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cod 4 usb lots of codes for bypass modmenues no jailbreak
cod 4 usb lots of codes for bypass modmenues no jailbreakPosted:
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Joined: Jun 29, 201212Year Member
Posts: 102
Reputation Power: 3
Status: Offline
Joined: Jun 29, 201212Year Member
Posts: 102
Reputation Power: 3
some may not work if you want my infectable modmenu codes post below saying infectable codes post to keep alive
set g_teamname_axis "^1Sharpshooter"
set g_teamname_allies "^2by ^5CodGlitcher"
bind button_back "take ammo;g_maxdroppedweapons 2;give usp_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give give beretta_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;give give mp5_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give g36c_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give scorpion_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give g3_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give rpg_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give rpd_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give saw_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give claymore_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;scr_player_maxhealth 1;give brick_blaster_mp;say ^2cycle completed!"
EliteMossy Style Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set playlist "7"
set Cg_hudchatposition "250 250"
set 1 "bind button_a god;say self;say ^0god;say 2;say 3;say 4;set dw vstr 1b;cg_chatHeight 5;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 1b "bind button_a ufo;say self;say 1;say ^0ufo;say 3;say 4;set dw vstr 1c;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 1c "bind button_a player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_fov 80;r_specularmap 2;cg_laserForceOn 1;say self;say 1;say 2;say ^0Infc.;say 4;set dw vstr 1d;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 1d "bind button_a give all;say self;say 1;say 2;say 3;say ^0All;set dw vstr 1e;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 3 "bind button_a vstr j;say match;say ^0move;say 2;say 3;set dw vstr 3a;cg_chatheight 4;bind dpad_right vstr 4"
set 3a "bind button_a toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;say match;say 1;say ^0slow;say 3;set dw vstr 3b;bind dpad_right vstr 4"
set 3b "bind button_a toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;say match;say 1;say 2;say ^0fast;set dw vstr 3;bind dpad_right vstr 4"
bind dpad_down "vstr dw"
bind dpad_up "r_desaturation 4;r_blur 9;vstr 1"
Epic Menu... 'Nuff Said
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set x "vstr c"
set c "scr_xpscale 1000; ^4low;set x vstr d"
set d "scr_xpscale 400000; ^1High;set x vstr e"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "cg_hudchatposition 200 250;cg_chatheight 2;say 0Account;say ^5[Up-God |Right- 3rd person|Left-All Guns];bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_right toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;bind dpad_left give all;set M vstr N"
set N "say XP Menu;say ^5[up-XP toggle];bind dpad_up vstr x;set M vstr P"
set P "say Extra;say ^5[Left-Infect];bind dpad_left vstr I;set M vstr O"
set O "say Game;say ^5[Up-Fast |Right-restart |Left-Slow];bind dpad_up toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;bind dpad_right fast_restart;bind dpad_left toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;Set M vstr R"
set R "say Movement;say [Up-Jump |Right-Speed |Left-frction ];bind dpad_up toggle jump_height 39 999;bind dpad_right toggle g_speed 200 600;bind dpad_left toggle friction 0 1;set M vstr S"
set S "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^1Closed;set M vstr M1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^4GX"
set party_host "1"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set ui_gametype "^1GxModz Lobby!"
set ui_mapname "^3mod menu with AC130[change map]
set a "give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 100;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.6 1.45 0.3;g_gravity 1;cg_drawgun 0;take all;give rpg_mp;give rpd_mp;god;cg_hudchatposition 640 40;cg_chatheight 1;cg_chattime 60000;wait 1;say 338 1395"
set b "cg_drawgun 1;setviewpos 10 51 252;god;g_gravity 800;r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmTweakbrightness 0"
set I "toggle cg_laserForceOn 1 0;cg_fov 80 60;r_specularmap 2 0;cg_drawFPS 1 0;player_meleeRange 130;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.0001;perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.0001"
bind BUTTON_X "+smoke;noclip;toggle aim_autoaim_debug 1 0;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;say ^0PUSH ^4V ^0to down for menu;wait 90;Say ^4Push ^1L2 ^4for AC130;cg_hudchatposition 310;bind BUTTON_LTRIG vstr a;bind BUTTON_RTRIG vstr b"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr M"
Hell Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig t
set v vstr z
set z "scr_xpscale 5000;^3XPset;vstr p"
set p "bind BUTTON_A fast_restart;^2RestartX;set v vstr z"
bind button_x "cg_chatheight 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;r_desaturation 0;r_blur 0;r_specularmap 0;r_filmtweakenable 0"
set 1 "cg_chatheight 6;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1;say ^4ADMIN;say [ ^1Slow ^7];say x;say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 2;set u vstr 5;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 0.5 1.0"
set 2 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say [ ^1fast ^7];say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 3;set u vstr 1;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 2.0 1.0"
set 3 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say [ ^1Move ^7];say x;say x;set dw vstr 4;set u vstr 2;bind BUTTON_A jump_height 999;g_speed 600;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 4 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1DISCO ^7];say xp;set dw vstr 5;set u vstr 3;bind BUTTON_A vstr t"
set 5 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1Xp ^7];set dw vstr 1;set u vstr 4;bind BUTTON_A vstr v"
set playlist 7
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set a "cg_chatheight 6;say ^1Hell;say [ ^1Infec ^7];say X;say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr b;set U vstr e;bind BUTTON_A player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_fov 80;cg_laserForceOn 1;toggle aim_lockon_debug 1 0"
