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#81. Posted:
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me and plasmin have top/ jungle
playing league of legends with a friend lol we want top lane.
playing league of legends with a friend lol we want top lane.
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#82. Posted:
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#83. Posted:
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here is what I have copied at the moment, dont ask.
Do me a favor and turn down the heat please? Teds mom called up to him.
Sure mom, lemme just hit the bathroom and then Ill do it.
Ted went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. It was a day like any other day for the 16 year old. Not a particularly exciting day, though not a terribly boring one. Little did Ted know that he was about to have the strangest day of his life.
Ted sat down on the toilet and grabbed the only reading material available, a copy of this months All About Beer magazine. A third of the way through his read, he decided it was time to continue with life and take that garbage out for his mom. He washed his hands, tossed the magazine on top of the toilet and opened the bathroom door.
Ted stared into nothingness. Outside of the bathroom there was simply nothing. An infinite empty void stretched out in front of him. Horrified, Ted tried screaming - first for his mom, then for anyone. The blackness swallowed his words. Ted stretched his arm nervously into the space but could feel nothing. He grabbed a bar of soap and tossed it out the door as hard as he could. It fell, fell far into the blank universe and out of sight.
Im dreaming! I must be dreaming! Ted told himself as he closed the door and cowered in a corner. He dared not open the door again and look into that terrible space. Eventually, mind numb with fright, Ted fell asleep.
Early the next morning (though little did Ted realize, time was about to lose all meaning for him) Ted awoke, still curled into a tight ball of fear. He walked slowly towards the door, rightfully afraid to open it. When he did, nothing had changed. The vast emptiness still stood before him, apparently encompassing all of existence except for his bathroom. He began to scream again, hoping for anyone or anything to hear him, but it was futile.
By the third day, Ted had calmed down enough to find out his new world. The toilet still worked, as did the sink faucet. Not caring if he lived or died at this point, Ted drank some of the sink water and found it was quite good. He also noticed that while he was thirsty, he wasnt ever hungry. Whether this was permanent or the result of his shock, he wasnt sure. The lights also worked fine, though Ted was too scared to shut them off for more than a moment to check their functioning.
A week had passed now. It was confirmed - Ted no longer got hungry. His thirst could be quenched by drinking from the sink. The toilet still flushed fine and the shower ran and drained properly. By now, Ted had begun to lose track of time; his main daily activity was to open and close the bathroom door several times throughout the day to see if the normal world would return.
Ted got through his first month fairly easily. He had started working out every day by doing pushups and situps, leg lifts, planks, and any other exercise he could think of that didnt require weights. Hed read his issue of All About Beer about 100 times and was fairly sick of it.
By the end of his first year, Ted was exhausted. His life was boring. All he did was work out, drink water, re-read his issue of All About Beer, and ponder questions about the nature of the universe and reality, as well as daily questions about suicide. The one thing that kept him from killing himself was the thought that throwing his body into the void may somehow make him an immortal, forever falling into blackness. He was still aging, that was certain, and he assumed that at least in this bathroom hed eventually die, even if he was raving mad by that time.
After 5 years, Ted decided to see how long he could go without a shower until he was too disgusted with himself to stand it. He made it 47 days.
After 7 years, Ted finally ran out of toothpaste. In his eighth year he ran out of interesting things to build with the empty toothpaste boxes and tossed them into the void.
In his tenth year, Ted decided to shave his now massive beard. He didnt have a razor or shaving cream, so using tweezers he plucked a single hair at a time. This irritated his skin very quickly, so he had to take many breaks. The process took 3 days before he was finished.
In his twentieth year, Ted was strong enough to do 2-finger pushups like Bruce Lee. He was also quite bored with his workout routine.
By his fortieth year in the bathroom, Ted had made friends with the light socket, because it seemed to have a little face. He called it Socky and had conversations with it every day, going into great detail about the things he would do when he got out of the bathroom, and what the world might be like now.
Finally, at the age of 84, Ted had a heart attack and died.
Ted! shouted his mother from the bottom of the stairs, Youve been in that bathroom for over an hour now! Are you OK? When Ted didnt answer, his mom came upstairs to check on him. Ted? she said outside the door. When he still didnt answer, she opened the door and screamed.
On the floor was a naked old man. He was bald and had a long scraggly beard which went down to near his feet. His mouth was open in a twisted smile, though no teeth remained. In his hands he clutched a yellowed copy of what looked to be All About Beer magazine. The man bore a definite resemblance to her son Ted, though even after an extensive police investigation, he was never seen again.
