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Download Name: dm_hogs_down  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: swallocks

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 3.63 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 59

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Well i have been playing deathmatch for as long as i care to remember and thought i would have a go at making maps for it.
After many many lame attempts and many more steam screw ups i finally have a map that i am majorly proud of. The theme was always going to be lego space.
I always hated maps that you died if falling off so i have combated this with a teleport that has 7 different destinations (randomized) (you will only lose 10 health) with a additional 2 teleports on the bottom platform to take you back to the top platform. All teleports allow physics object to pass through which is good for the physics skeleton. health,suit ammo and weapons are all behind the breakable glass, also random lego physics pieces scattered around the map. Come visit our server and say hi @

And finally id like to thank AlcyToronto for the help he provided with the texture alignment [L^s] Steve for the help sorting out the glass issue and all the regular player and my fellow admins on hogs-back server thank you guys i would not have been able to do it without you all

There are many custom things within this map and unfortunatly i am unable to recall where i got them all the 2 i can recall(with help) are Boharox & amstaff for the lego texture and the Skybox if i have missed anyone out please PM me and i will edit accordingly
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Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

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