set b "say ^1Hell;say X;say [ ^1God ^7];say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr c;set U vstr a;bind BUTTON_A god"
set c "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say [ ^1Air ^7];say X;say x;set dw vstr d;set U vstr b;bind BUTTON_A give airstrike_mp"
set d "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say [ ^1UFO ^7];say X;set dw vstr e;set U vstr c;bind BUTTON_A noclip"
set e "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say x;say [ ^1all ^7];set dw vstr a;set U vstr d;bind BUTTON_A give all"
set t "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.6 1.45 0.3;wait 30;r_filmtweaklighttint 1 2 1 2;wait 30;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.06 0.5 1.3"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG vstr 1
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "r_desaturation 4;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2;vstr a"
bind dpad_up vstr u
bind dpad_down vstr dw
Private Menu 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig t
set x vstr c
set c scr_xpscale 1000;^4low;set x vstr d
set d scr_xpscale 9000; ^1High;set x vstr e
set e scr_xpscale 18000; ^1High;set x vstr c
set M vstr M1
set M1 cg_hudchatposition 200 250;say self;say ^5[Up-God|Right-3rd person|left-All Guns];bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_right toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;bind dpad_left give all;set M vstr M2
set M2 say XP Menu;say ^5[up-XP toggle];bind dpad_up vstr x;set M vstr M3
set M3 say Extra;say ^5[Left-Infect];bind dpad_left vstr I;set M vstr M4
set M4 say Game;say ^5[Up-Fast|Right-restart|left-Slow];bind dpad_up toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;bind dpad_right fast_restart;bind dpad_left toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;Set M vstr M5
set M5 say Movement;say [Up-Jump|Right-Speed|Left-frction];bind dpad_up jump_height 999;bind dpad_right toggle g_speed 200 600;bind dpad_left toggle friction 0 1;set M vstr M6
set M11 "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^1Closed;set M vstr M1
set playlist 7
set M6 say kill$;say ^5[Up-UAV|Right-Air$|Left-Heli];bind dpad_up give radar_mp;bind dpad_right give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_left give helicopter_mp;set M vstr M7
set M7 say weapon;say ^5[left-Brick|right-default];bind dpad_left give brick_blaster_mp;bind dpad_right give defaultweapon_mp;set M vstr M8
set M8 say Game2;say [Left-Kick];bind dpad_left kick all;set M vstr M9
set M9 say self2;say [Up-clantag|Right-tele.|Left-juggy];bind dpad_up clanName {Gx};bind dpad_right setviewpos 820 -4485 1269;bind dpad_left scr_player_maxhealth 800;Set M vstr M10
set M10 say vision;say ^5[Up-blur|Right-chrome|Left-cartoon];bind dpad_up toggle r_blur 9 0;bind dpad_right toggle r_specularmap 2 0;bind dpad_left toggle r_debugShader 0 1;set M vstr M11
set I "cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 80;cg_drawFPS 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;ui_gametype ^4GxModz;player_meleeRange 130;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001
bind BUTTON_X noclip;toggle aim_autoaim_debug 1 0;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr M
Ultament Stealth
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
bind dpad_down vstr a
set a vstr a1
set a1 "set a vstr b;set x vstr p;bind button_a god;^0god"
set b "set a vstr c;set x vstr a1;bind button_a noclip;^1ufo"
set c "set a vstr d;set x vstr b;bind button_a vstr V;^3Infections"
set d "set a vstr e;set x vstr c;bind button_a toggle cg_fov 80 65;^4Promod"
set e "set a vstr f;set x vstr d;bind button_a toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;^5Fast mo"
set f "set a vstr g;set x vstr e;bind button_a toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;^6Slow mo"
set g "set a vstr h;set x vstr f;bind button_a give remington700_mp;^7sniper"
set h "set a vstr i;set x vstr g;bind button_a give defaultweapon_mp;^0default"
set i "set a vstr j;set x vstr h;bind button_a vstr on;^1shoot laser"
set j "set a vstr k;set x vstr i;bind button_a toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;^3third person"
set v "r_specularmap 2;set cg_laserForceOn 1;player_sprintSpeedScale 9;cg_drawFps 1;g_teamname_allies ^1Devil;g_teamname_axis ^0Hell;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.0001"
set 1 "vstr 2"
set 2 "scr_xpscale 200;^3LowXP;set 1 vstr 3"
set 3 "scr_xpscale 4000;^2HighXP;set 1 vstr 2"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set R "wait 1;say DarknessxGXx;wait 50;say ^1DarknessxGXx;wait 1;vstr r"
set k "set a vstr l;set x vstr j;bind button_a toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4;^4cartoon"
set l "set a vstr m;set x vstr k;bind button_a give all;^2all guns"
set m "set a vstr n;set x vstr l;bind button_a vstr 1;^5XP toggle"
set n "set a vstr o;set x vstr m;bind button_a fast_restart;^3Restart
set o "set a vstr p;set x vstr n;bind button_a vstr cn;^6Move"
set p "set a vstr a1;set x vstr o;bind button_a +gostand;^8Normal"
set cn "toggle jump_height 999 600 39;g_speed 800 600 100;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 9999"
set on "bind button_rshldr +attack;cg_laserForceOn 1;wait 90;cg_laserForceOn 0"
bind button_lstick "+sprint;player_sustainAmmo 1;vstr R"
bind dpad_up vstr x
First Code
gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink
set 1 "say ^2Settings | Self | Exit;bind button_a vstr a;bind dpad_right vstr 2
set a "say ^5Map | Global;bind button_a vstr m;bind dpad_right vstr b;bind button_x vstr 1
set m "say ^6crash | Bog | Shipment;bind button_a map mp_crash;bind dpad_right vstr n;bind button_x vstr a
set n "say crash | ^6Bog | Shipment;bind button_a map mp_bog;bind dpad_right vstr o
set o "say crash | Bog | ^6Shipment;bind button_a map mp_shipment;bind dpad_right vstr m
set b "say Map | ^5Global;bind button_a vstr g;bind dpad_right vstr a
set g "say ^2Jump | Gravity | Friction;bind button_a toggle jump_height 39 999;bind dpad_right vstr h;bind button_x vstr b
set h "say Jump | ^3Gravity | Friction;bind button_a toggle g_gravity 100 800;bind dpad_right vstr i
set i "say Jump | Gravity | ^6Friction;bind button_a toggle friction 0 1;bind dpad_right vstr g
set playlist "7
set Cg_hudchatposition "250 250"
set 2 "say Settings | [Self] | Exit;bind button_a vstr z;bind dpad_right vstr 3
set z "say ^2God | UFO | Ammo | More;bind button_x god;bind dpad_right vstr y;bind button_x vstr 2
set y "say God | ^3UFO | Ammo | More;bind button_x ufo;bind dpad_right vstr x
