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Cool Gamertags?

Cool Gamertags?Posted:

  • Junior Member
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I'm thinking about changing mine to Pulse Ecstasy, is that's good one? Also, leave cool ones give heard or thought of
#2. Posted:
  • New Member
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What About

You Dole Scum
Benifit Frauders
LSD x Stealth
#3. Posted:
  • Wise One
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Joined: Aug 26, 201311Year Member
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The left ones are "usernames" and the right ones are gamertags.
WARNING: Big List of maybe 1k usernames & gamertags!
.........- #

1019wii = ManBEarPiG1019
-1313-Evil_Homer = Evil Trance
2and2makes5 = TwoandTwomakes5
2293 = Caboose 021
3N16M4 = MaJef Jaxx
3Thirteen = CunningLynguist
4phantom = phantom4
5greenbunnies = EmberHydra
7718 = x7718
93xfan = Saves 7he Day
9Cyph = D9Cyph
.-._.-. = NemesisJAD
.1. = bj00rn

..........- A -

-Alucard- = Arkeen
aaron784 = aaron784
AaronJizzles = AaronGiles
ACES11 = KindaHomicidal
ack28 = Ginack
adam3k3 = Adam3k3
AfroAz = Shad0wRaiderUK
Agent_Intellegent = xxAzn Warriorxx
agenttrav = LudwigVonPoopen
agorm429 = agorm429
ajlxv = Arion
Akira283 = ShOcKw4vE
Al_Kohaulik = MaliciousMutant
Albie9000 = Albie9000
alcander = PheonixAlcander
aldrin6 = Aidan Pogi
aleksander6 = Zaylex
Alen__44 = alen 51
Alen_53 = Alen 53
ALeperMessiah = ALeperMessiah
alex_kolod = Easy R1der
AlexM.N. = AlexisNat3r
all2neat = happymonkey83
alldat = The Only 47
AllenRulz = ATMRlz
AlloyNES = AlloyNES
allstargamer2k2 = AllStarKirby
alotofbs101 = Savage Palooka
alphaomega16 = Codename Jelly
Alsnow = Game Jerk
alucard2003 = illusionz
andrewdean84 = Spawn99
AndrewG9 = Gartseff
amailhot = amailhot
AmericanNinja1 = AmericanNinja1
an256k = Koleman
andyne = DrewN
animaleyez = animaleyez
AnimeReaper03 = AnimeReaper05
anubix00 = Anubix00
anybodign = The Itch
apm191 = ALEX116
Apocalypse34 = Apocalypse3434
ApocalypticKoala = Ed Pfund
A-Rod_NY = Mr Ackshun
Archie04 = ALtER Evil
Arcilite_I = Arcilite
Arctic13 = RecoveryShinobi
Arion = Arion
Aristotlekh = Aristotlekh100
armosnake1 = armo415
arnaldo42 = ARNALDO42
Art0fPhoenix = Guregu
ArtsOasis = Time2Kill1
ashook = Andor
Atar3on = Koin0p
Atarikid4000 = Waxville
atomicknuckles = atomicknuckles
atoms = Mad Reason
atomsmasher13 = atomsmasher13
Atcon = Atcon17
Atticus999 = ATCS
Aurelius5150 = Aurelius5150
automan3 = BLS Berzerker
Avendesora = Arcane Lore
avsfan1921 = EliteCommandoV3
avtovis = grkilla
axel000 = A X E L 000
azeller75 = ARZ
azgsxr = PHX GSXR
azn_lunatic040 = kuruptedazn
aztrex = aztrex
Azzurri15 = Lazzaro15

