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Save Request For DA:Inquisition

Save Request For DA:InquisitionPosted:

  • Ladder Climber
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Joined: Jan 17, 201311Year Member
Posts: 340
Reputation Power: 12
Status: Offline
Joined: Jan 17, 201311Year Member
Posts: 340
Reputation Power: 12
If someone with access to Dragon Age Keep could make me a custom world state and then transfer to a save file i would be greatly appreciative.

Hero: Amell, Alive and Well.
Gender:Male, Mage

Romance: Leliana
Recruited Dog
Persuaded the Revered Mother
Released Sten
Returned Sten's Sword
Recruited Wynne (Alive and Well)
Warden had an old god baby with Morrigan
Warden executed Loghain
Recruited Oghren
Recruited Zevran (Alive and Well)
Alistair became king
Alistar Has No Queen
Leliana alive and well
Acquired Grimoire from Flemeth by defeating

Fed the prisoner the guard's lunch
Cured the Mabari Hound.

The Arl of Redcliff:
Helped Redcliff fight.
Helped Redcliff prepare.
Connor alive, not possessed.
Belle took tavern ownership
Freed Bevin and payed for the sword.
Helped Owen's daughter escape
Isolde is alive and well.

Broken Circle:
Mages supported.
Old Man Irving survived.
Did NOT agree to Cullen's request.

The Urn of Sacred Ashes:
Urn not poisoned.

Nature of the Beast:
Brokered peace.
Brought Cammen and Gheyna together.
Saved the halla.
Told Athras about his wife's fate.
Brought Varathorn iron bark.
Returned Deygan to the Dalish camp.

Paragon of Her Kind:
Defeated Caridin
Bhelen rules Orzammar.
Told Thruth about Ruck.
Helped Burket create chantry.
Helped Zerlinda reconcile with her family.
Helped Orta join the assembly.
Dagna left to study.
Wasn't a dwarf so had no encounters with Marty.
Proved Legion of the Dead connected to noble house.
Returned tome to Shaperate.
Completed Rogek's lyrium deal.

Ser Landry is alive!
Told Bann Sighard about Oswyn.
Completed Slim Couldry's crime wave.
Gave Alfstanna Irminric's ring.
Returned amulet to beggar.
Helped Alistair find his good for nothing sister.
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Helped clear customers out of the Pearl.
Handled with the Crimson Oars.
Completed Master Ignacio's Assassinations.
Killed Marjolaine.

The Landsmeet:
Alistair Rules

The Battle of Denerim:
Warden slays the Archdemon

Awakening Expansion:
Architect alive.
Amaranthine & Keep protected.
Felsi and Oghren reuinited.
Nathaniel is alive and well.

Witch Hunt DLC:
Didn't go through the Eluvian.

Warden Keep DLC:
Sofia killed and Avernus continue research under more ethical constraints.
Obtained the power of the blood.

Stone Prisoner DLC:
No one is possessed and everyone is alive.
Shale is alive & well & recruited.

Hero: Mike Hawk (Male Mage)

Romanced Merrill.
Carver Became Warden
Bethany died
Isabela recruited
Isabella returned to Hawke.
Varric and Hawke is friends.
Bartend not killed.
Helped Varric discovered haunted house.
Didn't let him keep that shard.
Fenris is alive and well.
Killed the Arishok.
Merrill stayed with Hawke.
Merill is alive and well
Merill didn't destroy the Eluvian.
Merill's clan survived.
DIdn't approve of Ander's blowing everything up.
Anders is alive and well.
Recruited Sebastian.
Aveline stayed with Hawke.
Aveline married Donnic.
Didn't make Tallis angry.
Did Kiss Tallis.

Joined the Mercs.

Act 1:
Fought against Templars
Returned Cargo to Martin.
Kelder killed.
Returned Saemus to the keep.
Ginnis killed.
Killed Danzig.
Didnt Tell the guy the truth about his murdered wife.
Solved the mystery of the missing miners.
Did not Blackmail Sir Thrask.
Idunna Dead.
Sent the elf boy to live with the Dalish.
Keran reinstated with the templars
Defened Ketojan from the qunari.
Karras dead.

Act 2:
Didn't Kill Gascard.
Didn't side with Varnell.
Didn't side with Petrice.
Discovered looters of Hubert's Caravan.
Didn't encounter Yevhen.
Javaris alive and well.
Attacked the raiders without help of guardsmen.
Feynriel freed and went to live in Tevinter.
Killed the Arishok.

Act 3:
Hawke offered to help Nuncio
Let Zevran go.
Rescued Nathaniel.
Reunited Charade and Gamlen.
Handed over conspirators to Orsino.
Allowed Emile to go free.
Gave Keran to the templars.
Killed the high dragon.
Sided with the Mage.

Legacy DLC:
Found Malcolm's will.
Sided with Larius.

Dragon Age Inquisition:

Voice North American
NAme Salty
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