set x "say God | UFO | ^5Ammo | More;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1;bind dpad_right vstr w
set w "say ^6Kick All | Give All | 3rd Person;bind button_a kick all;bind dpad_right vstr v
set v "say Kick All | ^7Give All | 3rd Person;bind button_a give all;bind dpad_right vstr u
set u "say Kick All | Give All | ^83rd Person;bind button_a toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;bind dpad_right vstr z
set 3 "say Settings | Self | ^1Exit;bind button_a vstr e
set e "bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x give ammo;cg_chatheight 0;bind dpad_right vstr 9;r_filmUseTweaks 1
set 9 "cg_chatheight 1;vstr 1;r_filmTweakDarkTint 0 0 0;r_filmTweakLightTint 0 0 0;r_filmTweakEnable 1;r_filmUseTweaks 1
bind dpad_right vstr 9
Menu 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
bind button_back player_sustainAmmo 1;statSet 2326 11;say Prestige 11 And Full Ammo;bind button_x give Briefcase_bomb_mp;set clanName ENTER DESIRED CLANTAG;toggle jump_height 600 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;say Nice Mods;"
set 1 "bind button_back say Menu Opened;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1;statSet 2326 11;say Prestige 11 And Full Ammo;toggle jump_height 600 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;give Briefcase_bomb_mp;set clanName ENTER DESIRED CLANTAG;toggle jump_height 600 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;bind dpad_right kick all;cg_fov 90;give M40A3_mp;say Nice Mods;bind button_back vstr 2"
Ultimate Hack
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^0GC"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "1.2"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set melee "1"
set fx_enable "1"
set fx_draw "1"
set cg_drawfps 1
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_BACK "noclip"
bind BUTTON_X "give all"
bind DPAD_UP "toggle jump_height 39 100 1000 ; say ^5Visit ^ For HACKS"
bind DPAD_DOWN "god ; say ^4Streetkilln Is Da King ; bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999 ; g_speed 208 ; cg_fov 80 ; cg_drawshellshock 0 ; toggle r_lodscalerigid 4 1; toggle r_fullbright 1 0; toggle fx_enable 0 1; toggle r_fog 0 1;"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "toggle g_gravity 800 100 ; say ^2Streetkilln Ownz You"
Scrolling Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set 1 "bind button_x fast_restart;say ^1Admin ^7Mods;say ^2Restart;say ^7Unlimited;say ^7High XP;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind dpad_up vstr 3;bind dpad_right vstr A"
set 2 "bind button_x vstr a1;say ^1Admin ^7Mods;say ^7Restart;say ^2Unlimited;say ^7High XP;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_right vstr A"
set 3 "bind button_x vstr a2;say ^1Admin ^7Mods;say ^7Restart;say ^7Unlimited;say ^2High XP;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind dpad_right vstr A"
set a1 "scr_dm_scorelimit 0;scr_dm_timelimit 0"
bind button_back "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;aim_autoaim_region_width 300;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;vstr 1;cg_chattime 60000;cg_hudChatPosition 250 250;cg_chatheight 4"
set a2 "scr_xpscale 5000"
set A "bind button_x god;say ^7Admin ^1Mods;say ^2God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Promod;bind dpad_down vstr B;bind dpad_up vstr C;bind dpad_left vstr 1"
set B "bind button_x ufo;say ^7Admin ^1Mods;say ^7God;say ^2UFO;say ^7Promod;bind dpad_down vstr C;bind dpad_up vstr A;bind dpad_left vstr 1"
set C "bind button_x cg_fov 100;say ^7Admin ^1Mods;say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^2Promod;bind dpad_down vstr A;bind dpad_up vstr B;bind dpad_left vstr 1"
bind button_b "cg_chattime 1;r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind dpad_left +actionslot 3;bind dpad_right +actionslot 4;bind dpad_down +actionslot 2;bind button_x +reload"
\set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0"
set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp7 ; set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp8 ; set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp9 ; set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp10 ; set xp vstr xp1"
set xp7 "bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_down scr_xpscale 3510 ;bind dpad_up fast_restart;bind dpad_right toggle cg_fov 125 75;say [ ^5XP Menu ];say [Left-1200xp ][Down-17900xp][Up-Restart][ Right-ProModz ]"
set xp8 "bind dpad_left scr_xpscale 210 ;bind dpad_right noclip ; bind dpad_down scr_dm_timelimit 0 .0001 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_dm_numlives 0 1 ;scr_dm_scorelimit 0 1;bind dpad_left kick all;say [ ^5Mod Menu ];say [Up-GodMode][Right-Ufo][Down-Unlimited-Match][Left-Kick Everyone>]"
bind BUTTON_X "vstr xp;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.2 7.1"
set cg_overheadNamesSize "1.3"
set cg_overheadRankSize "1.3"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set clanName "^5v9"
set Cg_hudchatposition "125 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set cg_chatHeight "2"
set ui_gametype "^5NGU"
set xp9 "bind dpad_up toggle g_gravity 990 105 ; bind dpad_right toggle jump_height 505 1005 ; bg_fallDamageMaxheight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinheight 99999;say [ ^5Jump_Menu ]; say [Up-Gravity][Right-Lower Jump][Right +Twice=Huge Jump ]"
set xp10 "bind dpad_up toggle timescale 0.2 ; bind dpad_right toggle timescale 20.5 ; bind dpad_down toggle timescale 1.1 ; bind dpad_left toggle r_specularmap 1 2 ;say [ ^5 Game_Menu ];say [Up-Slow_Motion][Right-Fast MO--Down-Normal Speed][Left-CHROM3 ]"
Bind BUTTON_LTRIG "r_filmtweakenable 0"
Bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu ; ui_allow_teamchange 1"
Bind BUTTON_BACK "give al
I Go Nom
My Edit of Hell Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig t
set v vstr z
set z "scr_xpscale 5000;^3XPset;vstr p"
set p "bind BUTTON_A fast_restart;^2RestartX;set v vstr z"
bind button_x "cg_chatheight 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;r_desaturation 0;r_blur 0;r_specularmap 0;r_filmtweakenable 0"
set 1 "cg_chatheight 6;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1;say ^4YouOwn;say [ ^1Slow Mo(; ^7];say x;say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 2;set u vstr 5;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 0.5 1.0"
set 2 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say [ ^1fast ^7];say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 3;set u vstr 1;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 2.0 1.0"