..........- B -

.B. = NV My Skillz
.Babyface. = BabyFace422
b1adernner = Auron
BA_Special_Cake = H8CK BA IGN
Bacardiman = Bacardiman151
backdoorflush = Secret System
backyard3000 = NeptunePirate
BahamutXXXX = Hatch0420
bamihap = BMHlive
Baseball0922 = Sox922
bassrocker521 = bassrocker521
BattleGrounds = Abs0lute ii
Beasthunt = Beasthunt
Benjammin316 = Yohansen
Bernion = dooba t
bernlangen = kronosaurus
BestGamerPeriod = BestGamerPeriod
bf2cat3106 = Chuckatommy
Bfoy = Daemonocracy
BGH228 = BGH228
bharger = a dilettante
Big_Blue_Cheese = BigBlueCheese
Big_Ups1 = MasterBigsby
Bigbling8= bigbling8
bigboy2k1 = Bigboy2k
BigChris117 = xXChaos117Xx
BigMastadon = BigMastadon
BigN24 = BigN24
bigpotatoe16 = II TaKeR II
bigsucculenta = starbigadam
bigtnaples = KTgrim
bigraidtd = SS Raider
billstinkypants = daniscool
binici = mebinici
BioDaveM = BioSector
bioevilfan = Bioevil087
biscuitz12 = SMOSES
Bitchentechnology = Swedishmaid
BKD210 = SavageStreek
BklynBlaze = xXBklynBlazeXx
Bkram1 = Bkram1
BlackArrow_51 = BlackArrow 51
BlackCalibur10 = Redviper101
BlackFlag39 = OneSmugPug
blacklabel_36 = blacklabel036
BlackLincoln8 = BLACKSTAR360
blacksta2 = blacksta2
Blain99 = Blain99
Blayzed1 = YayYoh
blazinMethod = xLODx PREDATOR
bleacher = eckohawk
blindkat14 = blindkat
bling1202 = superfly1268
Blow-My-Buzz = IronCapo
BlueArrowx = BlueArrowx
bluedeviltron = GorillaWar2
BlueFaze5 = BlueFaze5
BlueManComplex = MrVengeance81
BM23 = BM23
Bman1117 = Linkseo
bnqz = PiddleMinger
Bobafettjm = Bobafettjm
bobtomato02 = Obirano
Boffo3 = b0ff0
Boneris = Frakked
boogyman13 = Oz Ryder
BoooDave = BoooDave
BoshD_Out = BoshD
BozLover137 = BozLover137
Brady816 = NextBRADY816
Brave_Hearts.Exe = Greiga
brazzle84 = MajorBrazzle
brbrbrb = NausicaaSaotome
brendan604 = brendan604
Brendy_Boy = Brendy Boy
Bretskate - Bretskat
BrettBallz = Stasisbal
Brixter = Brixybrodiefw = kame0
Brownstone80 = Brownstone80
Bruce_Lee_Philosophy = Apocalyptos
bryanee1983 = bryanee1983
buck09 = airborne09
buckethead556 = buckethead556
Bucketz12 = ChicagoLove
BuckFly = BuckFly
budokai2master = budokai2master
BuffDaddy54 = o NmE o
buliwyf76 = buliwyf
Bulletstorm = Bulletstorms
Bunny_of_Doom = LouieVaz
bunting1 = bunting1
BurlySmurf = Burly Smurf
Burninator142 = Burninator117

