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303315's Se7ensins Tut

303315's Se7ensins TutPosted:

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What is CMR?

CMR is the first three letters of a custom mode save. (Ex: cmr_save_e000000000000) it is the save file for any type of settings you and your lobby may use. CMR file only contains Setting values.

Things you will need

-HxD editor [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

-Horizon [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]




1. GO TO Private Match>Game Setup>Options

2. While creating the Mode, DISABLE CUSTOM CLASSES. (very important because you are setting up the Default Classes)

3. Create 1 default class and Copy it to each slot

4. Make sure when creating your class you wish to mod, you remember which class has what guns, perks, attachments, camos.

5. When you NAME the class use 2 letters, in the beginning of its name(if you want to color mod), so that you will remember while your editing the classes in hex. This will make the class names easier to find. (ex: AA303315) Note: they will not be viewed EVER after the mod is completed.

6. Save it to a custom mode and make sure your storage device is set to USB.(how else could you mod it? lol)



2. Plug in your USB and Device Explorer should open.

3. On the Device Explorer GO TO Games>ModernWarfare3>CustomGameMode(make shure there is ONLY ONE CUSTOM SAVE[the one u created, derp])

4. Extract it to your Desktop

5. Make 2 folders on your Desktop: "Original CMR" and "Modded CMR"

6. Copy the Custom Save you extracted to both of your folders

7. Now go to the "Modded CMR" folder and drag the Save onto Horizon.

8. Rehash and Resign the file collapse the window

9. From the Modded CMR folder open the save in HxD

Modding Class Name Values

1. If you want colored classes, you will want to look for the class name you saved your classes as and replace those Characters(ex: AA303315) with the Color Values(posted at bottom of tut)(ex: ^3303315)


1. Remember how I said you should write down what you have for your classes? This is when that information comes into play.

2. The first thing you need to change is your primary weapon. So on your sheet of paper, locate what gun you used in your class and then find it in the "Weapon List of Values" I have at the bottom of this forum.

3. When modding the hex it is important to remember what are the values you are matching. For instance, the AK-47 is "0xa". Since, this is a hex offset it will be in the numbers/letters in the main part of the Screen(No symbols) so in the main portion locate "0a" if you had the AK-47. It will be located BEFORE the name of your class. That's where your hex is. (example of my class is in step 5)

4. If they repeat the "0a" for instance that might be the proficiency of the gun. so leave that offset alone. and change it in game.

5. If my AK-47 had a camo and the heartbeat sensor it would look like this (01 0A 00 07)



00=null proficiency

07=heartbeat sensor

6. If I wanted to change the gun to an M-60 I will locate in the weapons list (M60=0x22) so drop the "0x" because there are two digits following. now the hex offset should be "22". the code should now be (01 22 00 07)

7. Camos that are listed in the game are numbers like "13" which means gold camo. to change the number into a hex offset, in HxD you should go to the toolbar>search>Go To. now change the bullet point from "dec" to "hex". enter 13 into the search bar and click search. what comes up should be a "D". So far, our camo is located before the weapon value, change the value before the weapon to "0D" code should now look like (0D 22 00 07)

8. Now to change the heartbeat sensor, you will want to locate the value "07" in our code we have. (0D 22 00 07) TAKE NOTE: in the weapons list, the single digit values have 0's in front of them. the double digit values need to be converted in the process we did before with the gold camo. Since a heartbeat sensor is not compatible with the M60 we will want to change that value. So change it to a "red dot sight" this will be "01" now our code is (0D 22 00 01)

9. Proficiencies are more difficult to write about so I will have to update the forum in the future.

10. Our finished code is (0D 22 00 07)

Killstreak/Deathstreak Modding

-coming soon-



1. In the beginning of our file there are 4 hex offsets followed by 3 null values. (example: 77 8A C4 5B) Highlight everything AFTER the last value in this case "5B". now that everything is highlighted. go to the toolbar>Analysis>checksum. from there in the Available algorithms, select "CRC-32". (This is what mw3 uses, idk why.)

[spoiler="NinjaStyleX Checksum how to!"]IWhen ever you are editing the Class names, to include colors, and what ever else you got creative with, like Coder did (and he showed me :3, the creative parts are the hex values i colored out xD) you cannot go over the 14 character limit, ever ever ever. You have to keep your entire class name customization 14 Characters or under.