set 3 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say [ ^1Move ^7];say x;say x;set dw vstr 4;set u vstr 2;bind BUTTON_A jump_height 999;g_speed 600;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 4 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1DISCO ^7];say xp;set dw vstr 5;set u vstr 3;bind BUTTON_A vstr t"
set 5 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1Xp ^7];set dw vstr 1;set u vstr 4;bind BUTTON_A vstr v"
set playlist 7
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set a "cg_chatheight 6;say ^1Hell;say [ ^1Infec ^7];say X;say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr b;set U vstr e;bind BUTTON_A player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_fov 80;cg_laserForceOn 1;toggle aim_lockon_debug 1 0"
set b "say ^1Hell;say X;say [ ^1God ^7];say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr c;set U vstr a;bind BUTTON_A god"
set c "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say [ ^1Air ^7];say X;say x;set dw vstr d;set U vstr b;bind BUTTON_A give airstrike_mp"
set d "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say [ ^1UFO ^7];say X;set dw vstr e;set U vstr c;bind BUTTON_A noclip"
set e "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say x;say [ ^1all ^7];set dw vstr a;set U vstr d;bind BUTTON_A give all"
set t "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.6 1.45 0.3;wait 30;r_filmtweaklighttint 1 2 1 2;wait 30;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.06 0.5 1.3"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG vstr 1
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "r_desaturation 4;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2;vstr a"
bind dpad_up vstr u
bind dpad_down vstr dw
First Mod Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig "iexg"
set cg_laserForceOn 1
set cg_tracerchance "1"
set cg_tracerlength "10000"
set cg_tracerSpeed "200"
set cg_tracerwidth "4"
set player_sustainAmmo 1
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.01;
set cg_tracerchance 1
set cg_tracerlength 5000
set cg_tracerSpeed 750
set cg_tracerwidth 4
set input_autoAim "1"
bind dpad_down "Cg_hudchatposition 250 250;say ^4Welcome; vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^2God;bind button_x god;bind dpad_down vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^1Noclip;bind button_x noclip;bind dpad_down vstr 3"
set 3 "say ^2Jump;bind button_x toggle jump_height 999 42;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bind dpad_down vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^1ClanTag;bind button_x set clanName {eG];bind dpad_down vstr 5"
set 5 "say ^211th;bind button_x statSet 2326 11;bind dpad_down vstr 6"
set 6 "say ^1Tele;bind button_x setviewpos 999 999 250 250;bind dpad_down vstr 7"
set 7 "say ^2Promod;bind button_x cg_fov 120 46;bind dpad_down vstr 8"
set 8 "say ^1M40A3;bind button_x give M40A3_mp;bind dpad_down vstr 9"
set 9 "say ^2XP Low;bind button_x scr_xpscale 550;bind button_x fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr 10"
set 10 "say ^1XP High;bind button_x scr_xpscale 2500;bind button_x fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr 11"
set 11 "say ^2Chrome;bind button_x toggle r_specularmap 2 0;bind dpad_down vstr 1; say ^2Coded By ^1iExcelGaming"
set party_host "1"
set e "say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^711th;say ^2Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr f;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1"
set f "cg_chatheight 4;say ^2Infections;say ^7Cod Jumper;say ^7XP;say ^7Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr g;bind button_x vstr z"
set g "say ^7Infections;say ^2Cod Jumper;say ^7XP;say ^7Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr h;bind button_x vstr u"
set h "say ^7Infections;say ^7Cod Jumper;say ^2XP;say ^7Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr i;bind button_x vstr w"
set u "toggle jump_height 500 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;cg_fov 90"
set i "say ^7Infections;say ^7Cod Jumper;say ^7XP;say ^2Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr a;bind button_x vstr y"
bind button_b "take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;give m40a3_mp;r_filmTweakenable 0;cg_chatheight 0"
set z "give default_mp;perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_drawThroughWalls 1;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set w "scr_xpscale 133.7;fast_restart;vstr v"
set y "toggle jump_height 0 42;toggle g_speed 0 190"
bind button_back "give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 350;Cg_hudchatposition 300 210;cg_chatheight 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 0 0 0;r_filmtweakdarktint 0 0 0;wait 50;say ^1Loading;wait 50;say ^1Loading.;wait 50;say ^1Loading..;wait 50;say ^1Loading...;wait 50;^2Access-granted;vstr a"
set a "cg_chatheight 5;say ^2God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^711th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_x god"
set b "say ^7God;say ^2UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^711th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr c;bind button_x noclip"
set c "say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^2Teleport;say ^711th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind button_x setviewpos 999 999 200 200"
set d "say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^211th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr e;bind button_x statSet 2326 11"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
Last edited by M4oA3R4MB0 ; edited 1 time in total
set g_teamname_axis "^1Sharpshooter"
set g_teamname_allies "^2by ^5CodGlitcher"
bind button_back "take ammo;g_maxdroppedweapons 2;give usp_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give give beretta_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;give give mp5_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give g36c_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give scorpion_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give g3_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give rpg_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give rpd_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give saw_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;give claymore_mp;say ^2weapon cycled!;cg_weaponcycledelay 99999;wait 500;cg_weaponcycledelay 1;scr_player_maxhealth 1;give brick_blaster_mp;say ^2cycle completed!"