..........- C -

--Chris-- = Dualism
-creedon- = Ascended
C4steve = C4 Steve
CM-Games = CM Games
Cable387 = Cable387
Cacksman = DA CACKSMAN
cacospectamania = cacospectamania
caffeino00 = SpringyMango
Cain1220 = Cain1220
cakefoo = cakefoo
caleb1915 = CorbiDog
canonbal11 = BilltheEsquire
Canucksin2006 - Canucksin
Cap10 = B9
caponesgun = caponesgun
Captiivus = Captiivus
CaPwN = Xx CaPwN xX
CarlJohnston_no1 = Terrorist V2
CarMeLLowD_Out = AirUpThere06
Cartmen89 = RandomPolishGuy
caseyeeth = Caseezay
Castaway98 = CastoCrash
Castillo = Horndograbbit
CatastrophicTheAgent = BaseKillerWolf
catatonic121 = catatonic1221
cavalier_54 = SeeUInTheFuture
cdion = PornoDetective
Cel_Blade = Cel Blade
Centauris = Centauris
cepheus85 = MassiveVoid
cerealkillr910 = cereal killr910
cgaming = Mysteriouskk
CGYFlamesFan = SpitFire40
chabber = Castor
ChAiNGaNGSolDiEr_24 = ChainGang24
ChainGangThug = XxPendragonxX
ChAiNGaNGSolDiEr_24 = IVBlindfireVI
chainsawleon = chainsawleon001
chalka52 = chalka52
ChantalJoy = ChantalJoy
Chaosmaker911 = Chaosmaker911
ChaoticChrisSnatcher = IZI B L a Z e D
chasmaster = I Chas I
chauschi = Iron Archer
Checkered_Vans = Downtown Riot
cheese8214 = bmc5703
cheesehead004 = Pat The Phat
Chefgon = Chefgon
Chelmo_Evil = Omlech
chipkaniff = Velvet396
chris_conway = Chiefy
ChrisRiner = DirectX
ChrisRT3 = ChrisRT
Cid_2001b = CasualCat2001
cirej2000 = cirej2000
cjg725 = Luminous
Cjosh1354 = Diablos1354
Cjosh1354 = Diablos54
Clada = Liquid Pig
claybryant69 = WillieNelson69
clifftrapremover = whatishalo
cloudlocke = cloudlocke
CMackDC = CMackDC
cmerge = cmerge
CMoe22 = Moes Tap
CnC6 = Cookies12
CoLdFuSioN167 = NeMoDoSeZ
ColdSystem = ColdSystem
colroycampbell=Gangsta Goat
compurocker = Diabolos
Conner5 = Serial 7hrilla
CooCooKozTnT = DeadMonkeyz
Cool-Lay = Koole X
coolbreezex_2000 = infamous styles
coolguytw = theturnmaster
cr_blah_blah = blah blah cr
Crazy_A_69 = Adrian925
Crazy_penguin13 = CRAZYPENGUIN13
crazy_taters = jerbearxi
crazyivan121=E DoG121
CrazyLink1s_neighbor= SugaR v2
CreamFilling = KlownFaceKilla
creatine64 = creatine64
cronomorph = cronomorph
crypt43 = Crypt44
CubanSmoot = ApeTie
cubeNblunts = ConmanCometh
Cubegamers = Teh Shmirn0ff
Cuddle_Nutz = ShinyButtStain
Cyrodiil_Tourist = UnanimousSniper
CyronWoW = ComicalDeath

