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Ascension Theories:(Update)Under PAP Room & 1500 Door Theory

Ascension Theories:(Update)Under PAP Room & 1500 Door TheoryPosted:

  • TTG Natural
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Joined: Jan 15, 201113Year Member
Posts: 949
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Status: Offline
Joined: Jan 15, 201113Year Member
Posts: 949
Reputation Power: 44

Ascension Nodes Easter egg coding:

#include animscripts\zombie_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_ambientpackage;
#include maps\_music;
#include maps\_busing;
#include maps\_zombiemode_audio;
PreCacheModel( "p_glo_electrical_transformer" );
PreCacheModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_on" );
PreCacheModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_logo" );
PreCacheModel( "p_rus_electric_switch_stop" );
PreCacheModel( "p_rus_clock_lrg" );
flag_init( "target_teleported" );
flag_init( "rerouted_power" );
flag_init( "switches_synced" );
flag_init( "pressure_sustained" );
flag_init( "passkey_confirmed" );
flag_init( "weapons_combined" );
level.casimir_lights = [];
level.lander_letters[ "a" ] = GetEnt( "letter_a", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "e" ] = GetEnt( "letter_e", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "h" ] = GetEnt( "letter_h", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "i" ] = GetEnt( "letter_i", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "l" ] = GetEnt( "letter_l", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "m" ] = GetEnt( "letter_m", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "n" ] = GetEnt( "letter_n", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "r" ] = GetEnt( "letter_r", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "s" ] = GetEnt( "letter_s", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "t" ] = GetEnt( "letter_t", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "u" ] = GetEnt( "letter_u", "targetname" );
level.lander_letters[ "y" ] = GetEnt( "letter_y", "targetname" );
keys = GetArrayKeys( level.lander_letters );
for ( i=0; i<keys.size; i++ )
level.lander_letters[ keys[i] ] Hide();
level notify( "help_found" );
monitor = GetEnt( "casimir_monitor", "targetname" );
monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_off" );
play_easter_egg_audio( alias, sound_ent, text )
if( alias == undefined )
sound_ent PlaySound( alias, "sounddone" );
sound_ent waittill( "sounddone" );
activate_casimir_light( num )
spot = GetStruct( "casimir_light_"+num, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined( spot ) )
light = Spawn( "script_model", spot.origin );
light SetModel( "tag_origin" );
light.angles = spot.angles;
fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["fx_zmb_light_floodlight_bright"], light, "tag_origin" );
level.casimir_lights[ level.casimir_lights.size ] = light;
teleport_target_start = getstruct( "teleport_target_start", "targetname" );
teleport_target_spark = getstruct( "teleport_target_spark", "targetname" );
level.teleport_target = Spawn( "script_model", teleport_target_start.origin );
level.teleport_target SetModel( "p_glo_electrical_transformer" );
level.teleport_target.angles = teleport_target_start.angles;
level.teleport_target PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );
teleport_target_spark = Spawn( "script_model", teleport_target_spark.origin );
teleport_target_spark SetModel( "tag_origin" );
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["switch_sparks"], teleport_target_spark, "tag_origin" );
level.teleport_target_trigger = Spawn( "trigger_radius", teleport_target_start.origin + (0,0,-70), 0, 125, 100 );
level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = ::bhb_teleport_loc_check;
flag_wait( "target_teleported" );
teleport_target_spark Delete();
level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = undefined;
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg1_success", "vox_gersh_egg1", 1 );
bhb_teleport_loc_check( grenade, model, info )
if( IsDefined( level.teleport_target_trigger ) && grenade IsTouching( level.teleport_target_trigger ) )
grenade thread maps\_zombiemode_weap_black_hole_bomb::do_black_ho le_bomb_sound( model, info );
level thread teleport_target( grenade, model );
return true;
return false;
teleport_target( grenade, model )
level.teleport_target_trigger Delete();
level.teleport_target_trigger = undefined;
wait( 1.0 );
