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Download Name: dm_hms_karungi_ii_orbit  

Category: PC Game Mods Half Life 2 Mods Half Life 2: Deathmatch - Maps

Author: LORD_M

Submitted By: Craig

Date Added:

File Size: 20.08 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 60

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Finally I can release this map that I have worked on for more then 4 months!
I have to say, because of that I suck at optimizing there may be some lag for those owning a "lesser good" computer. Sorry about that.
There is a lot of buttons in the map, I suggest you try and find out what they do. Remember that some buttons unlocks other buttons.

You can walk around inside the WHOLE ship, I couldn't get enough screenshots up so I can't show you more.

LORD M (that is me) - for making the map
PLing - for making the citadel-covered earth model
GiGaBiTe - for making the rocketflames and his invaluable help and advice
lazermaniac - for making the costum skyboxtexture representing stars and for compiling PLing's dying earth model
In$ane - for help and advice

Credits also goes to the people over at "" and
"" for giving me support and suggestions.
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Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

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