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Nintendo 3DS Tools & Utilities Sub Categories

Nintendo 3DS Development Tools (4)

3DS related homebrew development tools, utilities, demos, code examples, etc, should be hosted in this section.


Nintendo 3DS Tools & Utilities

Category stats:
VIEWS: 65,893
SIZE: 136.59 MB
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Description: 3dsexplorer_v1.5.3

Filesize: 529.20 KB


Downloads: 22

Description: A multitool for Sky 3DS users. Includes a template generator, a ROM infos reader and a ROM trimmer.

Filesize: 117.50 KB


Downloads: 67

Description: This tool can be used to extract the NAND file from a emuNAND SD card and to inject a NAND file into the emuNAND SD...

Filesize: 596.05 KB


Downloads: 39

Description: Features: - Dump savedata from Card2 ROM () and save it as Sky3DS EEPROM-NO save format. - Import Sky3DS EEPROM-NO...

Filesize: 242.56 KB


Downloads: 26

Description: MH4G game save exp/importer

Filesize: 17.45 MB


Downloads: 11

Description: It allows converting retail backups to a format that allows DevMenu or BigBlueMenu to install them straight to the 3DS...

Filesize: 3.34 MB


Downloads: 44

Description: Make icons and banners for your 3ds homebrew. (formerly named image2ctpk)

Filesize: 350.25 KB


Downloads: 42

Description: Makes your 3ds homebrew Launcher.dat's compatible with the Gateway DS profile launcher for convenience.

Filesize: 2.80 MB


Downloads: 5

Description: This app lets you know all of the 3DS games that have a scene release. There is information about every release, such...

Filesize: 2.05 MB


Downloads: 48

Description: CTR_Toolkit - ICN Icon Extractor - Takes the CTPK encoded icons from ICN files re-encoded them into PNG files Version:...

Filesize: 120.92 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: 'rom_tool' is a command line tool designed to check/manipulate CTR Cartridge Image (CCI) files, usually referred to in...

Filesize: 64.69 KB


Downloads: 48

Description: DISCLAIMER: This tool is not made by me! Give codemonkey85 credit, if you want to leave a thank's for his work, then go...

Filesize: 114.17 KB


Downloads: 11

Description: Official software.. (Official website link is slow, so here is a Filetrip mirror.)

Filesize: 3.35 MB


Downloads: 21

Description: It is now possible to dump 3DS Game Icons (those icons that show on the home menu) directly from your 3DS. The process...

Filesize: 72.92 KB


Downloads: 4

Description: Video converter for 3DS. See discussion thread and readme for more details.

Filesize: 12.50 MB


Downloads: 14

Description: 005Tools v0.1b by McHaggis Allows backing up and restoring save games for 3DS/DSi/DS game cards using a device such...

Filesize: 508.43 KB


Downloads: 9

Description: Save file with content unlocked from gamecube link mode. There was only one scene release (multi5) in Venom's...

Filesize: 1.79 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: 3DSMovie 1.0

Filesize: 5.81 MB


Downloads: 8

Description: YOU NEED A SMS2 FOR THIS TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not the author of this program but not very many people seem to...

Filesize: 951.36 KB


Downloads: 7

Description: 3DSaveTool can be used to find the XOR key used for encryption and use it to encrypt/decrypt EEPROM savefiles of 3DS...

Filesize: 474.01 KB


Downloads: 19