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Download Name: dm_residential_b1  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: midkay

Submitted By: Craig

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File Size: 10.52 MB

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Views: 57

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

dm_residential_b1 by Zakk Roberts (aka midkay)
readme - 27 August 2006

NOTE: This is a beta release. Most of the layout is finished. Most of the
details are not. There are several places where you can clearly look at the
edge of the map. This will be changed in the final release. Expect that to
be released early September.

I began work on dm_residential around the 25th of June 2006. I'd had thoughts
of a map like this since early June. Actually, my mental image of dm_residential
was far different from how it looks now; the map, in my head, took place on a
long street lined on each side with small houses, most of which you could enter.
There were no corners, hills, side-streets, parking lots. I began work on this
map with just a "test box" and a basic street, which I then expanded, built upon
with buildings, and just fleshed out altogether. Quite literally, the map was
built upon its name - I had named it before I had even started working on it.

With dm_residential my focus was to create a very fun map that was fun to play
and good-looking. The latter part is not entirely done yet - this beta aims to
give most of the gameplay that the final should have, but there's lots of graphical
detail to add and lots of performance tweaking to be done (in addition to some
layout tweaks).

===[ WHAT'S DONE ]
- Layout, mostly.
- Spawn/weapon placement.
- Map "size" overall, mostly.

- A few new interiors.
- Building detailing, mostly.
- More hallways (maybe a few blocked off).
- Buildings lining the streets farther off, more to see in the distance.
- Layout tweaking altogether.

===[ INFO ]
Build time: 2+ months
Compile time: 2 1/2 hours
Map size: Large (8+ players)
Contact: midkay @

===[ CREDITS ]
midkay (creator)
scorche, as_Bitter, Arnold J. Rimmer (playtesting/feedback)
Addicted to Morphine, Finger, reaper47, Elon Yariv (feedback)
Everybody at The SnarkPit (humor, inspiration, feedback, time wasting...)
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