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NES Homebrew & Tools

Category stats:
VIEWS: 40,781
SIZE: 13.41 MB
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Description: "FakeNESis an open source portable emulator written in C. There are currently versions for Windows 9x/2000/Me/XP,...

Filesize: 845.93 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: This patch replaces World1 with a map that gives access to the 15 "Lost Levels" of SMB3.

Filesize: 464 Bytes


Downloads: 12

Description: Use the directional buttons to move the snail, and to start the game you have to push Up, B, and A. For those that...

Filesize: 7.70 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Sir Ababol controlled through the Monegros looking all ababoles. To progress in your adventure you'll have to go find a...

Filesize: 409.94 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: top-down shooter (ikari warriors style) for the nes. ported from the zx spectrum release.

Filesize: 17.19 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: The gameplay is very simple. You need to jump to upper platforms. Each pixel scrolling will give you 1 point. If you...

Filesize: 19.23 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: The whole premise of the game is to choose an spot on the board where you don’t want a peg to be, then jump pegs, one...

Filesize: 14.99 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: nes15 is an implementation of the classic Fifteen Puzzle for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This version is an...

Filesize: 77.51 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: This game is what spawned out of the vision I had for a full-on game of !Clik! that I programmed for one of the...

Filesize: 34.47 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: It's a very simple game. It goes on until you die, and then you are presented with your score. Basic NROM 128. (Of...

Filesize: 5.75 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: K.Y.F.F. is a 4-player game that allows all four people to compete against each other in a battle royale in the style...

Filesize: 12.69 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Inversion: When Darkness Cry is platform game for Nintendo Entertainment System. You can play it using a NES emulator...

Filesize: 29.85 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Mobile version of Flappy Bird coded for the NES. Includes an "easy" version.

Filesize: 14.13 KB


Downloads: 13

Description: The controls are as follows: Left/Right -- Moves you left/right Up/Down -- Moves you up/down (I haven't done this...

Filesize: 2.04 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: A space-travel game.

Filesize: 81.50 KB


Downloads: 2

Description: Controls Title Screen: Start game: Start Language select: Accept language: Start Change language: Up\Down...

Filesize: 431.33 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: D-Pad Hero is a homebrew music rhythm game for the NES.

Filesize: 37.40 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: An accident at the biochemical lab has released a neurotoxin, and you've been quarantined after exposure. Maintain your...

Filesize: 97.81 KB


Downloads: 1

Description: Controls: Start or A: Confirm or select something B or Select: Cancel or go back Puzzle Mode: A Arrow: place an...

Filesize: 47.23 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: time-attack space-shooter

Filesize: 59.58 KB


Downloads: 4