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Download Name: dm_egypt_story  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: ‹FENIX›

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 24.99 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 82

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

remake of old q3 map "story to tell" by necrosis

Recommended for 1v1 friendly gaming

Also this stuff can be usefull for mappers, coz contains many advanced mapping stuff, like custom sound script, custom models, particles, sounds, smarty inputs and outputs, flags, etc.

Download video:

125 custom materials
39 custom models
14 custom sounds
8 spawns
2 custom particles
three smg_grenade
two shotgun
two crossbow
two ar2 ball
one .357
one Ar2
821 func_detail

413 portalclusters
1125 numportals

Random color spawns:
255 255 255
102 255 51
255 255 0
0 168 100
255 244 96
255 204 51
107 192 113
102 204 255
255 153 204
102 204 255

coz map not very well optimized
for me in 1v1 games it's 200-300 fps.. but many ppl have 60-80 
maybe i should use more models exept func_detail, optimize visibility, etc... any way... i'm tired of mapping and editing this map for this year... maybe sometime i will create optimized version... but not very soon. You can help me. I allow to use .vmf and stuff for anyone. You can make port of this map for any game, if you like it...

I'm sorry for my sukableat english. Thank you if you understand.

Music: Douglas Irvine - Sun Boat Drifting
Music in video: Ali Jihad Racy - The Land Of The Blessed

Special thanks to:
Jora (for inspiration, helping with  i/o system questions and many other things, .fgd's, best batch compiler, etc)
BIG respect to wallworm (3dsMax plugin) creator - Shawn Olson
BIG thanks to all content owners (models, textures that i use in this map)

.vmf mapsrc included in archive for ur curiosity.
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