time = 3.0;
level.teleport_target MoveTo( grenade.origin + (0,0,50), time, time - 0.05 );
wait( time );
teleport_target_end = getstruct( "teleport_target_end", "targetname" );
level.teleport_target Hide();
playsoundatposition( "zmb_gersh_teleporter_out", grenade.origin + (0,0,50) );
wait( 0.5 );
level.teleport_target.angles = teleport_target_end.angles;
level.teleport_target MoveTo( teleport_target_end.origin, 0.05 );
level.teleport_target StopLoopSound( 1 );
wait( 0.5 );
level.teleport_target Show();
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "black_hole_bomb_event_horizon" ], level.teleport_target, "tag_origin" );
level.teleport_target PlaySound( "zmb_gersh_teleporter_go" );
wait( 2.0 );
model Delete();
flag_set( "target_teleported" );
monitor = GetEnt( "casimir_monitor", "targetname" );
location = GetStruct( "casimir_monitor_struct", "targetname" );
monitor PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );
monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_on" );
trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", location.origin, 0, 32, 60 );
trig wait_for_use( monitor );
trig delete();
flag_set( "rerouted_power" );
monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_logo" );
monitor StopLoopSound( 1 );
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg2_success", "vox_gersh_egg2", 2 );
level thread activate_casimir_light( 1 );
wait_for_use( monitor )
self waittill( "trigger", who );
while( IsPlayer(who) && who IsTouching( self ) )
if( who UseButtonPressed() )
flag_set( "rerouted_power" );
monitor PlaySound( "zmb_comp_activate" );
switches = GetStructArray( "sync_switch_start", "targetname" );
success = false;
while ( !flag( "switches_synced" ) )
flag_wait( "monkey_round" );
array_thread( switches, ::reveal_switch );
self thread switch_watcher();
level waittill_either( "between_round_over", "switches_synced" );
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg3_success", "vox_gersh_egg3", 3 );
level thread activate_casimir_light( 2 );
button = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
button SetModel( "p_rus_electric_switch_stop" );
button.angles = self.angles + (0,90,0);
button PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );
offset = AnglesToForward(self.angles) * 8;
time = 1;
button MoveTo( button.origin + offset, 1 );
wait( 1 );
if ( flag( "monkey_round" ) )
trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", button.origin, 0, 32, 72 );
trig thread wait_for_sync_use( self );
level waittill_either( "between_round_over", "switches_synced" );
trig delete();
button StopLoopSound( 1 );
button MoveTo( self.origin, time );
wait( time );
button delete();
wait_for_sync_use( ss )
level endon( "between_round_over" );
level endon( "switches_synced" );
ss.pressed = 0;
self waittill( "trigger", who );
while( IsPlayer(who) && who IsTouching( self ) )
if( who UseButtonPressed() )
level notify( "sync_button_pressed" );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_push_button", ss.origin );
ss.pressed = 1;
level endon( "between_round_over" );
pressed = 0;
switches = GetStructArray( "sync_switch_start", "targetname" );
while (1)
level waittill( "sync_button_pressed" );
timeout = GetTime() + 500;
while ( GetTime() < timeout )
pressed = 0;
for ( i=0; i<switches.size; i++ )
if ( IsDefined( switches[i].pressed ) && switches[i].pressed )
if ( pressed == 4 )
flag_set( "switches_synced" );
for ( i=0; i<switches.size; i++ )
playsoundatposition( "zmb_misc_activate", switches[i].origin );
wait( 0.05 );
switch( pressed )
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
for ( i=0; i<switches.size; i++ )
playsoundatposition( "zmb_deny", switches[i].origin );
for ( i=0; i<switches.size; i++ )
switches[i].pressed = 0;
area = GetStruct( "pressure_pad", "targetname" );
trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", area.origin, 0, 300, 100 );
trig area_timer( 120 );
trig Delete();
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg4_success", "vox_gersh_egg4", 4 );
level thread activate_casimir_light( 3 );
area_timer( time )
clock_loc = GetStruct( "pressure_timer", "targetname" );
clock = Spawn( "script_model", clock_loc.origin );
clock SetModel( "p_rus_clock_lrg" );
clock.angles = clock_loc.angles;
clock PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );
timer_hand_angles_init = ( 270, 90, 0 );
timer_hand = Spawn( "script_model", clock_loc.origin + ( -1, 0, 12 ) );
timer_hand SetModel( "t5_weapon_ballistic_knife_blade" );
