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Gx's Bunker

Download Name: Gx's Bunker  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: Z'HA'DUM

Submitted By: Craig

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File Size: 7.15 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 76

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:


MAP NAME: Gx's Bunker

FILE NAME: hl2dmz_gxbunker_beta1.bsp


(aka Sitting Duck in Valve games)
(aka Bionic Gerbil in Quake3 games)


This map was originally created for Soldier Of Fortune 2, so under the
Quake 3 engine it looked and felt quite different from this HL2 version.
I felt the bunker context would apply well to HL2 given the "resistance"
style used through HL2. I think it came out nicely. I ported it to other
games but none of those ports met expectations for release, yet.

The port was a crazy idea. It's a lot of work to redo every entity,
every texture, and even rebuild areas given the working differences
between the editors. Hammer made me swear quite a bit. In some instances,
I really missed Radiant! Curves, that were widely used in the SOF2
version all had to be rebuilt from scratch, and curves in the source
engine are not exactly curves as they are in the Q3 engine. Mappers will
know what I am talking about.

In any case, here is the first release for the general public, Enjoy!


There is still some work to be done in terms of brushes and portals and
what not. But in my opinion most of the work remaining is about
balancing the items placement that will give the map a decent gameplay.

Lights are also in the process as the map was created on an old system
and had the gamma set to 1.9 instead of the 2.2 default. I personally
think the map is a bit too dark at 2.2. Although not 2 systems will
display it exactly the same way, there is a balance to be attained. If I
want to see the map with the "proper" ambience lights, I still set the
gamma to 1.9 on my system. I usually held my gamma setting to 1.6, but
I felt 1.9 was a decent compromise between default and my system's

All comments regarding the lighting and items placement are welcome.
Please be constructive. There is a difference between personal taste
and objectivity. My creating style might not appeal to everyone. Every
comment will be read and considered. The objective is to better the map.
Experienced or not in mapping or as a gamer, the important thing is that
the map is fun to play. So just don't hesitate to send your thougts.

About the naming of the file:
Since I have the same map compiled for more than one game, I can't name
it dm_bunker on all of them. So I decided to make it hl2dmz_gxbunker to
make it easy to differenciate. hl2 is self explanatory, dm stands for
"deathmatch" (obviously) and the "z" stands for me, Z'HA'DUM, the
maker. Then, _gxbunker is the map name, of course. I know some people
will criticise the naming, if there is any outstanding suggestion about
it, I will consider renaming. But I don't think I picked an alienating
or complicated formula though. Been using it for all my maps since I
started mapping, and it worked well so far.

Thanks for downloading and for sending your comments. Hope you enjoy it!

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