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Unconfirmed PS4 Game Saves (42)

The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section.


PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Category stats:
FILES: 13,864
VIEWS: 30,686,759
DOWNLOADS: 1,538,740
SIZE: 325.57 GB
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Description: Platinum US save file with a product ID [CUSA-05294], this save doesn't have any DLC. I tested it personally, it will...

Filesize: 26.89 MB


Downloads: 181

Description: Platinum EU save file with a product ID [CUSA-05283], this save doesn't have any DLC.

Filesize: 5.15 MB


Downloads: 156

Description: some of the hard trophies All you have to do is adjust your PSN date and time to the same time on the save and then...

Filesize: 32.48 MB


Downloads: 101

Description: La senda del fanático y Primordial Con este save podremos obtener dos trofeos de manera rápida y sencilla, cuando lo...

Filesize: 33.35 MB


Downloads: 52

Description: Here Is a save with Only 1 remaining Raven and Artifact. Simply exit the temple into Helheim and take an immediate...

Filesize: 37.22 MB


Downloads: 216

Description: Savegame which can be used for these Trophies.: SURVIVORS HAPPY FAMILY SAFE HARBOR Just resign the Save to your...

Filesize: 49.51 MB


Downloads: 129

Description: Trilingüe Si lo quieres desbloquear solo tendrás que abrir el cofre situado a la derecha, el cofre esta solo a unos...

Filesize: 33.35 MB


Downloads: 45

Description: Fuego y Azufre Para desbloquear este trofeo tendréis que avanzar hasta la cruz de delante e iniciar el desafió,...

Filesize: 33.35 MB


Downloads: 47

Description: Juicio de los Caidos Si lo quieres desbloquear solo tendrás que acabar con la reina valquiria, situada en la rasgadura...

Filesize: 33.35 MB


Downloads: 153

Description: Como agua y aceite Un trofeo sencillo de obtener, nada mas aparecer, debemos hablar en la tienda con los enanos...

Filesize: 33.35 MB


Downloads: 113

Description: all but inferno has been completed missions for inferno needed 94-98 kills needed argo characters left wingdiver ranger...

Filesize: 10.68 MB


Downloads: 16

Description: Adaptation Level 16 (Multiplayer Rang) All Special Mission free Last Save on the last Level: Chapter 9...

Filesize: 28.18 MB


Downloads: 34

Description: You will be in Chapter 3, in the garage. Go back to the shelter and go to the workbench. You only need to give refill...

Filesize: 3.98 MB


Downloads: 73

Description: -Save 1St July: You have to kill the last avatar. Unlocked trophies: -Exquisite Timing -Earth Avenged -A God Falls -The...

Filesize: 31.70 MB


Downloads: 180

Description: platinum save. Everything is done except for the trophy with raiders

Filesize: 12.22 MB


Downloads: 407

Description: BORDERLANDS 2 PS4 TROPHY NAME: Did it all ( complete all 109 side quest ) The most annoying trophy of the game, just...

Filesize: 2.58 MB


Downloads: 233

Description: sniper elite difficulty was done in co op horde mode, trophies pop when wave 10 starts should help getting those kill...

Filesize: 11.04 MB


Downloads: 92

Description: Features: Requires all 3 DLC Level 750 Reached floor 999 of the Abyss Level 134-136 Ethereal Equipment with min-maxed...

Filesize: 11.85 MB


Downloads: 919

Description: Interior Designer Craft every Theme. "Load the save. You can see in the theme factory there is 2h to complete the...

Filesize: 11.61 MB


Downloads: 21

Description: COMPLETE SAVE SET 00- SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (500 rings to rule them all) (Load BOTH saves and then jump on the box...

Filesize: 52.75 MB


Downloads: 59