timer_hand.angles = timer_hand_angles_init;
step = 1.0;
while ( !flag( "pressure_sustained" ) )
self waittill( "trigger" );
stop_timer = false;
players = get_players();
for ( i=0; i<players.size; i++ )
if ( !players[i] IsTouching( self ) )
wait( step );
stop_timer = true;
if ( stop_timer )
self PlaySound( "zmb_pressure_plate_trigger" );
time_remaining = time;
timer_hand RotatePitch( 360, time );
while ( time_remaining )
players = get_players();
for ( i=0; i<players.size; i++ )
if ( !players[i] IsTouching( self ) )
wait( step );
time_remaining = time;
stop_timer = true;
timer_hand RotateTo( timer_hand_angles_init, 0.5 );
timer_hand PlaySound( "zmb_deny" );
wait( 0.5 );
if ( stop_timer )
wait( step );
time_remaining -= step;
timer_hand PlaySound( "zmb_egg_timer_oneshot" );
if ( time_remaining <= 0 )
flag_set( "pressure_sustained" );
players = get_players();
temp_fx = undefined;
if ( IsDefined( players[0].fx ) )
temp_fx = players[0].fx;
timer_hand playsound( "zmb_perks_packa_ready" );
players[0].fx = level.zombie_powerups[ "nuke" ].fx;
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::nuke_powerup( players[0] );
clock StopLoopSound( 1 );
wait( 1.0 );
if ( IsDefined( temp_fx ) )
players[0].fx = temp_fx;
players[0].fx = undefined;
clock Delete();
timer_hand Delete();
flag_init( "letter_acquired" );
level.lander_key = [];
level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "s";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "r";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "e";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "y";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "a";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "i";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "m";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "h";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "u";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "t";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "n";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "l";
level.passkey = array( "l", "u", "n", "a" );
level.passkey_progress = 0;
level.secret1 = array( "h", "i", "t", "s", "a", "m" );
level.secret1_progress = 0;
level.secret2 = array( "h", "y", "e", "n", "a" );
level.secret2_progress = 0;
thread lander_monitor();
flag_wait( "passkey_confirmed" );
level.lander_audio_ent StopLoopSound( 1 );
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg5_success", "vox_gersh_egg5", 5 );
level thread activate_casimir_light( 4 );
level.lander_audio_ent Delete();
lander = getent( "lander", "targetname" );
level.lander_audio_ent = Spawn( "script_origin", lander.origin );
level.lander_audio_ent LinkTo( lander );
level.lander_audio_ent PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );
while ( !flag( "passkey_confirmed" ) )
level waittill("lander_launched");
if ( lander.called )
start = lander.depart_station;
dest = lander.station;
letter = level.lander_key[ start ][ dest ];
model = level.lander_letters[ letter ];
model Show();
model PlaySound( "zmb_spawn_powerup" );
model thread spin_letter();
model PlayLoopSound( "zmb_spawn_powerup_loop", .5 );
trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", model.origin, 0, 200, 150 );
trig thread letter_grab( letter, model );
if ( !flag( "letter_acquired" ) )
level.passkey_progress = 0;
level.secret1_progress = 0;
level.secret2_progress = 0;
flag_clear( "letter_acquired" );
trig delete();
model Hide();
model StopLoopSound( .5 );
level.passkey_progress = 0;
level.secret1_progress = 0;
level.secret2_progress = 0;
level endon( "lander_grounded" );
level endon( "letter_acquired" );
while (1)
self RotateYaw( 90, 5 );
wait( 5 );
letter_grab( letter, model )
level endon("lander_grounded");
self waittill( "trigger" );
flag_set( "letter_acquired" );
playsoundatposition("zmb_powerup_grabbed", model.origin);
model Hide();
if ( letter == level.passkey[ level.passkey_progress ] )
if ( level.passkey_progress == level.passkey.size )
flag_set( "passkey_confirmed" );
level.passkey_progress = 0;
if ( letter == level.secret1[ level.secret1_progress ] )
if ( level.secret1_progress == level.secret1.size )
level.secret1_progress = 0;
if ( letter == level.secret2[ level.secret2_progress ] )
if ( level.secret2_progress == level.secret2.size )
level.secret2_progress = 0;
flag_init( "thundergun_hit" );
weapon_combo_spot = GetStruct( "weapon_combo_spot", "targetname" );
focal_point = Spawn( "script_model", weapon_combo_spot.origin );
