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Download Name: dm_boundless  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: Christoph

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 19.78 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

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Views: 54

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

The basic idea of the map was to create a tower that repeats endlessly and creates the illusion of infinite height. It has 3 floors that are designed in such a way that they can seamlessly be stacked on top of each other and thus in theory create an endless map.

In practice this is obviously not possible. I created a single set of 3 floors and connected the bottom and top with teleporters. This is the only practical way to make a working map based on the idea. Unfortunately the illusion of a continuous space is mostly destroyed by the teleporters. I wish I had real portals (as in the game 'Portal') to connect the floors. With those the idea would work much, much better. Alas, there is no way to get portals to work in Half-life 2 multiplayer. It's a different version of the source engine. So I have to live with the 'simple' teleporters. I hope basic idea still becomes apparent when you play the map. Another unique element in the map is the architecture. Unlike most maps it was not build on the editors basic grid that creates a lot of 90 degree angles. Instead I used a 'fake' grid with a 60 degree angle between the x and y axis. That allowed me to create a hexagonal layout for the tower.

With a hexagonal shape for the basic layout I could do some very interesting things. Three corners of the tower form big open shafts that allow sunlight pass directly to the center. The other 3 corners of the tower form 'usable' space where the player can walk. This partitioning of the space is extended by the vertically repeating layout of the tower. In the vertical direction the open and the walkable spaces alternate. This effect is achieved by the fact that the 3 floors are not designed to be simply stacked on top of each other. Each copy of the 3 floors also has to be rotated by 60 degrees to connect flawlessly with the lower set of 3 floors. So in essence the tower is an endlessly winding structure with 3 big shafts that alternate their orientation each 3 floors. I hope this doesn't sound too confusing. Just play the map ... it should make things more clear :)
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