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Gun - Complete set

Download Name: Gun - Complete set  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Author: -Richy

Submitted By: frogface30

Date Added:

File Size: 149.29 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 251

Views: 1,160

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

This is a complete saveset for the game Gun made by Activision. If
followed correctly you will easily be on your way to a easy 1000.
These saves are ordered so that they will pop in a correct order and
all look legit. I made this saveset and do not post it anywhere else
without permission. If wanted just ask.

Click Folder one and follow the folders in order, each folder inside
the first folder have a guide to help it isnt that hard. The first
folder is all easy mode achievements. NO the achievements do not stack
which is why they are all seperated by modes.

After you are done with the first folder you should have a hang of the
game and continue on down the numbered folders in order. This set is also
very useful to those who need some of the harder achievements but don't
want to put int the work.

Follow the order of the folders and all will look legit.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: Xbox Forum

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