focal_point SetModel( "tag_origin" );
focal_point PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );
fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], focal_point, "tag_origin" );
level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", weapon_combo_spot.origin, 0, 50, 72 );
level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = ::bhb_combo_loc_check;
flag_wait( "weapons_combined" );
level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig Delete();
level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = undefined;
focal_point Delete();
for ( i=0; i<level.casimir_lights.size; i++ )
level.casimir_lights[i] Delete();
bhb_combo_loc_check( grenade, model, info )
if ( IsDefined( level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig ) &&
grenade IsTouching( level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig ) )
trig = Spawn( "trigger_damage", grenade.origin, 0, 15, 72 );
grenade thread wait_for_combo( trig );
return false;
wait_for_combo( trig )
self endon( "death" );
self thread kill_trig_on_death( trig );
weapon_combo_spot = GetStruct( "weapon_combo_spot", "targetname" );
ray_gun_hit = false;
doll_hit = false;
crossbow_hit = false;
players = get_players();
array_thread( players, ::thundergun_check, self, trig, weapon_combo_spot );
while ( 1 )
trig waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, dir, org, mod );
if ( isDefined( attacker ) )
if ( mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" && (attacker GetCurrentWeapon() == "ray_gun_upgraded_zm" ) )
ray_gun_hit = true;
else if ( mod == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" )
if ( amount >= 90000 )
doll_hit = true;
else if ( attacker GetCurrentWeapon() == "crossbow_explosive_upgraded_zm" )
crossbow_hit = true;
if ( ray_gun_hit && doll_hit && flag( "thundergun_hit" ) )
flag_set( "weapons_combined" );
level thread soul_release( self, trig.origin );
thundergun_check( model, trig, weapon_combo_spot )
model endon( "death" );
while (1)
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
if ( self GetCurrentWeapon() == "thundergun_upgraded_zm" )
if ( DistanceSquared( self.origin, weapon_combo_spot.origin ) < 90000 )
vector_to_spot = VectorNormalize( weapon_combo_spot.origin - self GetWeaponMuzzlePoint() );
vector_player_facing = self GetWeaponForwardDir();
angle_diff = acos( VectorDot( vector_to_spot, vector_player_facing ) );
if ( angle_diff <= 10 )
flag_set( "thundergun_hit" );
RadiusDamage( trig.origin, 5, 1, 1, self );
kill_trig_on_death( trig )
self waittill( "death" );
trig delete();
if( flag( "thundergun_hit" ) && !flag( "weapons_combined" ) )
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6p1_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_fail2", 7 );
else if( !flag( "weapons_combined" ) )
level thread play_egg_vox( undefined, "vox_gersh_egg6_fail1", 6 );
flag_clear( "thundergun_hit" );
soul_release( model, origin )
soul = Spawn( "script_model", origin );
soul SetModel( "tag_origin" );
soul PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_soul" );
fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], soul, "tag_origin" );
time = 20;
model waittill( "death" );
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_success", 9 );
level thread wait_for_gersh_vox();
soul MoveZ( 2500, time, time - 1 );
wait( time );
soul Delete();
level thread samantha_is_angry();
players = GetPlayers();
for ( i=0; i<players.size; i++ )
players[i] thread reward_wait();
while ( !is_player_valid( self ) ||
( self UseButtonPressed() && self in_revive_trigger() ) )
wait( 1.0 );
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::minigun_weapon_powerup( self, 90 );
play_egg_vox( ann_alias, gersh_alias, plr_num )
if( IsDefined( ann_alias ) )
level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb:lay_cosmo_announcer_v ox( ann_alias );
if( IsDefined( gersh_alias ) )
level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb:lay_gersh_vox( gersh_alias );
if( IsDefined( plr_num ) )
players = get_players();
rand = RandomIntRange( 0, players.size );
players[rand] maps\_zombiemode_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "eggs", "gersh_response", undefined, plr_num );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_earthquake", (0,0,0) );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_whispers", (0,0,0) );
level clientnotify( "sia" );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_scream", (0,0,0) );