No no message:

Also, sometimes when you edit the CMR, you get like "...." in the class name when you transfer it back to the console. That's simply fixed. You see where it says 2E 2E 2E that makes "..." showing in the second red box on the right. Also, all that is selected in blue, is my entire custom class name, the 14 characters. The 2E 2E 2E is included inside of the 14 Characters, so you'd only have to remove it IF it's inside of the 14 characters. make sense? So, if you want to remove the "..." from showing up in the class name, simply click where the "..." is, and replace it by simply pressing SPACE. The hex value will then change from 2E 2E 2E to 20 20 20. Then the "..." will no longer show up on the Class name on the xbox .

Now, the most important part about doing this with HxD is the Checksum. Select ALL of the Code AFTER the 03 offset. In other words, everything after the first Four Hex Values (in this case it's A6 6F AA 63). Continue to the next image.

Okay, click "Analysis" Then, "Checksums..."

Then you will get this, Click CRC-32, then OK.

Now, you have this. The Red box at the bottom, is the NEW checksum, the red box at the top is the OLD checksum. You MUST replace the OLD checksum, with the NEW checksum.

It should be like this after replace the checksum, simply write it into the hex.

Now your Checksum is fixed, and you can save the file and inject it back.


Finishing Process(on PC then to the xbox)


1. From here drag the modded file from "Modded CMR" to Horizon.

2. Rehash and resign the file.

3. Save it to the flash drive.

4. Rehash and Resign again (just to be certain)

5. Take your flash drive to your XBOX.

6. Load MW3 and navigate your way to the multiplayer menu.

7. Go to Options and change your storage device to your flash drive.

8. Go back to the multiplayer menu and then go into private match.

9. Go to GameSetup>Mode>MyMode

10. Load the custom save and you should be good go to game options to check your default classes to see if you changed them



[spoiler="Primary!"]ACR = 7

Type95 = 8

M4A1 = 9

AK47 = 0xa

M16A4 = 0xb

MK14 = 0xc

G36C = 0xd

SCARL = 0xe

FAD = 0xf

CM901 = 0x10

PM9 = 0x12

P90 = 0x13

PP90M1 = 0x14

UMP45 = 0x15

MP7 = 0x16

SPAS12 = 0x1c

AA12 = 0x1d

Striker = 0x1e

Model1887 = 0x1f

USAS12 = 0x20

KSG12 = 0x21

M60E4 = 0x22

MK46 = 0x23

PKP = 0x24

L86LSW = 0x25

MG36 = 0x26

Barrett50Cal = 0x27

MSR = 0x28

RSASS = 0x29

Dragunov = 0x2a

AS50 = 0x2b

L118A = 0x2c

Riot_Shield = 0x3f.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Secondary!"]USP45 = 1

MP412 = 2

.44Magnum = 3

Desert Eagle = 4

P99 = 5

FiveSeven = 6

FMG9 = 0x17

G18 = 0x18

MP9 = 0x19

Skorpion = 0x1a

Grenade_Launcher = 0x2d

RPG7 = 0x2e

C4 = 0x2f

C42 = 0x30

Claymore = 0x31

Weapon Scarmbler = 0x32


Javelin = 0x35

Stinger = 0x36

SMAW = 0x37

M320GLM = 0x38

Frag = 0x39

Riot_Shield = 0x3f

Nothing = 0x40

XM25 = 0x42


[spoiler="Attachments!"]None = 0

RedDotSight = 1

AcogScope = 2

Grip = 3

Akimbo = 4

Thermal = 5

Shotgun = 6

HeartbeatSensor = 7

Secret_FMJ = 8

ExtendedMags = 9

RapidFire = 10

HolographicSight = 11

TacKnife = 12

VariableZoom = 13

GrenadeLauncher = 14

GrenadeLauncher2 = 15

GrenadeLauncher3 = 16

Silencer = 17

SilencerHandgun = 18

SilencerSniper = 19

HAMRScope = 20

HybridSight = 21

VariableZoomScope2 = 22.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Camo!"]None = 0

