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Nintendo 3DS Game Saves

Category stats:
FILES: 313
VIEWS: 491,409
SIZE: 99.74 MB
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Description: -Story Mode beaten -Inazuma Legend Japan beaten -Destrutchers beaten -Version Exclusive Team (Nosfanatica)...

Version: EUR

Filesize: 459.78 KB


Downloads: 46

Description: -Story Mode beaten. -Eternal Light aka Unlimited Shining aka Hakuryuu's team defeated. -Tobitaka/Archer's key...

Version: EUR

Filesize: 414.81 KB


Downloads: 64

Description: -Story Mode beaten. -Eternal Light aka Unlimited Shining aka Hakuryuu's team defeated. -Zero...

Version: EUR

Filesize: 432.12 KB


Downloads: 230

Description: Gateway Omega Savegame. -Story Mode beaten -Team Supernova beaten -All non-Level 99 Challenge Routes beaten with...

Version: JPN

Filesize: 459.96 KB


Downloads: 48

Description: This savegame has been made to complete the wildfire version as fast as possible. Reached the tenth chapter and bet...

Version: EUR

Filesize: 360 Bytes


Downloads: 9

Description: Gateway Omega savegame. -Story Mode beaten -Inazuma Legend Japan beaten -Destrutchers beaten -Version Exclusive...

Version: JPN

Filesize: 450.24 KB


Downloads: 60

Description: Converted to JKSM compatible format.

Version: US

Filesize: 4.47 KB


Downloads: 29

Description: - All support logs available on main menu - Renown 99999 - All DLC Einherjars saved at Logbook (Some of them are...

Version: JPN

Filesize: 295.13 KB


Downloads: 9

Description: The cleared Lunatic CLA file has only Chrom x Olivia. FeMU has Mag -Def.

Version: EUR

Filesize: 117.11 KB


Downloads: 26

Description: Tethu: Level 30 (with good weapon) Oasis level: 29 Allies: 59

Version: EUR

Filesize: 12.47 KB


Downloads: 8

Description: Based off MattKimura's save, ported to JPN region. What's left to do: - Beat all levels on mirror mode - Beat all...

Version: JPN

Filesize: 46.10 KB


Downloads: 7

Description: Game complete.

Version: JPN

Filesize: 229.10 KB


Downloads: 15

Description: All Cases Unlocked Game Complete

Version: JPN

Filesize: 280.87 KB


Downloads: 16

Description: Empty Cubic Ninja savegame with OLD 9.2.0-20E ninjhax installed.

Version: EUR

Filesize: 29.59 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Compatible Save with JKSM. Max Jobs 9999999pg Awaiting the Final Boss Battle

Version: US

Filesize: 17.27 KB


Downloads: 73

Description: In-game Progress: Cleared 4 of the 8 stages - Cleared Future Fckballs 2010 - Cleared Thy Farts Consumed - Cleared...

Version: US

Filesize: 32.10 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: JKSV save with 4 of every card. Almost all maps unlocked. Maxed out evo cards. Most character appearances....

Version: US

Filesize: 12.31 KB


Downloads: 21

Description: Story mode 100% Most characters unlocked All sub quests complete

Version: US

Filesize: 7.35 KB


Downloads: 257

Description: Perfect save. Lots of great equipement and gems. NG with more than 200 hours of gameplay.

Version: EUR

Filesize: 288.17 KB


Downloads: 44

Description: This savegame is for Gateway (MH3U.3ds) file. Successfully tested with EmuNand 10.3 & Gateway v3.5.1: All quests...

Version: EUR

Filesize: 197.96 KB


Downloads: 58