Now I am going to point out some pretty important details about the Easter egg in the code:

Letters possible to collect on luna landers:
level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "s";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "r";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "e";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "y";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "a";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "i";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "m";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "h";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "u";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "t";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "n";
level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "l";

What that little orb at the end could be!

Apparently in the coding that little 1 sphere you shoot at in the end to get the death machine is called a soul. Code here:

soul_release( model, origin )
soul = Spawn( "script_model", origin );
soul SetModel( "tag_origin" );
soul PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_soul" );
fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], soul, "tag_origin" );
time = 20;
model waittill( "death" );
level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_success", 9 );
level thread wait_for_gersh_vox();
soul MoveZ( 2500, time, time - 1 );
wait( time );
soul Delete();
level thread samantha_is_angry();

Notice the part here:

soul Delete();

basically saying get rid of the sphere where you do it properly

Death Machine at the end:

Ok this is the main part!

This is the line when you get the death machine at the end:

level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::minigun_weapon_powerup( self, 90 );

Now notice it says minigun weapon power up. If you search the whole coding there will be nothing else about a minigun power up meaning it is unique. The 90 is the time limit it will stay for, now changing that may disable you to play online so I don't recommend editing that. But if this is true and the this is a different object just made with the same model as the death machine as the name suggests then this could mean the weapon you get at the end is different to any other you pick up when killing zombies. I doubt it was added as a different object to add more power to it it will most likely be linked to another object which I would have thought would be in the code but it apparently isn't. So my thought is that object which looks exactly like a death machine but isn't is specially made to do something which could continue the node. Now don't hold my word for this and don't flame if i'm wrong it is a suggestion and i'm not yelling out saying i'm %100 right there is a 5th node (or something else ;) )

Light after LUNA?

read some more of the code and found this:

light = Spawn( "script_model", spot.origin );
light SetModel( "tag_origin" );
light.angles = spot.angles;
fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["fx_zmb_light_floodlight_bright"], light, "tag_origin" );

basically saying that somewhere on the map a light will spawn and when you tag it (i'm assuming that means push x on it) it will play fx (audio)

Secret behind the monkeys?
I've also been thinking about the 4 buttons near the perk machine you must push. What do the perks have to do with the monkeys. As the buttons only appear on a monkey round they are connected with the monkeys and as everyone knows the buttons are right near the perks so are the monkeys connected to the perk machines?

Computer Terminal bigger then you think?

I'm talking about the computer terminal near the stamin up you need to push x on to get the first node on. Obviously this is linked up to the machine. After you get the death machines if you go up to the computer you will see to the left of it a spraying pipe signaling the computer is broken. Coincidentally just outside the door to the left it a big spanner/ratchet universally know as repair. Coincidence?

Code name of unknown man

if( IsDefined( ann_alias ) )
level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb:lay_cosmo_announcer_v ox( ann_alias );
if( IsDefined( gersh_alias ) )
level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb:lay_gersh_vox( gersh_alias );

Ok well as you can see here ann_alias or gersh_alias is the mysterious unkown guy. Now the thing i'm pointing out here is the ann_alias part. Is there any theory of the mysterious guy with ann in the name, because this could pretty much prove they are right. Also the part underneath it about a cosmodrome is the code name of the map. I did some searching on Google and here is what I found.

