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002 wrote
uhBasti wrote I like his hair so I'm voting for him.

This is the sad truth for a lot of Americans. It's no longer about the principals a nominee brings, it's about they look.

That is arguably one of the reasons why Obama won and was reelected; just because he is black and his presidency is of historical significance. That same reason could get Hillary into office since she would be the first woman to be in office.
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Because people have different political views so they usually tend to like the candidate that speaks on what they feel is the best for there country.
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Potion wrote God Emperor Donald Trump is our only choice. I absolutely am all for 4 years of Trump over Clinton. He speaks for the people and knows what true Americans want, not these silly liberal crybabys who want everything for free and everyone to stomp all over us.

smart man
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the same reason anyone likes any politician, they support his policies. Leave their opinion to be theirs.
#35. Posted:
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i personally do not support trump
#36. Posted:
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Breweerr wrote I actually like Trump because of his plans, not to big on the wall before we even go there guys. But 1st no he is not a racist never seen where he has been except for when mass media trys to make him seem like so by compiling a bunch of videos or taking 10 seconds or so from a speech.

Trump supporters seem to have this view that people only dislike him because of the media. That's just not true.
Many of us do actually consider what the other side is saying and adjust our opinions accordingly.
It is becoming the quick defense attack of Trump supporters to try to end any kind of debate by saying that we are just listening to the media too much.
If that was true many of us wouldn't be Bernie supporters. He has been slated in the media too.
Not to the extent that Trump has, but Bernie has had almost entirely no good press in the mainstream media, yet the majority of Trump opponents are Bernie supporters.
It doesn't make sense to say that the media is influencing us.

He is a smart man believe it or not now I know a lot of you are going to hate on this.

He may be socially and linguistically smart, as in he knows how to coerce people into thinking that he is on their side through his use of words.
The way that Trump speaks is extremely clever in terms of gaining votes. He says enough for one side to agree with him, but not enough for another side to completely disagree.

For example, his infamous speech about Mexicans.
He says 'They [Mexicans] are bringing drugs... they're rapists, and I assume some are good people" but he doesn't say 'They're' clearly enough for us to know if he is saying 'They are' or 'Their' and that changes the meaning of that sentence dramatically.
"They [Mexicans] are bringing drugs, their rapists...." has a completely different meaning to "They [Mexicans] are bringing drugs, they're rapists..."
With that single sentence he has just gained the votes of complete right wingers who do believe that all Mexicans are rapists, and the more moderate right wingers who believe that some of the Mexican immigrants are rapists.

But as for him being a smart man in general, most people would say that a smart man would look at what 99% of scientists on this planet agree with and say that climate change is real.

You might say he is too hostile or "radical", no he is the only one that is going to hit you with the straight up truth.

No, he isn't the only one. Donald Trump doesn't have a monopoly on the truth, he has opinions just like every other candidate and because he is viewed as a strong businessman who has very radical views and will seemingly say whatever he needs to say to get votes, he is seen as a straight shooter.
Bernie Sanders does the same thing except he sticks to his principles. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both guilty of switching their views when they need to just to gain votes.

I want to do a little experiment with all of the Trump supporters on this thread.
See if you can guess or know how Trump feels about these issues before you open the spoiler. It should be interesting for you to see just how much Trump actually flip flops on major issues.
If you get the majority of these wrong, then have a little bit of intellectual honesty and admit that to yourself.

On abortion he said that women should be punished, then he said that he was pro-life with exceptions, then he said that the doctors should be held responsible, not the women.

Big money donors in politics
He said that he wasn't taking big money and ran the majority of his early campaign on being self funded and free of influence, he even slated Jeb Bush for having donors.
He now uses the very same big money donor, New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, as Jeb Bush did.

Minimum Wage
He said that the minimum wage should stay the same, then he said that it was too low and that people should 'get more.'

Taxes on the rich
In September his tax plan proposed a drop in the tax rate for rich people, then he said that the tax rate would go up for rich people, then he said that in his plan they were going down, then he said that by the time it gets negotiated, they would probably go up.

The temporary Muslim ban
First he said that he wanted a 'total and complete shut down of Muslims entering the United States', then he made exclusions to this ban including US citizens and his Muslim friends from overseas, then he said that it was 'Just a suggestion.'

This is a big one. I see a lot of Trump supporters voting for him based on this issue.
First he said that he would not tinker with the second amendment. Then he said that there should be some gun reforms. Namely that people on terror watch lists shouldn't be able to get them. He was then asked if there were "any circumstances that you think we should be limiting gun sales of any kind in America" and he answered "No."
Now he has gone back on that again and said this:
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Accepting Syrian refugees
He said that on a humanitarian basis they would have to do it, then he said that if he wins they will all be going back.

You could probably do the exact same thing with Hillary Clinton.

