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Download Name: dm_roomwithatruck  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: Ross Castro

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 122.93 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

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Views: 37

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Author: Ross Castro (RCagent)

Gametype: Deathmatch (Random Fun)

What else can I say about this map? Perhaps the map is a beautiful metaphor about life, describing the hardships of the world and the difficulties a man must face. Such difficulties as a being trapped in a room, with a truck in it. That truck obstructs his view. Its a obstacle of defeat. Can it be moved? Yes, but death would be imminent. But in this world, you have respawn points, and this is merely a room with a truck.

Okay, maybe not entirely truthful. There is more than a truck in this room. There's columns, ammo, leaves, sofa, and tires. Don't ask why. Perhaps theres a story behind it all. Maybe someone has trapped a handfull of individuals to be stuck in a relentless room of death. Perhaps the combine have finally enslaved the final rebels. Who knows, perhaps Doctor Emmith Brown built a time machine which created a paradox which formed a universe with the only thing in it being a room with a truck.

So you see, this map has no back story. It has no depth. It has nothing. Except for a Truck, and a couch and all the items said forth.

So what do you have to gain from downloading or playing this map? Fun. As crazy as this sounds, this stupid concept is fun. Try it with friends. You'll have fun. Fight for the couch, it symbolizes power and makes you laugh when you kill people with it. Try putting slams on the columns and trick your friends into running into them. Hide in the back of the truck. Whatever you want.

That's the beauty of this map. Its a room, with a truck. But it is also so much more.

Think of it this way.

Atleast it wasn't orange.
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