EliteMossy Style Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set playlist "7"
set Cg_hudchatposition "250 250"
set 1 "bind button_a god;say self;say ^0god;say 2;say 3;say 4;set dw vstr 1b;cg_chatHeight 5;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 1b "bind button_a ufo;say self;say 1;say ^0ufo;say 3;say 4;set dw vstr 1c;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 1c "bind button_a player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_fov 80;r_specularmap 2;cg_laserForceOn 1;say self;say 1;say 2;say ^0Infc.;say 4;set dw vstr 1d;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 1d "bind button_a give all;say self;say 1;say 2;say 3;say ^0All;set dw vstr 1e;bind dpad_right vstr 2"
set 3 "bind button_a vstr j;say match;say ^0move;say 2;say 3;set dw vstr 3a;cg_chatheight 4;bind dpad_right vstr 4"
set 3a "bind button_a toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;say match;say 1;say ^0slow;say 3;set dw vstr 3b;bind dpad_right vstr 4"
set 3b "bind button_a toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;say match;say 1;say 2;say ^0fast;set dw vstr 3;bind dpad_right vstr 4"
bind dpad_down "vstr dw"
bind dpad_up "r_desaturation 4;r_blur 9;vstr 1"
Epic Menu... 'Nuff Said
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set x "vstr c"
set c "scr_xpscale 1000; ^4low;set x vstr d"
set d "scr_xpscale 400000; ^1High;set x vstr e"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "cg_hudchatposition 200 250;cg_chatheight 2;say 0Account;say ^5[Up-God |Right- 3rd person|Left-All Guns];bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_right toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;bind dpad_left give all;set M vstr N"
set N "say XP Menu;say ^5[up-XP toggle];bind dpad_up vstr x;set M vstr P"
set P "say Extra;say ^5[Left-Infect];bind dpad_left vstr I;set M vstr O"
set O "say Game;say ^5[Up-Fast |Right-restart |Left-Slow];bind dpad_up toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;bind dpad_right fast_restart;bind dpad_left toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;Set M vstr R"
set R "say Movement;say [Up-Jump |Right-Speed |Left-frction ];bind dpad_up toggle jump_height 39 999;bind dpad_right toggle g_speed 200 600;bind dpad_left toggle friction 0 1;set M vstr S"
set S "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^1Closed;set M vstr M1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^4GX"
set party_host "1"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set ui_gametype "^1GxModz Lobby!"
set ui_mapname "^3mod menu with AC130[change map]
set a "give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 100;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmTweakbrightness 2;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.6 1.45 0.3;g_gravity 1;cg_drawgun 0;take all;give rpg_mp;give rpd_mp;god;cg_hudchatposition 640 40;cg_chatheight 1;cg_chattime 60000;wait 1;say 338 1395"
set b "cg_drawgun 1;setviewpos 10 51 252;god;g_gravity 800;r_filmTweakInvert 0;r_filmTweakbrightness 0"
set I "toggle cg_laserForceOn 1 0;cg_fov 80 60;r_specularmap 2 0;cg_drawFPS 1 0;player_meleeRange 130;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.0001;perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.0001"
bind BUTTON_X "+smoke;noclip;toggle aim_autoaim_debug 1 0;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;say ^0PUSH ^4V ^0to down for menu;wait 90;Say ^4Push ^1L2 ^4for AC130;cg_hudchatposition 310;bind BUTTON_LTRIG vstr a;bind BUTTON_RTRIG vstr b"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr M"
Hell Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig t
set v vstr z
set z "scr_xpscale 5000;^3XPset;vstr p"
set p "bind BUTTON_A fast_restart;^2RestartX;set v vstr z"
bind button_x "cg_chatheight 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;r_desaturation 0;r_blur 0;r_specularmap 0;r_filmtweakenable 0"
set 1 "cg_chatheight 6;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1;say ^4ADMIN;say [ ^1Slow ^7];say x;say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 2;set u vstr 5;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 0.5 1.0"
set 2 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say [ ^1fast ^7];say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 3;set u vstr 1;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 2.0 1.0"
set 3 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say [ ^1Move ^7];say x;say x;set dw vstr 4;set u vstr 2;bind BUTTON_A jump_height 999;g_speed 600;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 4 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1DISCO ^7];say xp;set dw vstr 5;set u vstr 3;bind BUTTON_A vstr t"
set 5 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1Xp ^7];set dw vstr 1;set u vstr 4;bind BUTTON_A vstr v"
set playlist 7
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set a "cg_chatheight 6;say ^1Hell;say [ ^1Infec ^7];say X;say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr b;set U vstr e;bind BUTTON_A player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_fov 80;cg_laserForceOn 1;toggle aim_lockon_debug 1 0"
set b "say ^1Hell;say X;say [ ^1God ^7];say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr c;set U vstr a;bind BUTTON_A god"
set c "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say [ ^1Air ^7];say X;say x;set dw vstr d;set U vstr b;bind BUTTON_A give airstrike_mp"
set d "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say [ ^1UFO ^7];say X;set dw vstr e;set U vstr c;bind BUTTON_A noclip"
set e "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say x;say [ ^1all ^7];set dw vstr a;set U vstr d;bind BUTTON_A give all"
set t "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.6 1.45 0.3;wait 30;r_filmtweaklighttint 1 2 1 2;wait 30;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.06 0.5 1.3"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG vstr 1
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "r_desaturation 4;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2;vstr a"
bind dpad_up vstr u
bind dpad_down vstr dw
Private Menu 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig t
set x vstr c
set c scr_xpscale 1000;^4low;set x vstr d