..........- D -

d6661= I Denko I
d_south_cr = DaBadGuyCR
Da_Big_Nasty = Always The Hero
da_centa_fielda = dacentafielda
Da_Realest069 = DaRealest069
Da_undisputed_one = II TaKeR II
Daboodah = Daboodah
Dacajun35 = CrazyCajun83
dak2k5 = dakman605
Dakia = DAKIA
dan7592 - dan7592
Dan9690 = Dan9690
danath = Struct09
daNiche = Das Niche
DanielJr = DanielJr82
Danken-Tristan = KurzMe
dankfunkdjk = DjK FunK
dankskerb = SnappingCobra
DantesForum1 = PimpXB
Dark973 = Dark973
DarkCervantes = Dark Cervantes
DarkKrystof = DarkKrystof
DarkStar189 = Darkstar189
Darthearlthepearl = Sith Lord Earl
Darthstryk3r = DarthStryk3r
daShmooo = Spratticus
daustin2717 = durrrtyhustle
Daveman291 = Strongbow
Davidbrw = MrFjords
Davorin = Davorin
DCMann2 = DCMann2000
dcxboxgc = MAXIMUS VI
ddemeza1 = dvd520
ddramone29 = Pie29
deathscythecustom = Yoshi Cookie
defdans = defdans
Defdonovan = Def Prime
Defiant6_b1 = Defiant6
deggs37 = deggs370
Demonic_Tutor = Morbilus
Denbowski = Denbowski
Denton56 = Denton490
DeoxysPrime = DeoxysPrime
Detoxified = Detoxifly/o Bow DowN o
DerkaDerkaEvil = Evil Atropos
derspookyBox = Least Action
DesignerNate = Designer Nate
DFizzle64 = xDFizzle64x
Dgeneration152 = Popups4Life
Dicksuffers = majormite
DidntKnowJack = SuperThievius
dinokev-gcube = Kevin360
DinoRaptor = Rrraptor
dinozero = Dinozero
Dipship31 = Dipship31
DirectorBG = SpeedyBG
DirteeJuggalo = ATL DirteeByrd
DirtyBirds_22 = DirtyBirds x22x
Disengage. = Disengage
DisturbedLink = Broken Link
DJMAKO = Thinny
DL305 = DL305
DmAc2k6 = DmAc2k6
Doas19 = VIKDEM1ZE
docman88 = D0cman88
DoctorDrewX = DoctorDrewX
donarumo = donarumo
DonnyWang = Moe Gibbs
DonnyWang = Donny Wang
Dookie32 = Dookie32
Dooquie = Dooquie
dot_hack_freak = RevsFan89
dougall3 = dougall3
Dragon91319 = Trenton Romulox
DreamTension420 = DreamTension420
dreamingvoid = TheDreamingVoid
Drewboy-64 = Lintendo64
DrifterOmega = II Drifter II
Driver_King_02 = driverking02
DrOidwaker = Dr0idwaker
DrPajamas = MelkorsLust
druid069 = SectorONE
drumbison = rodimusPRIME11
drunkenj = boondockjj
drusoicy = GearLiveDotcom
DRxEVOx = Fearsyn
DubaX = DubaX
Ducks9kariya = bluehat9
DudeMan- = Magellan42
DukesterHFX = DukesterHFX
dustyshark = dd lew
DVO912 = Smoke912
Dvota = DVOTA
DyMndSkiR = DyMndSkiR
Dynamyk = KtothaMo

..........- E -

-espionage- = espionage8604
EAB13 = EAB13
EaglesVols91 = THM Eagles
earthquakedude = van halen 27
eastside49er1 = eastside49er
easy_e65 = iceman13
ebally = Golvellius
ebpoll = WarthogWheelman
ecastro = ECastro
Eddi3D = R E V E R S 3
eddie90000 = Vorpal Death
edgehead411 = bman1992
edt30 = EagleEyeEd
Edward6the6Great6 = James6Bloodfeas
EdwardW = MikeyBoy
egoof = egoof
ElBoricua1 = ElBoricua1
elbriano22 = XBloodxHoundX
ElHatton = El Hatton
EliteABombAZ = ABombbmoBA
Ellis-d = McDomination
Em_Leingod = EmLeingod
emanedoc = EmanEdoc
eminemfan0502 = Silentkilla6
eminemisc = RipeFruitMZ
Emortal_Frog = Keebs4Keeps
Enemy15 = x DEW IT x
english. = Mackems Rule UK
EnoYls = enoyls
epezent = epezent
ercupinhear = ercupinhear
Ericvsr = Ericvsr
errictshunn= soxbears2001
Esp1onag3 = gr3y wo1f
Esperados = ezzle
ESPNEWS = Atrevete 8
EternalDarkness4 = DarkOrochimaru
Eventide11 = Eventide11
evildk17 = PDZ22
EvolvedManiac = CosmicFunkSquad
EvrardCo = evrard
Exurcia = l Deltron Z l