Classic = 1

Snow = 2

Multicam = 3

DigitalUrban = 4

Hex = 5

Choco = 6

Marine = 7

Snake = 8

Winter = 9

Blue = 10

Red = 11

Autumn = 12

Gold = 13.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Proficiency!"]None = 0

Speed = 35

Attachments = 57

Impact = 132

Kick = 133

Focus = 134

Breath = 136

Range = 137

Melee = 138

Stability = 139

Damage = 140.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Reticle!"]None = 0

TargetDot = 1

Delta = 2

UDot = 3

MilDot = 4

Omega = 5

Lambda = 6.[/spoiler]


[spoiler="Perks!"]Null = 0

MarksmanPro = 7

DeadSilence = 8

ExtremeConditioning = 9

SitRep = 10

SteadyAim = 12

SleightOfHand = 15

ScavengerPro = 16

Overkill = 17


DeadSilencePro = 26

StalkerPro = 27

ExtremeConditioningPro = 32

Quickdraw = 38

Scavenger = 43

Assassin = 48

BlindEye = 49

Assassin2 = 58

SitRepPro = 59

Secondary Bling = 63

AssassinPro = 64

SteadyAimPro = 67

Hardline = 68

Stalker = 74

SteadyAimHalfPro = 77

BlastShield = 78

BlastShieldPro = 79

SleightOfHandPro = 83

AssassinPro2 = 85

OverkillPro = 86

HardlinePro = 89

BlindEyePro = 90

QuickdrawPro = 91

Recon = 92

ReconPro = 93

None = 95

Last Stand = 121

Light Armor = 123

BlindEyePro2 = 135

HardlinePro2 = 143

Marksman = 148.[/spoiler]


[spoiler="Equipment!"]Scrambler = 75

PortableRadar = 76

C4 = 101

Claymore = 102

ThrowingKnife = 106

Semtex = 107

Frag = 108

BouncingBetty = 109

FlashGrenade = 110

SmokeGrenade = 111

ConcussionGrenade = 112

TrophySystem = 114

EMPGrenade = 117

TacticalInsertion = 131.[/spoiler]


[spoiler="Deathstreak!"]Juiced = 118

Martyrdom = 119

FinalStand = 120

Revenge = 124

DeadMansHand = 125

HollowPoints = 126.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Strike Package!"]Assault = 94,

Support = 95,

Specialist = 97,



Assault Killstreaks

None = 0

UAV = 1

CarePackage = 2

Predator = 3

IMS = 4

Sentry = 5

Sentry2 = 6

PresicionAirstrike = 7

AttackHelicopter = 8

StrafingRun = 9

AH6Overwatch = 10

Reaper = 11

AssaultDrone = 12

AssaultDrone2 = 13

Pavelow = 14

AC130 = 15

AssaultJugg = 16

OspreyGunner = 18

Support Killstreaks

UAV = 19

CounterUAV = 20

BallisticVest = 21

ScarePackage = 22

SAMTurret = 23

ReconDrone = 24

AdvancedUAV = 25

RemoteTurret = 26

StealthBomber = 27

EMP = 28

SupportJugg = 29

OspreyPackage = 31

MOAB = 32

Specialist Killstreaks

ExtremeConditioning = 33

SleightOfHand = 34

Scavenger = 35

BlindEye = 36

Recon = 37

Hardline = 38

Assassin = 39

Quickdraw = 40

BlastShield = 42

SitRep = 43

Marksman = 44

SteadyAim = 45

DeadSilence = 46

Stalker = 47

ConditionPro = 48

SleightPro = 49

ScavengePro = 50

BlindPro = 51

ReconPro = 52

HardlinePro = 53

AssassinPro = 54

QuickdrawPro = 55

BlastshieldPro = 57

SitrepPro = 58

MarksmanPro = 59

SteadyAimPro = 60

DeadSilencePro = 61

StalkerPro = 62.[/spoiler]


[spoiler="Colors!"]^0 = Black

^1 = Red

^2 = Green

^3 = Yellow

^4 = Blue

^5 = Cyan

^6 = Purple

^7 = White or Pink

^8 = Gray

^9 = RANDOM.[/spoiler]

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