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Nintendo Wii & U Homebrew

Category stats:
FILES: 2,213
VIEWS: 366,641
SIZE: 5.60 GB
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Description: The Nintendo Wii homebrew scene really owes a lot of its growth to the Twilight Hack (currently in v01 Alpha 3b). This...

Filesize: 132.86 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Yincrash has just unveiled the first version of a new API library for the Nintendo Wii. Written in C and released under...

Filesize: 13.80 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Brakken has announced the release of WriteELF, an application from cybermind that allows users to write ELF files to...

Filesize: 10.32 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: -- Version 0.4 -- [NEW] Added WAD loader [FIXED] Finale cast can now be advanced through [FIXED] Config file...

Filesize: 281 Bytes


Downloads: 0

Description: ftpii is an FTP server for the Nintendo Wii.changelog:20081126 0.0.16 Added support for wiimote power button. ...

Filesize: 212.72 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Another release from Tantric for your today, this time on his FCE Ultra GX, a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES),...

Filesize: 4.40 MB


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Description: Homebrew coder Oibaf has released the initial version of Deadly Cobra, an "SDL-based game similar in gameplay to the...

Filesize: 4.20 MB


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Description: Nintendo Wii homebrew developer andii has announced the release of a new build for the open-source modchip OpenWii,...

Filesize: 31.63 KB


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Description: READMEBoot using normal methods cough HBC cough. Once running, will run itself. To quit, press home on the wiimote. If...

Filesize: 171.71 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Yabause Wii is the Wii version of Yabause, a Sega Saturn emulator, and is the first for Wii to emulate the complex...

Filesize: 4.68 MB


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Description: Revision 7376 of the Nintendo Gamecube and Wii emulator is now out folks, bringing a slew of new fixes and...

Filesize: 5.39 MB


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Description: The people behind WiiCR is really pouring their hearts out to perfect their application as they just released

Filesize: 5.03 MB


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Description: From developertueidj: Descent was originally released by Parallax Software in 1995. It was the first game featuring a...

Filesize: 724.53 KB


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Description: Here's good news for Wiibrew devs out there. Introducing Box2D for the Wii! Box2D is an engine primarily designed for...

Filesize: 1.67 MB


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Description: Commdore Amiga emulator for the Nintendo Wii.Changelog: Version 1 Initial release This version has only...

Filesize: 1.11 MB



Downloads: 1

Description: Wiibrew coder teknecal, who seems to be really fond of memory games, has released a new build for Matching Cards, now...

Filesize: 396.01 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Due to the number of complaints trying to download the FULL WiiDoom package (including FreeDoom), I added a "CORE"...

Filesize: 2.36 MB


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Description: This is an application written in mainly Cocoa. Taking the idea of simple to use Apple products with the features that...

Filesize: 219.87 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Homebrew dev teknecal has recently outed a new version of his Homebrew Browser, a handy wiibrew app that allows you to...

Filesize: 1.96 MB


Downloads: 5

Description: Features:SMB/USB/SD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in itRename filesProperties of...

Filesize: 699.58 KB


Downloads: 3