..........- F -

Fadedblackout = Fadedblackout3
fah_cubone = Bojinx
Falcons508 = Amerikaner508
Falcons79 = l ThA FaLCoN l
Fallout30 = iAnorak
FarewellToKings = FarewellToKings
fasmofo = ripjack13
fdotorres = fdotorres
feenix007 = Feenix007
FenixDown69 = DeLaSalle
fenwayfan = fenwayfan
fichaud4145 = Samus4145
fightingGUYS = fightingGUYS
fincane3411 = RaidenX
Fiesto316 = Fiesto316
filmfanatic24 = filmfanatic24
find_the_50 = FearYourFate000
Flauntais = focusTheJah
flashbash = dzine
flashgordon = Jestrlives
Flip360Shep = Shep24
Florbit = ComeSweetDeath
FloridaGamer = AaronB360
flufybuster675 = flufybuster675
flunkie44 = Flunkie44
fmluder000 = FoxMulder000
Fodeur = Murrals
Fodie77 = Fodie77
Franchise_37 = sonics20
Freakguy34700 = Eradik
FreddieP786 = VprVnmSRT10 ZA
FrostTheHumar = Frost AM
funakoshi = haoshuai
Fusible = El Fusible
Fuzion15 = Fuzion007
fuzzbee = fuzzbee000
fzooms6 = zooms

..........- G -

-GRIM- = Iron Grim
G-ram = Epitaphs
gabesta = MrGabesta
galaga101 = leninstomb420
GameCuberZ = ZAMtendo
gameface247 = GameFace247SON
GameFanatic191 = Envel
GameGuy24 = ICallItFutile
gamejedi1 = akira kuROSSawa
GameLordDCN = SteppenWCCR
GameManAdvance = Kescoba
gamepro76 = WOLF3X60
Gamerj12 = Zenmaster Omega
Gamma654 = Max654
gandress8181 = JahCreations
Gary200 = Gary200
garymcgarrigle = Sundalic
gateway210 = taz27
gatezz = GaTeZ
Gatzby = Omega Gatzb
Gasman48 = ZachM90
Gazzilla8000 = Gazzilla8000
gbaderek = gbaderek
genci = gencid
generalpatton82 = GENERALPATTON71
generic6 = maelstrom07
Geoff9920 = Rodrik
George87 = George87
georgiadawg1014 = Red Testament
Gera37 = Gerah X
Getintothegame = GetGAME
getupkid783 = Hardly Danger
GhostChaser = MostHaunted
giangatang= giangatang
giannim = giannim
Giantskid2110 = nygiantsfan10
gjb-sensei = gjb sensei
GloriousMiniMike723 = MiniMike723
GMR4531 = GRIMReeper21
Gnade82 = Gnade82
GodfatherX = godfatherx360
godsmack32186 = Flut GOS
gohawks119 = phillyfan119
GoodbyeBlueSky = psilocybin73
gordonbombay = gordonbombay1
gordonfan626 = nschwartz626
greatnessinc = Double 0 N8
gregroland = TheBraveChicken
GrindensteinZ = Shentao
grizzlytwan = petmin
grkfire8a = TTroubl
gurijuba = gurijuba
GuyIncognito = GuyIncognito76
Gwelin-Perc = OG McGee

..........- H -

--hanzolo-- = hanzolo
Haeresis = Command Central
Hakudoshi = Grimmj4w
Halo67 = Robot Boss
Hannar = Hannar
hardass18 = PFCbulletsponge
HardCore_GC_Kid = Monochromize
hardmanharv = harveyrulesUK
Harendotes = Ethan1013
Haroof_II = Haroof1
hawaiian_dragon = audastickiller
hellgatebra = DemolishManCom
hennisE87 = HENNIS
Hepnotic = Hepnotik
Hetz = Hetz OO
HeyIsThatJourney = IsThatJourney
HGLatino = HGLatinBoy
HibernianFC = MetalGearMax
Higgs11 = Higgs1
HILLTOPPER3339 = Hilltopper3339
Hinsoog = Hinsoog
hioh631 = RSmiley
Hiphopgamer26 = HIPPIE GAMER
HisNameWasBobPaulson = xr0bertpauls0nx
Hobo_Goblin = White Silhouette
Holden-Magroin = HoldenMG
HoldSteady = FairFight
HoLyWooD444 = HoLyWooD444
HomerK = green bay
honkyjesus = CuddlyPervert
hoogs55 = Hoogs
hot_cold = UnzippedStraw
hotdogsoup = hotdogsoup
Hotpocket14 = HoT pOcKeT 14
hotshot7887 = Tartaris
hugeRATmfan = SomewhatDamaged
Hunter_Soldier = Cajiburnus
hurdyb1 = Chitownshogun73
hurrywiththecurry = mujahidofdawest
huskeraddict = huskeraddict15
Hustlin_Adrian = Hustlin AJ / Hustlin Adrian
HyperHawk_25 = HyperHawk
Hypoth3rmia = xGODx Dionysus