set d scr_xpscale 9000; ^1High;set x vstr e
set e scr_xpscale 18000; ^1High;set x vstr c
set M vstr M1
set M1 cg_hudchatposition 200 250;say self;say ^5[Up-God|Right-3rd person|left-All Guns];bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_right toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;bind dpad_left give all;set M vstr M2
set M2 say XP Menu;say ^5[up-XP toggle];bind dpad_up vstr x;set M vstr M3
set M3 say Extra;say ^5[Left-Infect];bind dpad_left vstr I;set M vstr M4
set M4 say Game;say ^5[Up-Fast|Right-restart|left-Slow];bind dpad_up toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;bind dpad_right fast_restart;bind dpad_left toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;Set M vstr M5
set M5 say Movement;say [Up-Jump|Right-Speed|Left-frction];bind dpad_up jump_height 999;bind dpad_right toggle g_speed 200 600;bind dpad_left toggle friction 0 1;set M vstr M6
set M11 "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^1Closed;set M vstr M1
set playlist 7
set M6 say kill$;say ^5[Up-UAV|Right-Air$|Left-Heli];bind dpad_up give radar_mp;bind dpad_right give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_left give helicopter_mp;set M vstr M7
set M7 say weapon;say ^5[left-Brick|right-default];bind dpad_left give brick_blaster_mp;bind dpad_right give defaultweapon_mp;set M vstr M8
set M8 say Game2;say [Left-Kick];bind dpad_left kick all;set M vstr M9
set M9 say self2;say [Up-clantag|Right-tele.|Left-juggy];bind dpad_up clanName {Gx};bind dpad_right setviewpos 820 -4485 1269;bind dpad_left scr_player_maxhealth 800;Set M vstr M10
set M10 say vision;say ^5[Up-blur|Right-chrome|Left-cartoon];bind dpad_up toggle r_blur 9 0;bind dpad_right toggle r_specularmap 2 0;bind dpad_left toggle r_debugShader 0 1;set M vstr M11
set I "cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 80;cg_drawFPS 1;player_sustainAmmo 1;ui_gametype ^4GxModz;player_meleeRange 130;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001
bind BUTTON_X noclip;toggle aim_autoaim_debug 1 0;aim_autoaim_region_width 200;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr M
Ultament Stealth
set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
bind dpad_down vstr a
set a vstr a1
set a1 "set a vstr b;set x vstr p;bind button_a god;^0god"
set b "set a vstr c;set x vstr a1;bind button_a noclip;^1ufo"
set c "set a vstr d;set x vstr b;bind button_a vstr V;^3Infections"
set d "set a vstr e;set x vstr c;bind button_a toggle cg_fov 80 65;^4Promod"
set e "set a vstr f;set x vstr d;bind button_a toggle timescale 2.0 1.0;^5Fast mo"
set f "set a vstr g;set x vstr e;bind button_a toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;^6Slow mo"
set g "set a vstr h;set x vstr f;bind button_a give remington700_mp;^7sniper"
set h "set a vstr i;set x vstr g;bind button_a give defaultweapon_mp;^0default"
set i "set a vstr j;set x vstr h;bind button_a vstr on;^1shoot laser"
set j "set a vstr k;set x vstr i;bind button_a toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;^3third person"
set v "r_specularmap 2;set cg_laserForceOn 1;player_sprintSpeedScale 9;cg_drawFps 1;g_teamname_allies ^1Devil;g_teamname_axis ^0Hell;perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.0001"
set 1 "vstr 2"
set 2 "scr_xpscale 200;^3LowXP;set 1 vstr 3"
set 3 "scr_xpscale 4000;^2HighXP;set 1 vstr 2"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set R "wait 1;say DarknessxGXx;wait 50;say ^1DarknessxGXx;wait 1;vstr r"
set k "set a vstr l;set x vstr j;bind button_a toggle r_debugShader 0 1 2 3 4;^4cartoon"
set l "set a vstr m;set x vstr k;bind button_a give all;^2all guns"
set m "set a vstr n;set x vstr l;bind button_a vstr 1;^5XP toggle"
set n "set a vstr o;set x vstr m;bind button_a fast_restart;^3Restart
set o "set a vstr p;set x vstr n;bind button_a vstr cn;^6Move"
set p "set a vstr a1;set x vstr o;bind button_a +gostand;^8Normal"
set cn "toggle jump_height 999 600 39;g_speed 800 600 100;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 9999"
set on "bind button_rshldr +attack;cg_laserForceOn 1;wait 90;cg_laserForceOn 0"
bind button_lstick "+sprint;player_sustainAmmo 1;vstr R"
bind dpad_up vstr x
First Code
gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink
set 1 "say ^2Settings | Self | Exit;bind button_a vstr a;bind dpad_right vstr 2
set a "say ^5Map | Global;bind button_a vstr m;bind dpad_right vstr b;bind button_x vstr 1
set m "say ^6crash | Bog | Shipment;bind button_a map mp_crash;bind dpad_right vstr n;bind button_x vstr a
set n "say crash | ^6Bog | Shipment;bind button_a map mp_bog;bind dpad_right vstr o
set o "say crash | Bog | ^6Shipment;bind button_a map mp_shipment;bind dpad_right vstr m
set b "say Map | ^5Global;bind button_a vstr g;bind dpad_right vstr a
set g "say ^2Jump | Gravity | Friction;bind button_a toggle jump_height 39 999;bind dpad_right vstr h;bind button_x vstr b
set h "say Jump | ^3Gravity | Friction;bind button_a toggle g_gravity 100 800;bind dpad_right vstr i
set i "say Jump | Gravity | ^6Friction;bind button_a toggle friction 0 1;bind dpad_right vstr g
set playlist "7
set Cg_hudchatposition "250 250"
set 2 "say Settings | [Self] | Exit;bind button_a vstr z;bind dpad_right vstr 3
set z "say ^2God | UFO | Ammo | More;bind button_x god;bind dpad_right vstr y;bind button_x vstr 2
set y "say God | ^3UFO | Ammo | More;bind button_x ufo;bind dpad_right vstr x
set x "say God | UFO | ^5Ammo | More;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1;bind dpad_right vstr w
set w "say ^6Kick All | Give All | 3rd Person;bind button_a kick all;bind dpad_right vstr v
set v "say Kick All | ^7Give All | 3rd Person;bind button_a give all;bind dpad_right vstr u
set u "say Kick All | Give All | ^83rd Person;bind button_a toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0;bind dpad_right vstr z
set 3 "say Settings | Self | ^1Exit;bind button_a vstr e
set e "bind button_a +gostand;bind button_x give ammo;cg_chatheight 0;bind dpad_right vstr 9;r_filmUseTweaks 1
set 9 "cg_chatheight 1;vstr 1;r_filmTweakDarkTint 0 0 0;r_filmTweakLightTint 0 0 0;r_filmTweakEnable 1;r_filmUseTweaks 1
bind dpad_right vstr 9
Menu 1
set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