The definition of a cosmodrome is:

A site for launching spacecraft. Usually in reference to Soviet built sites like the Baikonur and Plesetsk Cosmodromes

Info on Baikonur

Now I don't know if people knew this already but this most likely built in Kazakhstan.

Now for the interesting part. I researched Baikonur cosmodrome and found some interesting stuff.

Now firstly I want to show you this picture of an aerial view:

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It looks similar..... sort of :/

and a picture of the outer area of the cosmodrome

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Now ignore the rocket part but to me that outer area of that looks pretty much identical to the map it's even got the same lights!

and now for some more compelling stuff I read about it on and it has nearly the most launch pads in Russia.

Amazing fact about Baikonur Cosmodrome

OK well I just found out a fact Russia rented the Cosmodrome to Kazakhstan for guess how much! 115 million :O
I'm going to keep researching the code to find out more and check this theory out.

Wonder Waffe could be on the map after all!!!

Ok well going through another forum I found this:


1. The Ascension group is a coalition of former scientists from the german wunderwaffe program and group 935. These scientists have been co-opted and organized by soviet general dragovich for the purpose of pushing forward soviet weapons developement.

2. The lead is one frederic Stiener and his focus was on the nova 6 program. He and the ****** of the Wunderwaffe scientists disappeared on the (think it either 19th or 29th) October 1945 near the artic circle. Around the Same Time, the soviet Operation designated "Olympus" ******(comprised?) of the 3rd Shock Army Special Operations unit led by General Drogvich

3. British Intelligence records state MI-6 had a commando unit in the General Vicinity but refused to disclose the details of their presence there.


I have just confirmed this is actually on the computer terminal. It is located in one of the emails on the Dreamland server. The text highlighted in red says it all... The scientist working on this rocket project are the same people who made the wonder waffe, hope is not lost after all ;) I'm not sure who the announcer is who talks when the rocket is launched but find that out and it could prove this theory or debunk it...

Why there is a time limit on Death Machines!

while ( !is_player_valid( self ) ||
( self UseButtonPressed() && self in_revive_trigger() ) )
wait( 1.0 );
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::minigun_weapon_powerup( self, 90 );
play_egg_vox( ann_alias, gersh_alias, plr_num )

Well highlighted in red you can see the code saying self in_revive_trigger. I'm thinking this is the same thing as Quick Revive on solo? but I could be wrong. Basically my theory is this:

As most of you know when a player goes down, if you have the death machine you can't revive them, this causes a massive problem for Treyarch. So if you go down while everyone has a death machine no one can revive you and you would die out before 90 seconds so they have put in this feature so if you get downed you get auto revived (I believe) basically making you invincible. Now you can see the problem, people are going why can't we get the death machines forever. Well for one they would be way too overpowered but the main reason, you can't stay invincible forever and you can't have a way to revive them with the death machine so they needed to make a time limit to solve this issue. Now you can all see why there is a time limit

Pack a punched Zombie Perks

Well before you go omg what! read here:

temp_fx = players[0].fx;
timer_hand playsound( "zmb_perks_packa_ready" );
players[0].fx = level.zombie_powerups[ "nuke" ].fx;
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::nuke_powerup( players[0] );
clock StopLoopSound( 1 );
wait( 1.0 );

As you can clearly read it says zmb_perks_packa_ready, in English for people who don't know what that means 'Zombie Perks Pack a Punch Ready'. Now since the perks are used instantly I don't know what it could mean but i'm sure someone will find out This is the 1st thing written about it so if you find out and make a new thread give some credit to me ;)

J. Robert Oppenheimer
Credit to Wolfman and justaRiOT for bringing this to my attention ;)

Ok well this will be more then likely a rather large post which will keep getting updated as more info arises. Sorry I can't make it easier to understand for you having difficulty :/

Julius Oppenheimer is an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics. Most known for developing the first nuclear weapon and being the scientific director of the World War 2 project and the Manhattan Project.

