While Robert Kennedy may have been involved in the silencing/assassination of Marilyn Monroe over her threats to blow the whistle on the Presidents secret visit to see a downed UFO and alien bodies, Robert Kennedy may himself have been ultimately assassinated due to his UFO knowledge. The 1968 assassination of then Senator Robert Kennedy put a final end to the Kennedy brothers efforts to restore direct Presidential control over extraterrestrial life and technology.

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The Apollo 12 spacecraft touched down upon the Moons surface on November 19, 1969 in an area known as the Ocean of Storms. Official NASA mission records indicate two EVAs (Extra Vehicular Activities) were conducted, totaling about 8 hours of mission time.

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Astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean performed just over one day and seven hours of lunar activity officially, but there is at least one undeclared activity that has never been publicly disclosed called an S-EVA (Stand-Up EVA.) The main purpose for this procedure is to collect data about the Lunar Modules surrounding location and to photograph the Moons immediate landscape.

Strangely, the exact location had previously been thoroughly recorded by NASAs Surveyor 3 probe in 1967. The US space agency labelled the region Statio Cognitium (The Known Base!) An S-EVA procedure requires the astronauts to open up the hatch located on the top of the Lunar Module, then climb up it and peer outside, giving them a birds-eye view of their surroundings. Much more detailed than though the capsules thick windows.

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This type of EVA was publicly conducted during other missions (Apollo 15,) however, forty-two years later, still no official mention of this secret EVA was ever made by NASA even though a recently released NASA document from 2006 accidentally includes direct references to this third EVA conducted during the Apollo 12 mission. Even more suspiciously, prior to EVA #1 btw the S-EVA would have most likely occurred before the Conrad and Beans first moon walk since the capsule would not have to be re-pressurized the Apollo 12 audio goes out for 18-minutes and 43-seconds (between 111:40:00 to 112:00:00.) But during this hard blackout, the official NASA mission transcript timeline reports the crew were describing and photographing the lunar surface through the lunar modules windows. That could only mean one thing the astronauts were communicating with Houston through a private radio loop. Inexplicably, when the public audio feed was finally reestablished NASAs Mission Control was heard informing the AS-12 crew that theyve got some very happy geologists down here.

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And heres the most bizarre piece of this confusing Apollo 12 puzzle After stepping routinely onto the lunar surface, Alan Bean somehow disabled the Modules Westinghouse stationary camera, rendering it useless and thus preventing any video feed from reaching Earths satellites.

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Questions abound! Why did the Apollo 12 crew have to conduct an extra EVA during their mission to Statio Cognitium, and what tasks were accomplished during this covert journey outside the pressurized security of the Lunar Module? Why did NASA erase the existence of this event from the mission flight plan? Why was this particular EVA classified Top Secret, thus resulting in any mention of it being omitted from the official Apollo 12 historical record for nearly 40 years? And finally, why would the Apollo 12 investigate an area previously explored two years earlier when theres a lot of undiscovered moon still available?

The obvious answer: NASA was hiding something of such a scientific importance and/or such a controversial magnitude -probably UFO related that it demanded a covert investigation. It was probably NASAs first lunar black operation. But it certainly wouldnt be their last


On February 25, 1994. one-million eight-hundred thousand digital images were taken of the Moon from the Clementine Deep Program Science Experiment satellite, which launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base. This marked the first time in human history the Moon was revealed in its full and natural color.

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On the matter concerning whether or not astronauts landed on the Moon without a doubt, yes. What the documentary below, MOON RISING, exposes is what was waiting when man got there and the conspiracy put in motion to conceal the findings of NASA researchers and explorers for over forty years. The facts contained within Jose Escamillas investigative film are both amazing and shocking

NASA has conspired to conceal or manipulate its cache of high definition images of the lunar surface as early as the mid 60s when they installed secret Westinghouse Fiber Optic cameras aboard the Apollo Saturn lunar modules

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The suppressing of the evidence that there may have been civilizations existing on the Moon, or even more incredible, the possibility they are still there brings into question why we have been kept in the dark. The biggest insult is weve been led to believe the moon is a grey colorless rock. On the contrary, the Moon appears to be a small planet teeming with life and structures the likes of which you have never seen before until now. At least that what the Clementine photos suggest

Phoebus Veritas


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Following the retirement of NASAs space shuttle program on top of Obamas moratorium of its project moon-base, the future appears a bit bleak for Americas space agency. Deep orbit exploration missions and manned heavy rocket visits to Mars appear far off in the distance.

One immediate agenda has somehow slipped below the radar, though. And, its success is critical to the very survival of our civilization. NASA by Presidential order must land astronauts upon an asteroid (to be determined) within the next 15 years. Not only would this be a crucial stepping stone to reaching Mars, but
even more importantly, it may enable scientists to redirect future planet killer asteroids which may, and probably already are, heading directly toward Earth.

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The giant asteroid Apophis has a 1 in 250,000 chance of striking Earth in 2036. Many more smaller asteroids frequently threaten Earth. NASA reported that on Feb. 4th, asteroid 2011 CQ1 zipped past Earth at a record close distance: a mere 3,400 miles away. It was discovered by scientists only 14 hours before the rock approached Earth!

Asteroid 2011 MD was discovered just four days prior to its final approach on June 22th by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research discovery team in New Mexico. A small asteroid, estimated between 16 and 65 feet
in diameter, whipped past Earth on June 27th missing by a scant 7,600 miles. According to NASA, an object the size of asteroid 2011 MD is expected to come this close to Earth about every six years on average, and when 2011 MD makes another pass in 2022, an impact with Earth is possible.

