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The Exile Grounds

Download Name: The Exile Grounds  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: Shrapnel Cruz

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 6.83 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 76

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Second Half Life 2 map ever released. It's been nearly 4 years since I've released any maps whatsoever. I had started this one back in 2006 and just let it collect virtual dust on my Hard Drive. There were a few problems with the editor that really put me off, such as the compiler in limbo and the constant crashing.

After fighting with the editor and countless crashes I managed to finally get this baby compiled. I scrapped it so many times and decided that it would probably never be completed, but after giving it some thought, I realized I had a lot of free time to waste. Why not just finish this in the meantime.
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