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Dead Island Ultimate Game save

Download Name: Dead Island Ultimate Game save  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Modded Game Saves

Author: TTG-WaRmOdZx

Submitted By: TTG-WaRmOdZx

Date Added:

File Size: 19.96 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 5

Downloads: 2,139

Views: 12,604

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:


Max Rank ( 60 )

Unlimited health

Unlimited sprint


All weapons on the game ( UPGRADED / UNLIMITED AMMO )


This is by far the best modded game save out there.


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"Dead Island Ultimate Game save" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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SkyDoesMods This is by far not even close to the best one out there, lol i made a better one then this almost a year ago. i had all of the above including every hidden weapon every skull secret droppable mission items, combined weps, every wep one hit kill without dev mod, including everyones skill, plus all skilles set too 32757 or something like that, i ahvent modded dead island in so long any who never claim its the best because its far far far from it, other then that nice beginner save

Lol The one I posted back in may 2012 had all this and more too, I know how you feel.

If both of you have such good saves why don't you post them? You could help people out...


SkyDoesMods This is by far not even close to the best one out there, lol i made a better one then this almost a year ago. i had all of the above including every hidden weapon every skull secret droppable mission items, combined weps, every wep one hit kill without dev mod, including everyones skill, plus all skilles set too 32757 or something like that, i ahvent modded dead island in so long any who never claim its the best because its far far far from it, other then that nice beginner save

Lol The one I posted back in may 2012 had all this and more too, I know how you feel.


Add me if u can mod dead island for PS3. Add me - mean_hobo_ on PS3


SkyDoesMods This is by far not even close to the best one out there, lol i made a better one then this almost a year ago. i had all of the above including every hidden weapon every skull secret droppable mission items, combined weps, every wep one hit kill without dev mod, including everyones skill, plus all skilles set too 32757 or something like that, i ahvent modded dead island in so long any who never claim its the best because its far far far from it, other then that nice beginner save

i think i got that save


This is by far not even close to the best one out there, lol i made a better one then this almost a year ago. i had all of the above including every hidden weapon every skull secret droppable mission items, combined weps, every wep one hit kill without dev mod, including everyones skill, plus all skilles set too 32757 or something like that, i ahvent modded dead island in so long any who never claim its the best because its far far far from it, other then that nice beginner save