..........- I -

I_am_George = Colonel B
_Iambkk_= Shank 001
Ian2400 = Kapitan24
Ibgamer = Ibgamer89
Ice_Cold_Cash = IceColdCash
iceman3699 = redice3699
IceManX25 = Baneful Ice
idgy_13 = idziak13
ihavenolife82 = ihavenolife82
ihaveatoopee = fandangler101
ihnl = WeenieHutJunior
ijii = ijiii
ILiveForThis06 = ILFT
illegal one = IXvRampage
iluvmudkipz = KLLR49
ImBobbo = BourbonLegend
Ineednos1 = LawOfTheStreets
Infamous_Esco = Infamous EsCo
inSeason = Savens
InsomniacNC = InSoMnIaC 190
Iron-and-Wine = Gator Grad
IronBuckling = Buckling
ItalianMafia2k5 = Glorious 0wnage
ItalianStallion83 = Stallion83
IvanDF = Ivan34
IVIoI3iuS = IVIoI3iuS

..........- J -

jabroni12 = jabhwakins
jacko421us = Beewii69
JaconKin = JaconKin
jadestah = Koda Collider
jamespadgett = SC raiderofwar
JANIME = Battle At Sea
jaredhenry13 = jaredhenry
jason_karam = Mistr Speed
jason_sapir = King J77
jason13th = Jason13th
JBiggs2k2 = Shibuya Bum
jblisjustabigloser1 - GoBlue0732
Jbrocks = eXoGenesis NL
JBTrio = JBTrio
jbuggznyc = HotelierNYC
JC_Denton46 = Callivera Manny
JCheeto = CheeTo10
JDM-Monkey = TheJDM Monkey
Jedi_Master_Nick = Imperator Nick
JediAnnihilator = tfc87ja
jedimasterninks = MastuhNinks
jeff_31 = exstasie
Jeff6851 = Jeff6851
jeffereyj = Hawaii Jeff
jehuty20xx = Angrybadger20xx
jeremycook=OMEGA MENACE
Jett54321 = Jett
jezu21 = Jezu2l (with an "L")
jhawk6 = jhawk6
jknight5= J Knight5
JManUNC = LabaR
jmben87 = LifeForce101
jmenjes = Q Continuum
jmzjmz = jmzjmz
joelballs = joelba11s
JoeBReeves = Sonic
joh5820 = Bing Johnson
JohnFish12 = Reef Raider
johngannon = silentcorp
JohnMadisonIV = MadisonIV
JohnnycabJJ = Dynamo JAMMA
JohnnyS2 = JohnnyS2
jojoko = jojoko
JoMasta = JoMasta
JonesCK1 = DoomGiver
Josh378 = Josh378
josue98 = JayCard
jpsimran = Locust Horde
jquadman = jquadman
JRLPsYcHo13 = HaloYanks
jrod691 = eL HaXo
jrvegeeta = Jrvegeeta
Jsthelight = Bite tha Bullet
Jtroberts = WeezerAK2
juan400c = EZ MONEY
juanjorge = GnarlyKing
juanmi08 = Rubber S0ul
Jubjub_Bird = amailhot
JudgeRedemption = L0ver0fmyS0ul
Jumping_Yoshi = Jumping Yoshi
JungleKommando = Squad42
Jushin_Lyger = SireScawt
jusluv2play = kharv76
Justerbuster = Justerbuster
justmejeff = XxJustMeJeffxX
JZ881 = JZ881

