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Description: PAR codes: (1) Max Reputation (to get it to work, liberate a town with code on) (2) Infinite Money

Filesize: 404 Bytes


Downloads: 0

Description: PAR codes: 1) Infinite money 2) Infinite items in first item slot3) max reputation 4) Various codes that enhance your...

Filesize: 960 Bytes


Downloads: 3

Description: Par Codes:Infinite Time, Infinite Life (Bar decreases a little)

Filesize: 363 Bytes


Downloads: 0

Description: My own codes:For use with Ninja Gaiden: 1). Invincibility 4). Unlimited Time 5). Unlimited Special Items 6)....

Filesize: 2.04 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: 1) Shot percentage display 2) Slippery court 3) Quick Hands 4) Powerup turbo 5) Rainbow shots 6) Powerup...

Filesize: 637 Bytes


Downloads: 2

Description: My own codes:1). Infinite Lives 2-4). Ghosts Avoid Ms. Pac-Man 5). Power Pellet Always in Use (OFF by default) 6)....

Filesize: 1.68 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: Stage select enabled, start with 99 lives, and change the title of the game to Mr. Du

Filesize: 334 Bytes


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Description: 1) Enable Sound Test2) Enable Kool Stuff3) Enable Kooler Stuff4) Enable Scott's Stuff

Filesize: 363 Bytes


Downloads: 4

Description: PAR codes:1) Infinite time2) One hit kills3) Infinite continues

Filesize: 582 Bytes


Downloads: 2

Description: GG Codes: 1) Inf time 2) First strike wins 3) Start on Goro match 45) Fight on "Bottom of Pit" (After 1st match) 6)...

Filesize: 512 Bytes


Downloads: 2

Description: Codes for 0 damage from enemies, win battle no fight (turn off in some fights), 0 hp bosses

Filesize: 410 Bytes


Downloads: 1

Description: PAR codes: 1) 9 lives 2) Full energy 3) 9 continues 4) Lots of Points

Filesize: 706 Bytes


Downloads: 5

Description: My own codes:1). Unlimited Lives 2). Invincibility 3). Unlimited Time 4). Level Always Clear

Filesize: 1.18 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: PAR codes:1. Invincible2. When you grab aditional weapons, they're infinite3. Normal ammo at level 4

Filesize: 424 Bytes


Downloads: 2

Description: My own codes:1) Every Weapon 2) Armor 3) Gold Armor 4) Super Speed 5) All Items 6) Keep hitting Boss non stop 7) Other...

Filesize: 819 Bytes


Downloads: 1

Description: PAR Codes:1) Ice Weapon 2) Acid Burst 3) Triad Thunder 4) Spinning Blades 5) Tornado Fang 6) Ray Splasher 7) Gravity...

Filesize: 800 Bytes


Downloads: 1

Description: PAR codes:1) Infinite Shotgun Ice 2) Infinite Storm Tornado 3) Infinite Homing Torpedo 4) Infinite Fire Wave 5)...

Filesize: 527 Bytes


Downloads: 1

Description: 1) Invincibility 2) Infinite Lives 3) Cripple Bosses (1 hit to kill them, leave it off until you enter their room then...

Filesize: 431 Bytes


Downloads: 0

Description: My own codes:1) Infinite Life2) Infinite Lives3) Always shoot charged shot #2, if you have X-Buster Upgrade

Filesize: 843 Bytes


Downloads: 0

Description: 1) Invincibility2) Infinite Lives3) Cripple Bosses (1 hit to kill them, leave it off until you enter their room then...

Filesize: 438 Bytes


Downloads: 1