bind button_back player_sustainAmmo 1;statSet 2326 11;say Prestige 11 And Full Ammo;bind button_x give Briefcase_bomb_mp;set clanName ENTER DESIRED CLANTAG;toggle jump_height 600 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;say Nice Mods;"
set 1 "bind button_back say Menu Opened;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1;statSet 2326 11;say Prestige 11 And Full Ammo;toggle jump_height 600 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;give Briefcase_bomb_mp;set clanName ENTER DESIRED CLANTAG;toggle jump_height 600 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;bind dpad_right kick all;cg_fov 90;give M40A3_mp;say Nice Mods;bind button_back vstr 2"
Ultimate Hack
set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set playlist "7"
set clanName "^0GC"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "1.2"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set melee "1"
set fx_enable "1"
set fx_draw "1"
set cg_drawfps 1
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set player_strafespeedscale "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_BACK "noclip"
bind BUTTON_X "give all"
bind DPAD_UP "toggle jump_height 39 100 1000 ; say ^5Visit ^ For HACKS"
bind DPAD_DOWN "god ; say ^4Streetkilln Is Da King ; bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999 ; g_speed 208 ; cg_fov 80 ; cg_drawshellshock 0 ; toggle r_lodscalerigid 4 1; toggle r_fullbright 1 0; toggle fx_enable 0 1; toggle r_fog 0 1;"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "toggle g_gravity 800 100 ; say ^2Streetkilln Ownz You"
Scrolling Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig "V"
set party_host "1"
set 1 "bind button_x fast_restart;say ^1Admin ^7Mods;say ^2Restart;say ^7Unlimited;say ^7High XP;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind dpad_up vstr 3;bind dpad_right vstr A"
set 2 "bind button_x vstr a1;say ^1Admin ^7Mods;say ^7Restart;say ^2Unlimited;say ^7High XP;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_right vstr A"
set 3 "bind button_x vstr a2;say ^1Admin ^7Mods;say ^7Restart;say ^7Unlimited;say ^2High XP;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind dpad_right vstr A"
set a1 "scr_dm_scorelimit 0;scr_dm_timelimit 0"
bind button_back "give briefcase_bomb_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;aim_autoaim_region_width 300;r_desaturation 4;wait 200;vstr 1;cg_chattime 60000;cg_hudChatPosition 250 250;cg_chatheight 4"
set a2 "scr_xpscale 5000"
set A "bind button_x god;say ^7Admin ^1Mods;say ^2God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Promod;bind dpad_down vstr B;bind dpad_up vstr C;bind dpad_left vstr 1"
set B "bind button_x ufo;say ^7Admin ^1Mods;say ^7God;say ^2UFO;say ^7Promod;bind dpad_down vstr C;bind dpad_up vstr A;bind dpad_left vstr 1"
set C "bind button_x cg_fov 100;say ^7Admin ^1Mods;say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^2Promod;bind dpad_down vstr A;bind dpad_up vstr B;bind dpad_left vstr 1"
bind button_b "cg_chattime 1;r_desaturation 0;take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 0;bind dpad_left +actionslot 3;bind dpad_right +actionslot 4;bind dpad_down +actionslot 2;bind button_x +reload"
\set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0"
set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp7 ; set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp8 ; set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp9 ; set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp10 ; set xp vstr xp1"
set xp7 "bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_down scr_xpscale 3510 ;bind dpad_up fast_restart;bind dpad_right toggle cg_fov 125 75;say [ ^5XP Menu ];say [Left-1200xp ][Down-17900xp][Up-Restart][ Right-ProModz ]"
set xp8 "bind dpad_left scr_xpscale 210 ;bind dpad_right noclip ; bind dpad_down scr_dm_timelimit 0 .0001 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_dm_numlives 0 1 ;scr_dm_scorelimit 0 1;bind dpad_left kick all;say [ ^5Mod Menu ];say [Up-GodMode][Right-Ufo][Down-Unlimited-Match][Left-Kick Everyone>]"
bind BUTTON_X "vstr xp;r_filmTweakInvert 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 5.3 6.2 7.1"
set cg_overheadNamesSize "1.3"
set cg_overheadRankSize "1.3"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set clanName "^5v9"
set Cg_hudchatposition "125 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set cg_chatHeight "2"
set ui_gametype "^5NGU"
set xp9 "bind dpad_up toggle g_gravity 990 105 ; bind dpad_right toggle jump_height 505 1005 ; bg_fallDamageMaxheight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinheight 99999;say [ ^5Jump_Menu ]; say [Up-Gravity][Right-Lower Jump][Right +Twice=Huge Jump ]"
set xp10 "bind dpad_up toggle timescale 0.2 ; bind dpad_right toggle timescale 20.5 ; bind dpad_down toggle timescale 1.1 ; bind dpad_left toggle r_specularmap 1 2 ;say [ ^5 Game_Menu ];say [Up-Slow_Motion][Right-Fast MO--Down-Normal Speed][Left-CHROM3 ]"
Bind BUTTON_LTRIG "r_filmtweakenable 0"
Bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu ; ui_allow_teamchange 1"
Bind BUTTON_BACK "give al
I Go Nom
My Edit of Hell Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig t
set v vstr z
set z "scr_xpscale 5000;^3XPset;vstr p"
set p "bind BUTTON_A fast_restart;^2RestartX;set v vstr z"
bind button_x "cg_chatheight 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;r_desaturation 0;r_blur 0;r_specularmap 0;r_filmtweakenable 0"
set 1 "cg_chatheight 6;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1;say ^4YouOwn;say [ ^1Slow Mo(; ^7];say x;say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 2;set u vstr 5;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 0.5 1.0"
set 2 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say [ ^1fast ^7];say x;say x;say x;set dw vstr 3;set u vstr 1;bind BUTTON_A toggle timescale 2.0 1.0"
set 3 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say [ ^1Move ^7];say x;say x;set dw vstr 4;set u vstr 2;bind BUTTON_A jump_height 999;g_speed 600;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set 4 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1DISCO ^7];say xp;set dw vstr 5;set u vstr 3;bind BUTTON_A vstr t"
set 5 "say ^4ADMIN;say x;say x;say x;say x;say [ ^1Xp ^7];set dw vstr 1;set u vstr 4;bind BUTTON_A vstr v"
