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SNES ROM hacks

Category stats:
FILES: 1,045
VIEWS: 382,362
SIZE: 378.67 MB
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Description: After the Battle for the Frozen Esper, you are allowed to choose your own party members. If you choose Gau as the only...

Filesize: 20.14 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Final Fantasy IV Namingway Edition is an attempt to bring Final Fantasy IV (FFIIUS) closer to its Japanese counterpart....

Filesize: 321.19 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: Here is a full level hack for F-Zero which changes all the tracks to new ones for you to race on!

Filesize: 40.13 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: scription : Here is Donkey Kong Country Kremling’s Revenge Remodel, which is a reboot from the original hack from...

Filesize: 379.88 KB


Downloads: 29

Description: So it is Digital Cube, widely influenced by movies Cube/Hypercube/Cube Zero For people who didn’t see this movies...

Filesize: 99.71 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: When betting an item that is the same as your reward, you may not always receive it. Specifically, when you have 99 of...

Filesize: 3.11 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Mario & Luigi: Kola Kingdom Quest is a reboot of Super Mario Bros. 5 Reborn. This 74-level hack uses many of the same...

Filesize: 656.68 KB


Downloads: 5

Description: This is a Spoof Hack of the game Prince of Persia for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

Filesize: 117.24 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: This patch enables a couple of debugging features in SMT1 (an event selector and a flag editor), which may prove useful...

Filesize: 1.35 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: While walking up or down stairs diagonally, the player does not take poison damage, the Tintinabar does not restore HP...

Filesize: 1.35 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: With this patch, characters that do not have a “Magic” command can now still equip espers.

Filesize: 2.92 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Mario is on vacation when he meets a strange Koopa. Afterwards, he enters a gray pipe…

Filesize: 302.11 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Simplify all character moves, moves easily, so you can play on your phone or android tablet!! Move list in download...

Filesize: 4.40 KB


Downloads: 7

Description: While Mario was asleep due to poisonous wine, a group of mysterious and powerful enemies which call themselves “The...

Filesize: 932.23 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Similar to SM Patience, a longer version to get items in a path covering all areas of Zebes,

Filesize: 125.50 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: WARNING: Right now, PG freezes SNES9x during a certain part, making the game impossible to finish. The latest version...

Filesize: 562.03 KB


Downloads: 10

Description: This is a level structure hack of the US version of F-Zero. No music or graphics are touched. The practice track order...

Filesize: 59.72 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: This patch is a cumulative effort of 3 years of hacking work by Japanese hacker, Turbo-Duo. He has used what he defines...

Filesize: 2.70 MB


Downloads: 10

Description: This is a challenge hack for Final Fantasy 6 US version 1.0. I’m not sure if 1.1 would work or not. This also...

Filesize: 118.26 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Mushroom Kingdom has trouble again. Mario is on his way to visit Toadsworth. All 7 Kings of Mushroom World are...

Filesize: 1.11 MB


Downloads: 4