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Unconfirmed PS4 Game Saves (42)

The PS4 Game Saves within this section are unconfirmed this means no testing or details about the game save is known. As TTG users test the game saves and comment details about them they will be moved into the main PS4 Game Saves section.


PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Category stats:
FILES: 13,841
VIEWS: 30,101,975
DOWNLOADS: 1,517,594
SIZE: 325.14 GB
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Description: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Platinum Save

Version: CUSA06417

Filesize: 3.00 MB


Downloads: 108

Description: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Platinum Save

Version: CUSA06417

Filesize: 3.00 MB


Downloads: 167

Description: heres plat save for the 1st naruto

Version: CUSA06417

Filesize: 4.01 MB


Downloads: 121

Description: Platinum save

Filesize: 1.41 MB


Downloads: 254

Description: heres a plat save

Version: CUSA02412

Filesize: 1.41 MB


Downloads: 1,232

Description: platinum save

Filesize: 1.41 MB


Downloads: 275

Description: Hello everyone, This is my first time posting but wanted to start contributing. I have a save for Ultimate Ninja Storm...

Version: CUSA06417

Filesize: 2.94 MB


Downloads: 150

Description: These are saves for that time tasking trophy, let me know how they work, you still have to do a couple of VR or PVP...

Filesize: 5.57 MB



Downloads: 140

Description: Switch your character to Mitsuki and play a quick match then you should have the trophy. Not my save file but all...

Version: CUSA08789

Filesize: 14.70 MB


Downloads: 256

Description: These are saves for that time tasking trophy, let me know how they work, you still have to do a couple of VR or PVP...

Filesize: 5.57 MB



Downloads: 255

Description: Invisible Much Modded Build Unlock All Free DLC ( NAGATO INCLUDED ) All Title Max Stats To remove invisibility...

Version: US

Filesize: 1.76 MB


Downloads: 1,882

Description: Firmware: 7.50 Game update: ?.?? READ!!! READ!!! READ!!! To use this savedata you will need the following...

Version: BlackAnimeGod

Filesize: 6.20 MB


Downloads: 833

Description: Hello, after many hours of play, here my Platinum Save Win 1 combat battle you get: Power Squad [Battle] Won 100...

Filesize: 4.76 MB


Downloads: 924

Description: hese are saves for that time tasking trophy, let me know how they work, you still have to do a couple of VR or PVP...

Version: CUSA08789

Filesize: 11.14 MB


Downloads: 135

Description: Save 1: here is half the S rank of the game Save 2: has the other half of the S rank, and trail of the gale...

Version: CUSA02412

Filesize: 13.01 MB


Downloads: 103

Description: NARUTO ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 4 - ALL RANK S Save 1: here is half the S rank of the game Save 2: has the other half of...

Filesize: 13.01 MB


Downloads: 185

Description: With this Save it was possible to platinum my game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Strom 4, with it your platinum will...

Version: CUSA02412

Filesize: 1.41 MB


Downloads: 239

Description: This save was created with the intention of helping those who wish to have the game completely finished. I don't know...

Version: CUSA02412

Filesize: 2.94 MB


Downloads: 599

Description: Game: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto Region: USA 95% - 99999999 RYO CUSA: CUSA06381 ...

Version: 1.02

Filesize: 4.36 MB


Downloads: 663

Description: 100% Complete DEA and Narcos campaign

Version: 1.00

Filesize: 7.25 MB


Downloads: 14