..........- K -

__KaiN__ = DarthStryk3R
K-Lock = K Lock
Kal-El814 = KalEl814
k_mart_9 = III Wiggles III
kamekazaijosh = He11cry
Kaneda224 = ToxicKain
Karatzue = Karatzue
karleric = THE K SCHO
Karmabreeder = Kyshtar
karn3009 = diddlesticks87
kcomp13 = WyzeGuy
kd415 = dk415
Kearsed = HolyDiverr
Keegster10 = Keegsta
Keegsy = BigBadKieran
KemperJones = Kemper Jones
Ken_8472 = ElitistBastard
Kendall1974 = Kenm2474
kenmeister = RareHero2
KennedyKills = I Zerosleep I
kenneth123 = KennyG90
kennethv = ZombieMeerkat
kento2005 = sscaff
kevin. = Tart Whacker
Kevin_IL = WookieChow
kfcsucker = Lipcsey
kgtennispro2 = kgtennispro
khdarkside123 = khdarkside123
kidkobe = Mistah Kick It
KidManiac = ykidmaniac = killboydotcom
KillerLyle = KillerLyle
killicon = alienshogun
killit = seems so bright
kingjames1041 = Lordvader104
Kingt = Ars Goetia
Kinolay = Kinolay
KiruzA = Protokoll
kleon333 = Kleon323
kleopatrick = kleopatrick
kmwumc = kevmizzou
KnickKiller31 = Lefty NYC
Knicksny33 = FutureZombie
knifeman1 = knifeman1
Knors1285 = Norskil
knoxitis = Maj0r Diarrhea
Knux0rz = NavComm81
Kolemkidkobe = Punta Rebel
Kobayashi007 = El Koba
Koolcat34 = TheNameless24
KoolDog13 = AFT3RSHOCK06
Koole = Koole X
kornfire = Amaverick
kornkid843 = ILoveSquirrels
krypt0nian = lastsonkrypt0n
KungfuGeesus = KungfuGeesus
KungFuManchu = KungFuManchu
kunk1250 = kunk1250
Kydd_BlaZe = oOKydd BlaZeOo
kyskater15 = Steveo1788

..........- L -

L3w1S = L3w1S
Lammy = Lammy15
Land-Raider = IllegalPete
lantern = Lantern2814
LastHumanSoldier = The Last
laxdragon = laxdragon
Layth1 = Layth
leftover911 = leftover911
legendarylink64 = L00n1TICK
Lester91687 = DarkLester91687
levito1 = Levito
Lexlindows = Lexsteryo
Libtax = Lestat Phoenix
Lieutenant_Worf = LtCommanderWorf
life.exe = Murraaay
lilb146 = Yucc
Link2TehPast = Ruiner Eraser
Linkzg64 = Linkzg64
link952 = Azentium
lmdrobvious = LMDrobvious
LNelms2 = Cincinnati Redd
loismustdie08 = ghettochip916
loki87 = loki87
LoneFox777 = LoneFox77
loosemeat007 = LooSeMeaT
lord_vynos = Didze
LordGamer = WhirlwindDragon
loredhelmet = lordhlmt
Lowgman007 = Gcube007
LSD_racing = ChuteBoxe360
lucidgrey = LUC1D GREY
Lurkem = SinSMURF