I'll start off with the Trinity Project. Trinity is the codename of the first test of an Atomic bomb. The bomb tested here was the bomb launched on Nagasaki, Japan (the bomb that ended World War 2). They began designing this bomb in fear the Nazi Germans were creating one too. This Trinity Project is linked to the Manhattan Project. I'll put it like this:

Manhattan Project = Plan to make bomb
Trinity Project = Test of bomb designed by the Manhattan Project

Make any sense? I hope so ;) cause I can't explain it any better. How is this linked to zombies you ask? Well there are several ways:

1. Letters written on the ground on kino der toten saying 'Manhattan Down' [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

2. In the dreamland server on the computer terminal on the main menu there are some emails from Oppenheimer.

Username: roppen
Password: Trinity

Written on there are the following emails:






    I haven't figured out the bottom part yet but the writing above is a direct quote from Oppenheimer when he created the atomic bomb




    Obviously stating he is down and needs reviving and he is running low on ammo swarmed by Zombies




    From what I get from this he's holding a gun in his right and a Speed Cola??? in his left waiting for the Zombies to come

    These emails basically prove he is linked.

3. On the street sign in the loading screen of Nuketown it has written Trinity St possibly referring to the 'Trinity Project'

4. On kino de toten written on the wall it has 'Beware The Trinity' possibly translated to beware the bomb even though they are friendly

So as you can see he is most likely to be linked.

more to come ;)

Project Mercury

Project Mercury is the name of the project which created and produced the Gersch Device (or black hole bomb). But like most things in zombies it's linked to real life. Project Mercury (in real life) is the name of the first human spaceflight program of the United States. Stretching from 1959 to 1963 its goal was putting the first human around orbit. Now before the humans flew they had to test it with unmanned flights. Now I don't know if this is coincidence but 1 robot flight was named Mr Sam and another Ms Sam. These flights launched 4 years after the Cold War began. Now aside from the brief connection with Mr and Ms Sam I don't see much connection but it's here to be cracked .

Project Mercury and Julian Oppenheimer mini link
Yeah well Julian Oppenheimer was the guy that made the bomb which took out Nagaski, Japan in WW2 which effectivly ended the war. The bomb dropped was nick named 'Fat Man'. Now looking over to Project Mercury a lot of test flights were named some of them very similar:

Little Joe (little boy/man)
Big Joe (Big Boy/Man)

are two that stand out of around 6 similar.

Ok so heres the interesting part:

Big Joe = Fat man? which blew up Nagasaki, Japan

Little Joe = Little Boy? Which was the bomb that blew up Hiroshima, Japan within 3 days of the other ending the 2nd world war. Coincidence?

Node counter is a Broken Spacecraft from Project Mercury

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look familiar. It almost looks identical to the thing that lights up every time you complete a node. As you can see this is the thing they rode in through space. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the same thing. Project Mercury has already been proven to be connected to zombies.

Theory about Hell's Gate (Firing Range sign)

For all you who haven't seen it the sign looks like this:

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And is located on the online map Firing Range.

As you can see the top of it says Gateway to hell. Well in World at War a song was on the play list called Hells Gate. Maybe a coincidence?


Major Breakthrough!

Ok well to start this is the first time i've ever actually been shocked with my findings. This goes deep very deep. Treyarch have hidden lots of tiny stuff hidden around nearly every map. I know at least one thing on every map (except Cracked) so expect a lot of stuff. There is the mural that is near the phd flopper on Ascension hidden out of the map of launch so expect in the coming month some more easter eggs about Quarantaine?

Well now to get started, this all hit me when I was looking at some of the Project Mercury stuff. And before I dive deep into telling you everything I have to point out this isn't confirmed but i'm confident!.

As you've seen i've got a theory going on about little Joe one of the unmaned rockets from Project Mercury. There were 7 differant named rockets in total:

Mercury Jupiter
Little Joe
Big Joe
Beach Abort
Mercury Atlas
Mercury Redstone
mercury Scout

Some experts of Project Mercury believe there was also possibly another one making there 8.

Little Joe was one of the major successors out of them all. It had *cough* 8 *cough* launches before being classified too old. Heres the good part ;). It's 4th flight with the LJ-2 (little Joe 2) version of the space shuttle. This was the first American animal spaceflight.

