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PS Vita Homebrew Games

Category stats:
FILES: 165
VIEWS: 47,028
SIZE: 3.28 GB
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Description: Quake II port for PSVITA with network support (both LAN and multiplayer), savestates, soundtrack, sounds and all...

Filesize: 5.22 MB


Downloads: 3

Description: A 3D fighting game for PSVITA

Filesize: 54.11 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: Its a 2D arena shooter with lots of weapons, some neat abilities & exclusive death metal soundtrack.

Filesize: 67.01 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: A 3D fighting game for PSVITA

Filesize: 54.11 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Ryu now playable with his basic move and specials - vs AI only - use menu to disable music. - dont go to main...

Filesize: 50.76 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: A Rubk Cube puzzle game in 3D made with Unity for PSVITA.

Filesize: 42.83 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: “The Orange Sunflower” is a unique game that shows what it is like to struggle with OCD. I really want to show the...

Filesize: 43.10 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Dungeon Crawler for PSVITA set in a procedurally generated labyrinth inspired from The Catacomb Abyss (1992).

Filesize: 43.10 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: Hangman game where you have to guess a word to win. Supports addition of extra words to the database.

Filesize: 6.42 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: It's a Pokemon Go kinda game for the PS Vita

Filesize: 2.46 MB


Downloads: 1

Description: vitaExhumed is a port of PCExhumed, an EDuke32 fork that supports PowerSlave/Exhumed games. PowerSlave, known as...

Filesize: 1.57 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Hexen II port for Playstation Vita.

Filesize: 2.07 MB


Downloads: 3

Description: Creating a chain reaction. It's never been so fun!

Filesize: 2.17 MB


Downloads: 0

Description: Vectoroids by Bill Kendrick based on Agendaroids which based on the arcade game Asteroids. USAGE Copy vpk to vita and...

Filesize: 1007.99 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Air Hockey game for PS Vita. Features The simplest Air Hockey game possible: 2 paddles; 1 puck; The score; No AI,...

Filesize: 172.22 KB


Downloads: 0

Description: Vita Doom - PS Vita Doom Port

Filesize: 626.90 KB


Downloads: 3

Description: SDL-based reimplementation of the classic Chinese-language RPG "Xiān jiàn Qí Xiá Zhuàn" (also known as PAL).

Filesize: 2.06 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: This game is a recreation of my all time favorite PT demo. In the PS Vita version I call it "The Hallway" (for obvious...

Filesize: 96.77 MB


Downloads: 2

Description: A platform game for PSVITA with fancy graphics originally thought to be released for mobile devices.

Filesize: 72.77 MB


Downloads: 4

Description: This is a simple port for the PSVITA of The Call an open source game

Filesize: 41.38 MB


Downloads: 1