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PSP Homebrew Games

Category stats:
FILES: 1,078
VIEWS: 168,586
SIZE: 2.13 GB
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Description: Mike Haggar has just released PSPicross v0.2 for the PSP This game is made for the psp-news coding competition. If you...

Filesize: 1.88 MB


Downloads: 8

Description: If there is one word to describe this game it will have to be dynamic. Dragula96 always keeps us on our toes with...

Filesize: 287 Bytes


Downloads: 7

Description: When we first saw Eaten v1.0, many screamed "Squarez copier", I know I did. However, this game is taken a radical...

Filesize: 381.23 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: slicer4ever is back with his Block Attack, but this time, it's not for Lua. In fact, he says that this is his first c...

Filesize: 243.67 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Well, now you atleast can't go broke while playing lottery. On your PSP. Made by Sousanator in our forums, this game...

Filesize: 297.24 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: (This file for Firmware 1.5 (SCEkxploited)) There has to be some sort of award for dedication like this. This is...

Filesize: 1.10 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: After quite the long bit of absence from the QJ boards, homebrew developer jamiefuller (creator of SensitivePSP) is...

Filesize: 5.76 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Shakaro has released the latest version of his homebrew Frogger clone bringing it up version 1.0 this time around. The...

Filesize: 2.36 MB


Downloads: 5

Description: Shiroimakeinu has released JzBMSPlayer version 051222 for the PSP. JzBMSPlayer is a Beatmania playing port for the PSP,...

Filesize: 1.04 MB


Downloads: 4

Description: From the author: "So Do We Have a Deal or What is a game that plays just like on the NBC game show Deal or No Deal. The...

Filesize: 1.05 MB


Downloads: 6

Description: Who would have expected that virtual coins and Shuffles could fix your fate and determine your doings in life? Well, we...

Filesize: 792.50 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: kozine s has just released his first Lua game, PSPairs. This is a clone of the game Snap. But, with a twist. Here's...

Filesize: 369.94 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: We've been reading the comments on luLy's previous release of his NDS-Killer. Yes, we hear you guys and we're surprised...

Filesize: 7.00 MB


Downloads: 3

Description: Montrob, s, has released a public beta of his upcoming PSP homebrew game. AlphaAttackPSP (AAPSP) is a very simple, but...

Filesize: 106.76 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: This is one of those times when a homebrew app's title just about sums it all up. Released by a_noob on the QJ forums,...

Filesize: 155.93 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Besides George Lucas' Star Wars classic, most people aren't really too keen on clones. Call 'em whatever you want:...

Filesize: 516.57 KB


Downloads: 6

Description: Dave Gnukem PSP About Dave GNUkem Dave Gnukem is a 2D scrolling platform shoot-em-up. It is very similar to (and...

Filesize: 3.87 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Too. Many. Pong games. They?ve everywhere. Like rats? or maybe that?s just where I live. Either way, XPong has been...

Filesize: 63.54 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Kech over at PS2DEV has just released his port of Open Mugen for the PSP. Right now, it's still pretty rough. But...

Filesize: 1.70 MB


Downloads: 36

Description: Port of Id Software's Quake II by McZonk and TeamEmergencyExit Full...

Filesize: 8.49 MB


Downloads: 13