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PSP Homebrew Applications

Category stats:
FILES: 3,634
VIEWS: 559,355
SIZE: 5.48 GB
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Description: PMPlayer Advance(PPA) is a media player for PSP. � Changelog: -added iso8859-7 supported-fixed ass(ssa) subtitle...

Filesize: 3.26 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: youresam, one of the best PSP Lua developers out there has made another great contribution. A TTLDE email plugin! TTLDE...

Filesize: 28.70 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Homebrew coder kenma9123 is back on the scene to update his feature-pack homebrew app, Krap-psp. Tagged as version...

Filesize: 103.06 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Woxy Loungeacts Grabber for PSP versions 1.5/1.0 DEMO by modsyn This program will download the WOXY.COM podcast XML...

Filesize: 564.70 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: If you're having trouble trying to customize your PlayStation Portable handheld, but just can't seem to get used to the...

Filesize: 101.79 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: LuaPlayer Euphoria is a continuation of the LuaPlayer project created by Shine. It offers a host of improvements...

Filesize: 1.15 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: What's New?- Display seconds - Adding a sound during the excursion in the menu Displaying the percentage of the battery...

Filesize: 3.75 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Crazy_C has launched a new patch to fix bugs in his DOSBox DOS Emulator. It's more stable than ever thanks to the fixes...

Filesize: 88.21 KB



Downloads: 6

Description: Ooohhh... what does this video show? Well if you'd just click play, you'll see clear enough that it is about Homer's...

Filesize: 312.18 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Changelog: Macro Buttons press the START / SELECT even if you set a fix had been ignored during playback.

Filesize: 398.06 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Still having problems with those hard riffs and chords? Don't worry because homebrew developer Joel Van is back with an...

Filesize: 2.78 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Here's a demo that shows colour inverted output from the GoCam on thePSP screen in real time. based on the Chotto cam...

Filesize: 25.90 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: 0okm has released xGSLoader271 v0.01 for FW2.71. This app is a mod of xloader by the Noobz crew. xGSLoader271 v0.01...

Filesize: 28.25 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: A new version of Dridri's OpenIdea ISO Loader, a handy app that allows users to load game backups directly from the...

Filesize: 68.93 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: From the same author as PSound, this lets you view the pictures from many PlayStation games.

Filesize: 89.38 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Nielkie has released version 0.3 of his wave modification application called WavePool. Just in case the name of the app...

Filesize: 3.92 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Ahman's iR Shell is undoubtedly one of the best applications ever made for the PSP. However, all good things can't...

Filesize: 2.88 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Now that was fast. Hot on the heels from the release of the offical PSP firmware 6.39, homebrew coder some1 comes back...

Filesize: 5.65 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: When you see Pierce Brosnan on the Homebrew Apps section, it can only mean one thing...Flash Agent's in the house. Brew...

Filesize: 989.75 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Re_Animate is back, and this time he's got his PSP Studio Max v1.0. So it's been a while since he followed up on his...

Filesize: 254.18 KB


Downloads: 7