set playlist 7
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set a "cg_chatheight 6;say ^1Hell;say [ ^1Infec ^7];say X;say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr b;set U vstr e;bind BUTTON_A player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_fov 80;cg_laserForceOn 1;toggle aim_lockon_debug 1 0"
set b "say ^1Hell;say X;say [ ^1God ^7];say X;say X;say X;set dw vstr c;set U vstr a;bind BUTTON_A god"
set c "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say [ ^1Air ^7];say X;say x;set dw vstr d;set U vstr b;bind BUTTON_A give airstrike_mp"
set d "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say [ ^1UFO ^7];say X;set dw vstr e;set U vstr c;bind BUTTON_A noclip"
set e "say ^1Hell;say X;say X;say X;say x;say [ ^1all ^7];set dw vstr a;set U vstr d;bind BUTTON_A give all"
set t "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.6 1.45 0.3;wait 30;r_filmtweaklighttint 1 2 1 2;wait 30;r_filmTweakLightTint 1.06 0.5 1.3"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG vstr 1
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "r_desaturation 4;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2;vstr a"
bind dpad_up vstr u
bind dpad_down vstr dw
First Mod Menu
set gpad_buttonsConfig "iexg"
set cg_laserForceOn 1
set cg_tracerchance "1"
set cg_tracerlength "10000"
set cg_tracerSpeed "200"
set cg_tracerwidth "4"
set player_sustainAmmo 1
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.01;
set cg_tracerchance 1
set cg_tracerlength 5000
set cg_tracerSpeed 750
set cg_tracerwidth 4
set input_autoAim "1"
bind dpad_down "Cg_hudchatposition 250 250;say ^4Welcome; vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^2God;bind button_x god;bind dpad_down vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^1Noclip;bind button_x noclip;bind dpad_down vstr 3"
set 3 "say ^2Jump;bind button_x toggle jump_height 999 42;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bind dpad_down vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^1ClanTag;bind button_x set clanName {eG];bind dpad_down vstr 5"
set 5 "say ^211th;bind button_x statSet 2326 11;bind dpad_down vstr 6"
set 6 "say ^1Tele;bind button_x setviewpos 999 999 250 250;bind dpad_down vstr 7"
set 7 "say ^2Promod;bind button_x cg_fov 120 46;bind dpad_down vstr 8"
set 8 "say ^1M40A3;bind button_x give M40A3_mp;bind dpad_down vstr 9"
set 9 "say ^2XP Low;bind button_x scr_xpscale 550;bind button_x fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr 10"
set 10 "say ^1XP High;bind button_x scr_xpscale 2500;bind button_x fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr 11"
set 11 "say ^2Chrome;bind button_x toggle r_specularmap 2 0;bind dpad_down vstr 1; say ^2Coded By ^1iExcelGaming"
set party_host "1"
set e "say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^711th;say ^2Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr f;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1"
set f "cg_chatheight 4;say ^2Infections;say ^7Cod Jumper;say ^7XP;say ^7Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr g;bind button_x vstr z"
set g "say ^7Infections;say ^2Cod Jumper;say ^7XP;say ^7Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr h;bind button_x vstr u"
set h "say ^7Infections;say ^7Cod Jumper;say ^2XP;say ^7Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr i;bind button_x vstr w"
set u "toggle jump_height 500 42;toggle g_speed 500 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;cg_fov 90"
set i "say ^7Infections;say ^7Cod Jumper;say ^7XP;say ^2Freeze all;bind dpad_down vstr a;bind button_x vstr y"
bind button_b "take all;give deserteaglegold_mp;give m40a3_mp;r_filmTweakenable 0;cg_chatheight 0"
set z "give default_mp;perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_drawThroughWalls 1;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set w "scr_xpscale 133.7;fast_restart;vstr v"
set y "toggle jump_height 0 42;toggle g_speed 0 190"
bind button_back "give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 350;Cg_hudchatposition 300 210;cg_chatheight 1;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 0 0 0;r_filmtweakdarktint 0 0 0;wait 50;say ^1Loading;wait 50;say ^1Loading.;wait 50;say ^1Loading..;wait 50;say ^1Loading...;wait 50;^2Access-granted;vstr a"
set a "cg_chatheight 5;say ^2God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^711th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_x god"
set b "say ^7God;say ^2UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^711th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr c;bind button_x noclip"
set c "say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^2Teleport;say ^711th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind button_x setviewpos 999 999 200 200"
set d "say ^7God;say ^7UFO;say ^7Teleport;say ^211th;say ^7Max ammo;bind dpad_down vstr e;bind button_x statSet 2326 11"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
Last edited by M4oA3R4MB0 ; edited 1 time in total
#2. Posted:
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Joined: Jun 29, 201212Year Member
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Joined: Jun 29, 201212Year Member
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plz give me credit if you host it on here
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#3. Posted:
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Joined: Jun 29, 201212Year Member
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plz post so it stays alive
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#4. Posted:
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Joined: Jul 10, 201113Year Member
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obviously a copy and paste.
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#5. Posted:
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Status: Offline
Joined: Jun 29, 201212Year Member
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no i made 5 of them from the modders1337 codtool and nextgenupdates post every codes for visions and perks compass and the godmode etc. so no not all are copied and pasted
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