I don't know if the symbol for the flight will trigger anything in anyone reading this but i'll put it here anyway:

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OK well you read right it was the first American animal spaceflight! carrying SAM the monkey.

It launched Sam 50km into space before turning around landing with the monkey intact.

See Sam here:

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A month later another Sam flew, this time Ms Sam. Flying in the LJ-1B rocket. Carrying her 15km into altitude, before returning. Another picture of a monkey this time Miss Sam, I don't know why i'm putting up pictures of monkeys xD

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Anyway this is one of the many 8's

Next, we go to the maps.

So far we have had:

1. Nacht der Untoten
2. Verrckt
3. Shi No Numa
4. Der Riese
5. Kino der Toten
6. Five
7. Ascension
8. Oh wait the next map number *cough* 8 *cough* is coming soon.

Now we go to the online map Launch. What a shock there is something about this on that map. Go into free specatate. Go right up close to the rocket near the mid section of it you will notice some stars. Count how many there are.

Now to the perk list:

1. Juggernaut
2. Speed Cola
3. Quick revive
4. Double Tap Root beer
5. Stamin Up
6. PHD Flopper
7. The thing the monkey drops (if u count that is number 7)

So maybe a new perk for the 8th map?

I'm still posting i've got a lot of stuff to post but i'm getting tired so i'll add the next quarter later and keep going. Still gotta add everything about Oppenheimer and Project Manhattan and how it's linked so don't post saying it's bad or anything cause it's unfinished

Room under Pack-a-punch Picture?

I was playing zombies today with TTG_Stokesy Glitching out of the map ^.^ and he fell under the map. He fell into a part i've never seen before behind the stamin-up machine in this little ditch area. There he could walk above or under the map. While looking under the map we both noticed a big steel structure. Now it doesn't look like a room (obviously) but it could be the outer area of a room which is made to spawn (like the monkey buttons maybe?)

Picture coming soon:

My theory on the mysterious 1500 point room/door
Well most of you probably know by now the weird area on the roof near speed cola where the button pops up to buy a door for 1500 but there is no door there. My theory is that the doorway underneath it originally needed to be bought to open, but near the ended of production for the map they scratched it. This would have meant needing to change the code, so Treyarch in their usual lazy ways just moved it higher above the door (where seemingly no one could reach it). It has already been proven the map was rushed this is just more proof lol. Of course I would like to be proven wrong though ;)

I'm now going to be working on the Latchkey theory then I will come back to the 8 mystery

Hopefully we can have a decent discussion on this without 12 year old kids yelling at each other constantly.

Also if you like the post +rep and thank it if you think it's appropriate.


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#2. Posted:
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wow. Great find man!
This should be stickied
#3. Posted:
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dang dude!! nice find!!
i never even saw that there!!
#4. Posted:
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I would also like to add that it wouldn't need to keep going and be called a node if it was linked to something, and it could also end up out of order with the other stuff. We might have to wait for pc to come out to look at the whole entire code or mabye someone got a crack and can post the code here? because it's very strange the word isn't repeated.
#5. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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so pretty much the word powerup is only used for that? Well whats the code for the death machine you get in actual levels?
#6. Posted:
  • TTG Natural
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Leqacys wrote so pretty much the word powerup is only used for that? Well whats the code for the death machine you get in actual levels?

thats what i've been looking at now
#7. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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In my opinion, its finished.

I have a great reason.

If you notice, Where ever you go for the next step, there is the same noise.

Me & 3 Others have covered the math with the Death Machine searching for that noise.

There isn't one
#8. Posted:
  • Challenger
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good post and nice find. samatha screams is the last thing in the code, and thats the last thing after the death machine.
#9. Posted:
  • TTG Natural
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cow wrote In my opinion, its finished.

I have a great reason.

If you notice, Where ever you go for the next step, there is the same noise.

Me & 3 Others have covered the math with the Death Machine searching for that noise.

There isn't one

who says it's in the map?
#10. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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Good Job.

Almost as good of a post as mine
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