Oh and some might say he is racist against muslim..... no he just knows there is no such thing as a radical muslim because they are all that way its there damn religion take some time and read their "bible" the words they worship. Hell the guy at orlando shooting for sometime was a great person but oh he went radical, no he did not never once did he claim he was.....he was following his faith as a good muslim does.

Not all Muslims are radical, not all believe in the tenets of Jihad.
There are 1.4 billion Muslims on this planet. If they were all radical jihadists we would definitely know it by now.
To anyone outside Donald Trump's head he is a racist. He wants to ban all Muslims, how is he going to identify Muslims? By picking out anyone who looks middle eastern? How is he going to racially profile people? That is, by definition, racist.
Profiling isn't an unreasonable suggestion and I will be more than willing to have a conversation with anyone who disagrees with that statement, but racial profiling is at it's very basis divisive and racist.
Do I think Donald Trump hates all middle eastern looking people and knows that he has these racist tendencies? No.
I simply think that he hasn't thought enough about what he is saying to realize that the logical conclusion of these policies is racial discrimination.

Also Trump is one of the only people that could probably go to war and still make money. Yes we do need to go eliminate ISIS shit is happening in our country and we still are not blaming them when they are doing it

There are smarter ways of getting rid of ISIS than airstrikes and bombs. I'm not completely convinced that a ground invasion would be a terrible idea, but looking at how Iraq has turned out it seems like it would be a bad idea.
Airstrikes create terrorists when you kill innocent people. The pentagon itself said that their drone strikes didn't 'hit the intended target 90% of the time'

We know that poverty and war creates a turn to extremist ideologies and that worldwide Islamic terrorism has grown massively since the start of the war on terror.
To beat Islamic extremism we have to win a war of ideas and that can only be done if we get the leaders of Islamic communities to have a platform to dissuade the violent interpretations of the Quran being spread around the world right now.
Demonizing Muslims is only going to create more extremists.

so I ask you why the **** you would want Hillary a damn terrorist her self knowingly killing americans as a leader, or why you want some old ass man that is trying to hand out free shit when the world aint free life aint free and it never will be get off your alls fat lazy american ass and earn your own shit. College should not be free

I don't want Hillary Clinton.
Bernie understands that there is money to be used all over the place which is being put into the wrong things.
Free healthcare and free education are much more important for a country than a military stronger than the next 6 countries combined. The US makes up more than 1/3 of the entire world's military expenditure and you think that some of that money can't go towards free college and free healthcare?

I don't understand how any Trump supporter can say with any confidence that the moment he gets into office he won't change his mind on the issue that you voted him in for.

To answer OP's question, I think people support Trump for much the same reason that Bernie Sanders fans support Bernie.
He doesn't - for the most part - take donations, he isn't - for the most part - influenced by what the establishment wants, and he represents real change in the Overton Window when it comes to the discussion of ideas that many people find offensive.
The liberal left has become far too dangerous to freedom of speech and Trump is taking a sledgehammer to their ideology.
People are fed up of being called racists for criticizing the doctrine of Islam, they're fed up of being hindered by trigger warnings and 'safe space' nonsense where you can't voice an idea without offending someone so much that they will try to get you fired from your job.

I disagree with Trump on almost everything except his view on these people. They need to be stopped and his supporters realize this.
#37. Posted:
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Illustrated wrote Too many topics like this. You people don't seem to get it.

Trump is the only option in my eyes. You can vote for Hillary: A lying, pandering, corrupt, evil woman. Or Trump: A guy that just says dumb things. Hillary only cares about the money and power and her ideas will destroy the country even further after Obama. Trump genuinely wants to fix the countries problems, starting with the safety and security of the homeland.

Trump cares about America. And I agree with a lot of his stances on issues, but not all. I like that he's not afraid to speak his mind. He calls out all the bullshit and voices the concerns everyone is sick of with this country. He has the balls to do it. Only problem is, while he's doing that, he occasionally says something dumb.

He's good because he doesn't care about 'PC'. We need a strong leader, who isn't afraid to offend. The world is weak, especially in our generation. We're completely pussified.

Then that's why people like you don't like him, because he said something dumb. When you can literally watch a 13 minute long video of Hillary lying her ass off on multiple subjects throughout the years, right on Facebook.

Nobody said Hillary was better. But, Trump would be a sad sad reality for our country.
I feel sorry for you.
#38. Posted:
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Why do people have to make stupid topics about it? TELL ME
#39. Posted:
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Personally I dislike him.

He says exactly what people want to hear and not what he believes.

He changed his opinions on abortions five times in the space of three days.

However, I do understand the arugment that he's a better choice than Hilary so people decide to vote for him instead of her. That's a fair point.
#40. Posted:
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How out of an entire nation of 320 million people, you managed to end up with 2 candidates that bad is beyond me.

Trump's statements in Scotland after Brexit kind of put the nail in the coffin that he's clueless but his alternative is terrible as well.

I'd hate to be in a position where those are my 2 options, it's like trying to choose which one isn't as bad as the other and then voting for them.
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