..........- M -

-MrCheese- = Lance 360
_madmankevin_ = madmankevin
m.bergemann = P Blue Ribbon
macjr82 = macjr82
Mackshow = Macksh0w
MadClassic = Mad Classic
Madcow13 = Madcowjr13
madcow153 = MaDcoW15
MADDENisPIMPIN = GrnEaglePhreak
madhopps = madhopps
Madskillz89 = CptMAD
Mafia-Mike = Mafia Mike
MAGic3383 = Lil Scrappy
Magneto22 = Capn Wolfbeard
MahaFan = kilopy
Mahgin86 = Mahgin
majian = majian
majikalwoody = Sovrain
majormite = majormite
mak.92 = sweetdreamsegg
mako2oo5 = mako2oo5
malachijc50 = Siebzehn50
Mallclerks = Mallclerks
mando6599 = OperaMando
ManUtdRedDevils = Gorgotron
manxor = MattValentine
marcone = Marc27
marcslayer = marcslayer
mariofreak55 = bobwardo
markblaze = markblaze
Markus712 = Markew001
Marsnmouse = Slipnrage
Martinefski1 = Homer Sapien
maskofskin = maskofskin
Masta-KK1030 = RJ24VC15
Master_Of_Games1 = Project Cooper
masterdigitaled = digital ED
MatLu = MatLu
matt_08 = Matt LOL
Matt54987 = Matt54987
Matteo003 = Ballistic Chimp
matthew_m_g = matthew m g
Matthew9559 = Matthew9559
MatQC21 = MatQC21
MAYAman = MAYAman
Mazz1990 = New Y0rker
Mbot24 = EvilHomer75
McNab82 = McNab82
mcvittie007 = AussieVesti
mdouet = MaddoggWii60
Mechawolf23= XxThaBlackManxX
MegaMaul = Goonies1632
Melted3D-johnsmith = TKP8RIOTS
merkey88 = merkey88
Merlin277 = Merlin 277
MetalliCube = SpaceDyeVest28
Metamurf = Metamurf
metroid_omega = Sgt Grunty
metsman04 = quagmire 2k4
Mew323 = GrayWolf323
MHWeaver913 = MMLink
Mi54N7hR0p3 = Mi54N7hR0p3
Microplaya = Microplaya
Miggy13 = MasterK1lla
mike_is241 = hill78
Mike_man44 = MikeMan44
Mikef2000 = Gorgdeux
mikestonejr = QuikSilver47
mikethe311fan = mikethe311fan
miketucker1 = suitedWarrior
Mikolaj83 = mikolaj83
mildewproduction = mildewmedia
milkyway2heaven = I Love Owls
Miniarnold = UnseenWarfare
-Mithan- = Mithan
MinnesotaTwins = NellyMandelly
mips87 = Altherix
MisatoX = Epika
MishimaKazama = MortalMonkey
missypissy - shiekfreak
Mistajinx = MistaJinxXx2010
Mistar_Muffin = Drunken Mastar
Mister_Socko = FilmSlave
Mitsukai_Hawke = Mitsukai Hawke
mizzoucat = MizzouCat
mk20051 = MK2005
MM3_Chamuel = ST6 Chamuel
mogo22 = ZeroDainBramage
mokes = euphone
Monko5 = Monko360
Monolith2001 = Sp33Dem0n
MoonWhah = MoonWhah
morglum666 = Blue Mizzen
morpheus_888 = AbandApart82
Mors_Verigo = ArmenHammer13
Mosesman = VKP Butcher
Notre.Dame.Ram = IrishFists
MovieBuffe = Greg0fTheDead
mplane1982 = T0PKN0T (those are zeros)
mr.death1822 = hamburgl4r
Mr.Post = MisterPost
Mr-Pants = Balllz
MrBrownPink = Mr Mountie
Mrcod11 = Tretiak
mrfinch = ct Georgia
mrmojo2086 = chris2086
MrScott75 = Mr Scott
MrTorture = maNNy calavera7
mrwhitey45 = Boomheadshot45
MSH666 = Llezahkram
MSUHitman = MSUHitman
mule1103 = BMul
MumkinMan = Flacid Blumpkin
mvillasenor = paco taco mike
mvoznyuk = Marat 360
mwgiii = mwgiii
mxm593 = Eastwould
MrStinkyNuts = MrStinkyNuts
MyGlock = aRabTuna
Mynameiseric18 = Puggles
mysteriofan619 = element guy21
Mystery.O = MYSTERY
Myykeoxinue = MyykeOxinue
mz_as_ace = AC3 X

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