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Call of Duty 4 Mods

Category stats:
FILES: 364
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SIZE: 14.66 GB
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Description: Merry christmas and happy new year to the whole deathrun community! Decided to give vistic castle a winter look....

Filesize: 56.32 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: PUBLIC RELEASE My 5th map! Its located in floating castles. -11 traps -6 endrooms -Many little secrets and maybe big...

Filesize: 54.79 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Place the folder within your COD4/USERMAPS folder Make Sure Gametype is set to deathrun.

Filesize: 42.54 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Map was made 2 years ago and works now better with codx. It has been vistic exclusive. Map is set in an abandoned car...

Filesize: 15.82 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: I'm back. Name: Universe Traps: 9 Length: long Difficulty: Apparently pretty difficult

Filesize: 58.58 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: My first deathrun map (mp_dr_underwater). It has secret, Old room, knife room, snipe room and traps ofc. To pass this...

Filesize: 55.12 MB


Downloads: 5

Description: After months of work i'm proud to present you my latest deathrun map mp_dr_undertale based on the famous game...

Filesize: 38.70 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Place the folder within your COD4/USERMAPS folder Make Sure Gametype is set to deathrun. Old map reuploaded

Filesize: 37.61 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: My very first map: 4 endrooms / hard and easy secrets / 9 traps

Filesize: 20.98 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: hello all I wish to publish a detailed manual, but for personal reasons and time never find the time to do it. I ask...

Filesize: 8.71 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Map maded in 2014 2015 while ago and released now 4 rooms classic 2 secrets easy,hard some traps and ez to go not high...

Filesize: 30.19 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Map name: mp_dr_tropical Amount of Traps: 11 Map length: Medium Map difficulty: Medium Endrooms:...

Filesize: 77.13 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Call of Duty 4 MW Deathrun map! It does not have any secrets! Map is fun to play and it does not take ages to finish!...

Filesize: 14.10 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: // Traps \ Trap 1. Trap 2. Trap 3. Trap 4 Trap 5. //Rooms \ Sniper. Bounce. Knife. Old. This is my first map that I...

Filesize: 28.88 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Final Version of Trapntrance. Enjoy it VC' Blade

Filesize: 47.91 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: On the battlefield are 3 traps; missles, airstrike, minefield... the rest is in the bunker inclouding rotation, pusher,...

Filesize: 6.41 MB



Downloads: 1

Description: I made simple map with rooms so if you have time give it a try :) Hello i made a map for deathrun it has about 11...

Filesize: 34.32 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Map name: mp_dr_sunset3 Amount of Traps: 12 Map length: Medium Map difficulty: Medium Endrooms:...

Filesize: 62.79 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Very quick map inspired on the original mp_dr_sunset made by fARMERR. It has 1 secret and 4 rooms old. Map can be...

Filesize: 25.89 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Well hi there this is my first map made by me fARMERR ( nub ). This map is pretty small and I'm about to do v2 with...

Filesize: 17.12 MB


Downloads: 0