Do me a favor and turn down the heat please? Teds mom called up to him.
Sure mom, lemme just hit the bathroom and then Ill do it.
Ted went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. It was a day like any other day for the 16 year old. Not a particularly exciting day, though not a terribly boring one. Little did Ted know that he was about to have the strangest day of his life.
Ted sat down on the toilet and grabbed the only reading material available, a copy of this months All About Beer magazine. A third of the way through his read, he decided it was time to continue with life and take that garbage out for his mom. He washed his hands, tossed the magazine on top of the toilet and opened the bathroom door.
Ted stared into nothingness. Outside of the bathroom there was simply nothing. An infinite empty void stretched out in front of him. Horrified, Ted tried screaming - first for his mom, then for anyone. The blackness swallowed his words. Ted stretched his arm nervously into the space but could feel nothing. He grabbed a bar of soap and tossed it out the door as hard as he could. It fell, fell far into the blank universe and out of sight.
Im dreaming! I must be dreaming! Ted told himself as he closed the door and cowered in a corner. He dared not open the door again and look into that terrible space. Eventually, mind numb with fright, Ted fell asleep.
Early the next morning (though little did Ted realize, time was about to lose all meaning for him) Ted awoke, still curled into a tight ball of fear. He walked slowly towards the door, rightfully afraid to open it. When he did, nothing had changed. The vast emptiness still stood before him, apparently encompassing all of existence except for his bathroom. He began to scream again, hoping for anyone or anything to hear him, but it was futile.
By the third day, Ted had calmed down enough to find out his new world. The toilet still worked, as did the sink faucet. Not caring if he lived or died at this point, Ted drank some of the sink water and found it was quite good. He also noticed that while he was thirsty, he wasnt ever hungry. Whether this was permanent or the result of his shock, he wasnt sure. The lights also worked fine, though Ted was too scared to shut them off for more than a moment to check their functioning.
A week had passed now. It was confirmed - Ted no longer got hungry. His thirst could be quenched by drinking from the sink. The toilet still flushed fine and the shower ran and drained properly. By now, Ted had begun to lose track of time; his main daily activity was to open and close the bathroom door several times throughout the day to see if the normal world would return.
Ted got through his first month fairly easily. He had started working out every day by doing pushups and situps, leg lifts, planks, and any other exercise he could think of that didnt require weights. Hed read his issue of All About Beer about 100 times and was fairly sick of it.
By the end of his first year, Ted was exhausted. His life was boring. All he did was work out, drink water, re-read his issue of All About Beer, and ponder questions about the nature of the universe and reality, as well as daily questions about suicide. The one thing that kept him from killing himself was the thought that throwing his body into the void may somehow make him an immortal, forever falling into blackness. He was still aging, that was certain, and he assumed that at least in this bathroom hed eventually die, even if he was raving mad by that time.
After 5 years, Ted decided to see how long he could go without a shower until he was too disgusted with himself to stand it. He made it 47 days.
After 7 years, Ted finally ran out of toothpaste. In his eighth year he ran out of interesting things to build with the empty toothpaste boxes and tossed them into the void.
In his tenth year, Ted decided to shave his now massive beard. He didnt have a razor or shaving cream, so using tweezers he plucked a single hair at a time. This irritated his skin very quickly, so he had to take many breaks. The process took 3 days before he was finished.
In his twentieth year, Ted was strong enough to do 2-finger pushups like Bruce Lee. He was also quite bored with his workout routine.
By his fortieth year in the bathroom, Ted had made friends with the light socket, because it seemed to have a little face. He called it Socky and had conversations with it every day, going into great detail about the things he would do when he got out of the bathroom, and what the world might be like now.
Finally, at the age of 84, Ted had a heart attack and died.
Ted! shouted his mother from the bottom of the stairs, Youve been in that bathroom for over an hour now! Are you OK? When Ted didnt answer, his mom came upstairs to check on him. Ted? she said outside the door. When he still didnt answer, she opened the door and screamed.
On the floor was a naked old man. He was bald and had a long scraggly beard which went down to near his feet. His mouth was open in a twisted smile, though no teeth remained. In his hands he clutched a yellowed copy of what looked to be All About Beer magazine. The man bore a definite resemblance to her son Ted, though even after an extensive police investigation, he was never seen again.
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#84. Posted:
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Not too sure what that is for though....
Not too sure what that is for though....
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#85. Posted:
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#86. Posted:
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Watch Toriko online
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#87. Posted:
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#88. Posted:
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#89. Posted:
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#90. Posted:
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