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A larger, 1,300-foot asteroid, asteroid 2005 YU55, is expected to flash past Earth on Nov. 8, 2011.
Every 100 million years or so an asteroid six-miles wide one that might create massive craters and tsunamis, threaten our planets atmosphere, or even cause mass extinction will strike the Earth if its orbit is not
readjusted. How long has it been since the dinosaurs were wiped, huh?

If Nasa can get astronauts to an asteroid, they can figure out a way of changing a potential killers orbit.
Getting to an asteroid will be tough huge powerful rockets are needed to launch spacecraft and parts out of
Earth orbit. NASA will announce its design idea for these rockets by the end of the summer and Congress has
ordered that they be built by 2016. They will most likely be some version of the SpaceX heavy lift

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But sending astronauts to an asteroid poses another complication. People cant land on an asteroid because
theyd simply bounce off it has virtually no gravity. Astronauts couldnt even walk on it because theyd
float away. So reaching it might require an additional NASA spacecraft to harpoon it.

NASA is considering everything from jetpacks, tethers, bungees, nets and spiderwebs to allow explorers to float just above the surface of it while attached to a smaller mini-spaceship. Beyond all those obstacles, NASA will still have to to choose an appropriate space rock to target. And, all this has to be launch ready to launch by 2025. Godspeed, gentlemen.

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In 1964, following President Kennedys public challenge for Americans
to walk the surface of the moon, NASA generated its first strategic guide
postulating how to locate and recognize alien life forms throughout the
the galaxy. Some the countrys foremost scientists contributed to the
report including Martian specialist Carl Sagan. Some of the bizarre theories
read straight out of a Phillip K Dick novel, such as; The Mass Spectrometer,
The Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer, The J-Band Life Detector, The Radioisotope
Biochemical Probe-Gulliver, The Wolf Trap,..and The Multivator Life-Detection

Heres the preface contributed by Associate Administrator for
Space Science and Applications, Homer E. Newell

The principal objective of the search for life on another celestial body is
to determine the state of chemical evolution if life has not yet arisen, or the
state of biological evolution if life is present. A study of such life might con-
tribute to a universal concept of the origin and nature of living systems.
In addition, chemical and microscopic examination of any fossils from a pre-
existing biota could provide equally valuable information.

This subject has provoked excessive speculation by some scientists, while
others seem unaware of the implications of seriously confronting it. The quest
for life in space rests on a reasonable degree of geological plausibility. A widely
accepted theory argues that the known planets condensed under conditions
compatible with the retention of water, ammonia and methane as gases in the
primitive atmospheres. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that
primeval energy sources would have synthesized numerous biologically-
significant molecules from these gases. Life developed on Earth when these
gases and energies were also available to the other planets. Furthermore,
it is both factual and perplexing that (except for helium) there is a closer
resemblance between the elemental composition of living systems and the
universe than there is between that of living systems and the rocky material
in the terrestrial crust on and in which such systems are in intimate residence.
Indeed, living matter on Earth displays a unity of biochemistry which may
well be a principle with cosmic as well as terrestrial validity.

These arguments do not prove the hypothesis, but suggest that we cannot
avoid the experiment. It is the purpose of this publication to describe briefly
this experiment for the academic community and the public. Some of
the methods which have been considered thus far for the detection of extra-
terrestrial life and life-related substances in the near reaches of space are


The video below posted by Luna Cognita highlights the most amazing NASA encounters with UFOs to date

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The Earth's moon has been an endless source of fascination for humanity for thousands of years. When at last Apollo 11 landed on the moon's surface in 1969, the crew found a desolate, lifeless orb, but one which still fascinates scientist and non-scientist alike. This image of the moon's north polar region was taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, or LROC. One of the primary scientific objectives of LROC is to identify regions of permanent shadow and near-permanent illumination. Since the start of the mission, LROC has acquired thousands of Wide Angle Camera images approaching the north pole. From these images, scientists produced this mosaic, which is composed of 983 images taken over a one month period during northern summer. This mosaic shows the pole when it is best illuminated, regions that are in shadow are candidates for permanent shadow. Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University

For More Information Visit:

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This took a while.

What do you think?

Updates Will Apear Bellow.


Some more pictures-

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Update#1 - Pictures, Also searching for more information i.e. Pictures, Videos, Other

Update#2 - Videos

Also, I know some images dont work. I cant do anything about that.

Come back each day for more pics and videos!

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#2. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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Thumbs up if you just skipped all of it
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This was a great movie, but I don't think it's a true story.
#4. Posted:
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Wow that's really fascinating info.
It reminds me of the Black Ops campaign.
#5. Posted:
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GmZ wrote This was a great movie, but I don't think it's a true story.
I was thinking that but, Why haven't we been to the moon for so long?
#6. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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this is a good post nice info
#7. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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I come to TTG for the community and post, not read a thing that is going to take me an hour.
#8. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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WWFPrince wrote this is a good post nice info

It was all copy and paste. Dont give him credit.
#9. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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because NASA cant afford it

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#10. Posted:
  • Summer 2018
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-Spotify wrote
WWFPrince wrote this is a good post nice info

It was all copy and paste. Dont give him credit.
Well do you expect me to write everything in my own words?

Just telling information.

Deal with it.
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