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DGEN for PSP v1.60 for 1.50

Download Name: DGEN for PSP v1.60 for 1.50  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Emulators

Submitted By: Craig

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File Size: 622.25 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 99

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Mega Drive, a 16-bit video game console, was released by Sega in Japan in the year 1988. It entered the U.S. in 9 January 1989 and has been renamed to Sega Genesis. With Sonic the Hedheog 2 being its top-selling game, Sega enjoyed 65% market share in North America by the year 1992 (the Genesis'
main competition being Nintendo's SNES).Get to play your old Genesis games once again with Syn-z's DGEN for PSP, a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive emulator for PSP. If you've been following Syn-z's work here at QJ, you'll know that DGEN is one of the best emulators around.V1.60 is now out. Changes on this latest version are:-Compatibility problems in several games have been fixed.-Problem in 6-button mode has also been remedied.-Some other bugs were also fixed.
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